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Important Questions for Class 6

Chapter 11- Algebra

Very Short Answer Questions 1 Marks

1. Express algebraically: 3 more than x .

Ans: The algebraic expression of the given statement is x  3 .

2. What is the exponential form of x x x x ....15 times ?

Ans: The given expression x  x  x  x  ...15 times .
Recall that, x  x  x 2 ,
x  x  x  x3 ,
x  x  x  x  x 4 , etc.
Therefore, the number of times x is multiplied with itself equals x to the power
of that number.
Thus, x  x  x  x  ...15 times  x15 .

3. What is the product form of x2 y 7 ?

Ans: The given algebraic expression is x 2 y 7 .
Recall that, the number of times x is multiplied with itself equals x to the power
of that number.
Therefore, x 2  x  x .
Similarly, y7  y  y  y  y  y  y  y .
Thus, x 2 y7  x  x  y  y  y  y  y  y  y .

4. What is the coefficient of b in -8abc ?

Ans: The given algebraic expression is 8abc .
Recall that, the coefficient of any term in an algebraic expression is the
multiplication of other terms in that algebraic expression.
Therefore, the coefficient of the term b in the expression 8abc is 8ac .

5. What is the numerical coefficient of 4a2 ?

Ans: The given expression is 4a 2 .
It is known that, the numerical coefficient in an algebraic expression is the
number multiplied in that expression.

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Therefore, the numerical coefficient of 4a 2 is 4 .

6. What is the constant term of 2a 2  9 ?

Ans: The constant term of the expression 2a 2  9 is 9 .

7. If  1 , then y  ?
Ans: The given equation is
 1.
Multiply 5 both sides of the equation.
5   1 5
 y  5.

Short Answer Questions 2 Marks

1. Express algebraically the following statement:

8 times a number x is less than a number  .
Ans: The required algebraic expression of the given statement is
8x  z  y .

2. What are the terms in the following algebraic expression?

4ab2 + 3c2 - 5ab + 9 .
Ans: The terms of in the given expression are
4ab2 ,3c2 , 5ab, and 9 .

3. Solve the following equation and evaluate x . Also, justify the result.
x  8  17 .
Ans: The given equation is
x  8  17
Add 8 both sides of the equation.
x  8  8  17  8
 x  25
LHS  x  8
 25  8
 17

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Thus, Left-hand-side  Right-hand-side.

4. Solve the following equation and evaluate x . Also, justify the result.
x = 18 .
Ans: The given equation is
x  18
Multiply 6 both sides of the equation.
6  x  6  18
 4x  18  6
Divid both sides of the equation by 4 .
4x 18  6

4 4
 x  27 .

LHS  x
  27
 18
Hence, Left-hand-side  Right-hand-side.

Long Answer Questions 3 Marks

1. Sanjit scored 70 marks in mathematics and "x" marks in English. Find

the total score in both the subjects?
Ans: He got marks in mathematics  70 .
He got marks in English  x .
Therefore, the total marks in mathematics and English  x  70 .

2. Let p  1, q  1, and r  3 . What is the value of p3 + q3 + r 3 - 3pqr ?

Ans: The given algebraic expression is
p3  q3  r 3  3pqr …… (i)
Substituting p  1,q  1, and r  3 into the equation (i) gives

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p3  q 3  r 3  3pqr
 1   1   3  3 1 1 3
3 3 3

 1  1  27  9
 27  9
 36

3. Choose the similar terms from the following expressions.

xyz, xy 2z, xzy 2 , z 2xy, y 2xz, x2yz, zxy 2
Ans: The like terms are those which have exactly one square term involved.
Therefore, the similar terms are
xy2z, xzy2 , y2 xz, and zxy 2 .

4. Solve the equation 12x  30  6 .

Ans: The given equation is
12x  30  6
Add 30 both sides of the equation.
12x  30  30  6  30
 12x  36
Divide 12 both sides of the equation.
12x 36

12 12
 x  3.
Hence, the solution is x  3 .

5. Verify whether y  4 satisfy the equation 3y  5  7 .

Ans: The given equation is 3y  5  7 .
LHS  3  4   5
 12  5
Thus, Left-hand-side  Right-hand-side.
Hence, y  4 satisfy the given equation.

6. Solve the equation 6x  10  26  2x and evaluate x by using the method

of transposition. Then justify the answer.
Ans: The given equation is

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6x  10  26  2x
 6x  26  2x  10 , by the method of transposition.
 6x  16  2x
 6x  2x  16 , by the method of transposition.
 8x  16
Divide 8 both sides of the equation.
8x 16

8 8
x 2.

LHS  6x  10
 6  2  10
 12  10
 22
RHS  26  2x
 26  2  2
 26  4
 22
Thus, Left-hand-side  Right-hand-side.
Hence, x  2 is the solution of the given equation.

Long Answer Questions 4 or 5 Marks

1. Find the algebraic expression of the statements given below.

(a) 6 less than the quotient of x and y .
Ans: The required algebraic expression is
 6.

(b) The sum of the quotient of p , q and the product of p, q .

Ans: The quotient of p,q is .
The product of p,q is pq .
Therefore, the required algebraic expression is given by

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 pq .

(c) One fourth of the sum of x and y .

Ans: The sum of x and y is x  y .
Therefore, the required algebraic expression is given by
 x  y.

(d) 8 removed from twice the term x .

Ans: Twice the term x is 2x .
Therefore, the required algebraic expression is 2x  8 .

2. Classify monomials, binomials, and trinomials from the following

algebraic expressions.
y  5, 6x3y,  8,  3pqr, a2 + b 2 + z 2
Ans: Recall that, sum of two terms is called binomials, sum of three terms is
called trinomials and single algebraic term is called monomials.
The following table shows the required classifications.

Monomials Binomials Trinomials

6x 3 y y5 a 2  b2  z 2

3. Determine the solution of 3x  12 , by using the method of trial and errors.

Ans: The given equation is 3x  12 .
First substitute x  1 into the given equation.
3x  3 1  3  12 .
So, x  1 .
Then, substitute x  2 into the equation.
3x  3  2  6  12 .
So, x  2 .
Again, substitute x  3 into the given equation.
3x  3  3  9  12 .
Therefore, x  3 .
Now, substitute x  4 into the given equation.
Then 3x  3  4  12 .

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Thus, x  4 is the solution of the given equation.

4. Solve the following equation and evaluate x by using the method of

a7 5 .
Ans: The given equation is
a 7 5
Add 7 on both sides of the equation.
a 77 57
 a  12 
Add  on both sides of the equation.
 a a  a
a      12     
 2 2  2
a a a
 a   12  
2 2 2
2a  a
  12
  12
Multiply 2 on both sides of the equation.
 2  12  2
 a  24 .
Hence, the required solution is a  24 .

5. Solve the following equation and justify the result.

3  a + 3  + 3  a - 1  5  a + 5  .
Ans: The given equation is
3 a+3 +3 a-1  5  a+5
 3a  9  3a  3  5a  25 , multiplying the terms.
 6a  6  5a  25 , adding the like terms.
 6a  5a  25  6 , by the method of transposition.
 a  19 .

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LHS  3  a  3  3  a  1
 3 19  3  3 19  1
 3  22  3  18
 66  54
 120
RHS  5  a  5 
 5 19  5 
 5  24
 120
Thus, Left-hand-side  Right-hand-side.
Hence, the required solution of the given equation is a  19 .

6. Determine two numbers so that one is greater by 21 than another and sum
of them is 91 .
Ans: Let x be one number.
Then, another number is x  21.
By the given conditions,
x   x  21  91
 2x  21  91
Add 21 on both sides of the equation.
2x  21   21  91   21
 2x  21  21  91  21
 2x  70
Divide 2 on both sides of the equation.
2x 70

2 2
 x  35
Hence, the required numbers are 35 and 35  21 , that is 35, 56 .

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