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Received: 28 July 2020 Revised: 30 November 2020 Accepted: 7 December 2020

DOI: 10.1002/kin.21468


Purification, characterization, immobilization and kinetic

studies of catalase from a novel source Sechium edule

Nene Takio Meera Yadav Mridusmita Barman Hardeo Singh Yadav

Department of Chemistry, North Eastern

Regional Institute of Science and Abstract
Technology, Nirjuli, Itanagar, India A catalase from a novel source Sechium edule (squash) has been purified to
homogeneity using ammonium sulfate fractional precipitation, dialysis, and
Meera Yadav, Department of Chemistry, anion exchange chromatography on Diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) cellulose in
North Eastern Regional Institute of Sci- sodium acetate buffer pH 6.0. The purity of the enzyme was analyzed by SDS-
ence and Technology, Nirjuli, Itanagar 791
109, India. PAGE. The molecular weight of the enzyme using the SDS-PAGE method was
Email: found to be 55 kDa with specific activity 6.35 U/mg. The molecular weight of
the enzyme was further confirmed by the INTACT mass spectrometric technique
and found to be 52.5 kDa. The Reinheitzahl (Rz) value of the enzyme was 1.5. The
MALDI-TOF analysis of the purified enzyme showed that it contains 529 amino
acid residues. The Km , Vmax, optimum pH, and optimum temperature of the free
enzyme using H2 O2 as the substrate were found to be 0.03 mM, 200 μmol/min,
7.6, and 24◦ C, respectively. The purified enzyme was immobilized on chitosan
beads which was prepared by extracting the chitosan from Cornu aspersum (gar-
den snail) having highest degree of deacetylation%. The kinetic characteristics,
Km , Vmax, optimum pH, and optimum temperature of the immobilized cata-
lase were found to be 0.065 mM, 250 μmol/min, 7.6, and 41◦ C, respectively. The
immobilized catalase is more thermostable in comparison to free catalase.

catalase, chitosan, immobilization, purification, thermostability

1 INTRODUCTION The first stage involves oxidation of the heme iron by

H2 O2 substrate to form the oxyferryl group with a π-
Catalase (CAT) (oxidoreductase, EC first isolated cationic porphyrin radical (Cpd I) with displacement of
from bovine liver is a metalloenzyme localized in peroxi- water. In the second stage, Cpd I reacts with another H2 O2
somes, and it degrades hydrogen peroxide into water and molecule to release the original hemenzyme, H2 O and O2 .5
oxygen.1-4 CAT is a tetrameric heme protein with molecu- CAT undergoes several reactions with compounds like
lar weight around 240 kDa and possesses one of the highest cyanides, sulfides, halogens and also participate in hydrox-
turnover rates of enzymes. Dismutation of H2 O2 occurs via ylation of aromatic compounds, desulfurization, epoxi-
a two-stage degradation mechanism: dation, and oxidation of nitric oxide and so on.6 CAT
) has been isolated and studied from animals, bacterial,
H2 O2 + Enzyme Por-Fe
( +∙ IV ) and fungal sources whereas well-characterized CAT from
→ H2 O + 𝐂𝐩𝐝𝐈
( Por -Fe )= O plants sources are rare.7–9 The CATs are biotechnologi-
H2 O2 + 𝐂𝐩𝐝𝐈 Por+∙ -Fe
IV = O
) cally important enzymes used in numerous applications
→ H2 O + Enzyme Por-FeIII + O2 . in bioremediation of organic pollutants such as phenols,

596 © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC Int J Chem Kinet. 2021;53:596–610.
TAKIO et al. 597

removal of H2 O2 residues in textile industries, preservation

of food, drug delivery, and in analytical field as a biosensor,
micromotors etc. However, the use of soluble enzyme is
limited due to denaturation, instability, high cost, and non-
reusability. The immobilization of enzyme on solid sup-
ports and using it in a column, enhances its reusability,
and thermal stability and reduces the cost of the industrial
process.10 This is the reason why immobilized enzymes are
preferred in industries.
CAT was immobilized on various organic and inor-
ganic supporting materials like cellulose, dextran, chi-
tosan, agarose, collagen, polystyrene, carbon nanotubes,
magnesium silicate, gold, hybrid support, eggshell and
were characterized and studied its performance in terms
of applications.11 Immobilization of CAT has been studied
from few plants species, but so far no report has been dis-
cussed from chayote squash.
Keeping this point in view, the authors have isolated
CAT from a novel source Sechium edule (squash) to homo-
geneity and determined its enzymatic characteristics like
molecular weight, Km , Vmax , pH, and temperature optima.
The enzyme has been immobilized on chitosan beads, and
the enzymatic characteristics of the immobilized enzyme
were determined. It was observed that the activity and ther-
mal stability of the immobilized enzyme were enhanced
without changing the pH optima of the enzyme. The
results are reported in this communication. This character-
istic features provide advantages over soluble CAT which Deacetylation of obtained
makes it an important industrial tool to overcome chal-
lenges of biocatalyst applications.


2.1 Chemicals

Chemicals includes DEAE-cellulose from Sigma Aldrich,

and protein markers for SDS-PAGE analysis was purchased
from Bangalore Genei Pvt. Ltd. All other chemicals were F L O W C H A R T 1 Flowchart of preparation of chitosan from
either from Merck or SD fine Co. Ltd. animal wastes. RT: room temperature [Color figure can be viewed at]

2.2 Enzyme purification a Sigma model 3K-30 refrigerated centrifuge at 4000 g for
20 min at 4◦ C to remove cloudiness and obtain a clear solu-
Screening was done for CAT activity in vegetable fruits col- tion. The steps involved in purification of enzyme is given
lected from a local market, and it was found that Sechium in Flowchart 1.
edule (squash) possessed the highest CAT activity among
all fruits collected. A screening chart is not shown. The
process of purification proceeded with the isolation of 2.3 Ammonium sulfate precipitation
enzyme from the plant Sechium edule. The fruit was cut
and crushed into tiny pieces by mortar and pestle, and juice The supernatant collected after centrifugation was concen-
was extracted by filtering crushed pieces into four layers trated by ammonium sulfate precipitation method. One
of cheese cloth. The extracted juice was centrifuged using milliliter of of the centrifuged enzyme was collected in
598 TAKIO et al.

each of 10 Effendorf tubes marked from 10 to 100% ammo- 2.7 SDS-PAGE analysis
nium sulfate distribution with reference to Wood.12 After
addition of ammonium sulfate in each tube, the mixture The homogeneity and purity of the enzyme preparation
was kept for 1 h at constant stirring and checked for enzy- was checked by the SDS-PAGE method.14 The separating
matic activity in a UV spectrophotometer. The saturation gel was 30% acrylamide in a Tris-SDS buffer of pH 8.8, and
of proteins was observed at 80%, and finally the ammo- stacking gel was 30% acrylamide in tris-SDS buffer (pH
nium sulfate mixture of 80%, that is, 568 g was added in 6.8). The electrophoresis was performed at a constant volt-
1000 mL enzyme solution and left overnight for complete age and current at 100 V and 20 mA for 4 h and was visu-
precipitation of enzymes. alized by using ezee blue staining. The molecular weight
markers were bovine serum albumin (66 kDa), ovalalbu-
min (43 kDa), carbonic anhydrase (29 kDa), and lysozyme
2.4 Dialysis (14 kDa).

The precipitated enzymatic solution (10 mL) obtained from

above method was loaded into a semipermeable dialyzing 2.8 INTACT mass analysis
membrane and was placed in a dialyzing 10 mM sodium
acetate buffer (pH 7.0) with constant stirring with three For further confirmation of molecular weight of purified
changes of buffer at 24 h of interval. The final volume protein, INTACT mass analysis was done through Q-TOF
of dialyzed solution and dialysate determine the equilib- SYAPT G2 mass spectrometry. To 50 μL of the sample,
rium concentration of small molecules on both sides of the 0.1% Formic acid (FA) was added and it was analyzed on
membrane. the ESI-Q-TOF instrument for intact molecular weight by
direct infusion. The raw data were processed and deconvo-
luted by MassLynx 4.1 WATERS software.
2.5 Ion exchange chromatography

The dialyzed crude extract (13 mL) was loaded into an 2.9 MALDI-TOF analysis
anion exchanger DEAE-cellulose previously equilibrated
with 10 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH 6.0) at a flow Sample was analyzed by trypsin digestion of SDS-PAGE gel
rate of 16 mL/H and was washed with 100 mL of same cut containing pure enzyme through MALDI-TOF mass
buffer to remove unbound proteins. The protein was eluted spectrometry. It is a simple operation, a good mass accu-
with NaCl linear gradient (0.01–0.2 M) in the same buffer. racy with high resolution and sensitivity. In this approach,
The collected fractions (30.0 mL) were analyzed for CAT peptides are generated by digesting proteins of interest
activity and checked for the protein concentration using with a sequence-specific enzyme like trypsin. Then the
Lowry’s method.13 The active fractions were combined and peptides are analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrome-
concentrated using an Amicon concentration cell model try to get the peptide masses. The experimental masses
8200 and ultrafiltration membrane PM-10. The purified are compared against a database containing theoretical
enzyme was stored at 4◦ C and used as source in following peptide masses from a given organism with the same
experiments. sequence-specific protease.
The sample was ionized in a TOF mass spectrome-
ter, and a full postdecay source (PSD) spectra from pep-
2.6 Protein content analysis tides were successfully recorded, and their amino acid
sequences were determined. Using the peak masses deter-
Using Lowry’s method, the protein content in a sample mined from the PSD ion spectrum, a peptide sequence
was estimated. 0.1 mL enzyme was added to 1 mL of 1 N delivers a set of sequence propositions by combinatory
NaOH at 100◦ C and allowed to stand for 5 min. Then added calculations. For each sequence proposition, a ranking
5 mL of alkaline copper reagent and allowed the mixture coefficient is calculated based on the level of correspon-
to stand for 10 min. 0.5 mL of Folin–Ciocalteu reagent was dence between the theoretical fragmentation pattern of
added and mixed, and the sample was kept at room temper- the sequence proposition (N-terminal, C-terminal, and
ature for 30 min. Absorbance at 750 nm was measured for internal fragment ions) and the PSD spectrum. Each pro-
the mixture. The amount of the protein content in the mix- posed sequence is then searched in a protein database.15
ture was calculated with a standard curve prepared using The sample was analyzed through Mascot: http://www.
bovine serum albumin.
TAKIO et al. 599

residue was washed with distilled water until neutral pH

was obtained and oven dried.

The dried residue was treated with 4% NaOH with a solid-
to-solvent ratio of 1:5 (w/v) for 20 h at room temperature
for the removal of protein and formation of chitin slurry.
The obtained residue was again washed until neutral pH
and oven dried.

The chitosan was obtained by treating deproteinized chitin
with 4% NaOH at room temperature with solid-solvent
ratio of 1:10 (w/v) for 24 h. The final residue was washed
and oven dried for 2 h at 80◦ C. The chitosan product was
used for its characterization.

2.10.2 Chitosan verification

To verify presence of chitosan, the produced residue was

treated with iodine/KI solution and acidified with two
to three drops of 1% H2 SO4 .17 The residue was initially
changed to dark brown on I/KI addition but turned to dark
purple on H2 SO4 addition which indicated presence of chi-

2.10.3 Chitosan characterization

F L O W C H A R T 2 CAT enzyme purification method from Yield
Sechium edule [Color figure can be viewed at] The yield percentage was obtained by comparing the
weight of the raw material to the chitosan obtained:
2.10 Immobilization study ( )
weight of chitosan produced
Yield% = × 100.
2.10.1 Extraction of chitosan weight of the raw material

The raw material exoskeleton wastes were collected Moisture content

from different animal sources Cornu aspersum (garden The moisture content of chitosan was determined by oven
snail), Periplaneta americana (cockroach), Dendrobranchi- drying chitosan at 110◦ C for 12 h.
ata (prawn), Brachyura (crab), Labeo rohita (fish rohu) , ( )
and Colossoma brachypomum (fish red pomfret) collected 𝑤2 − 𝑤1
Moisture % = × 100,
from rivers, households, and nearby local fish markets. 𝑤1
The extraction of chitosan involved three stage processes
Where w1 is the weight of chitosan and w2 is the weight
of demineralization, deproteinization, and deacetylation.
of oven dried chitosan.
Prior to demineralization, the exoskeletons were washed
with distilled water to remove organic residues and dried Water binding capacity
in oven for 24 h.16 The steps involved in extraction of chi- Water binding capacity (WBC) was measured by weighing
tosan is given are Flowchart 2. 0.5 g of chitosan in 10 mL distilled water in a centrifuge
tube. The mixture was shaken every 5 s for 10 min and cen-
Demineralization trifuged at 3200 rpm for 25 min. The tube was weighed after
The dried wastes were treated with 2% HCl with a solid-to- decantation of supernatant, and WBC was calculated.
solvent ratio of 1:5 (w/v) at room temperature for 22 h for
the removal of inorganic matter of CaCO3 upper layer. The WBC % = (waterbound∕sampleweight) × 100.
600 TAKIO et al.

Solubility a microsyringe, the chitosan solution was slowly dropped

The solubility was checked by weighing 0.1 g of chitosan into 1% Tripolyphosphate (TPP) solution to form activated
in a centrifuge tube was dissolved with 10 mL of 1% acetic chitosan beads. After immersing beads for 3–4 h in a TPP
acid for 30 min in a magnetic stirrer at room tempera- solution, the beads were separated out and again dropped
ture. The tube was then immersed in boiling H2 O bath for in the NaOH solution (pH 9.0) for 1 h to neutralize as well
10 min and centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 20 min. The residue remove excess unreacted TPP. Cross-linked chitosan beads
was isolated and poured distilled water in the tube and were taken out and washed with distilled water and oven
was again centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 20 min. The pellet dried at 100◦ C for 30 min.19
obtained was oven dried at 60◦ C overnight.

(Initial weight of tube + Chitosan) − (Final weight of tube + Chitosan)

Solubility % = × 100. (2)
(Intial weight of tube + Chitosan) − (Initial weight of tube)

Determination of degree of deacetylation (DD)

2.10.5 Catalase immobilization on
0.1 g of chitosan was dissolved in 25 mL of 0.06 M HCl for
chitosan beads
1 h, and further it was diluted to 50 mL for titration with
0.1 N NaOH solution. The titration was continued until pH
One milliliter of CAT enzyme was mixed with activated
3.75 under constant stirring. The volume was checked and
chitosan beads for 5 h under constant stirring and washed,
again continued until pH 8, and the total volume of NaOH
dried, and stored at 4◦ C in a fridge.
was recorded.17-18
Using given below formula, the degree of deacetylation
was calculated: 2.11 Enzyme assay of CAT
(𝐶1 𝑉1 − 𝐶2 𝑉2 ) × 0.016
NH2 % = × 100, (3) Spectrophotometric determination of CAT activity was
𝐺 (100 − 𝑊) monitored by decreased in absorbance of H2 O2 substrate
at λ = 240 nm and molar extinction coefficient value of
where C1 is the HCl concentration, C2 is the NaOH concen-
39.4 M−1 cm−1 . One milliliter of reaction mixture consisted
tration, V1 is the volume of HCl solution, V2 is the volume
of 59 mM H2 O2 in 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and
of NaOH solution, 0.016 is the molecular weight of NH2 in
a suitable aliquot of the enzyme solution at room temper-
0.06 M HCl solution, G is sample weight, and W is moisture
ature. One enzyme unit is defined as decomposition of 1
content of chitosan (%).
μM of H2 O2 per minute. To check activity of immobilized
NH2 % enzyme, the CAT immobilized beads were immersed for
DD% = × 100, (4) in 10 mL of 10 mM H2 O2 solution in 50 mM phosphate
buffer (pH 7.0) at room temperature for 5 min. The chi-
where 9.94% is a theoretical NH2 % value tosan beads were removed from the H2 O2 solution, and UV
absorbance of reaction mixture was monitored and calcu-
lated for immobilized CAT activity.10
Fourier transform infrared spectrocopy
The infrared red spectra of chitosan was determined
using a Perkin-Elmer Fourier transform infrared 2.12 UV/Vis spectral studies of pH,
(FTIR) spectrophotometer at a scanning range of temperature optima, and Km , Vmax
400–4000 cm−1 with KBr pellet at room temperature.
The chitosan sample was mixed with KBr powder and The optimum pH of both free and immobilized CAT
compressed into a thin pellet for identification of chitosan enzyme was determined by measuring steady-state veloc-
formed. ity of enzymatic reaction in solution of pH ranging from
3.5 to 9.0 using 50 mM phosphate buffer, and a graph was
plotted of steady-state velocity versus various pH in 59 mM
2.10.4 Preparation of chitosan beads H2 O2 solution at room temperature. The optimum tem-
perature of both free and immobilized enzyme was deter-
Around 1 g of extracted chitosan was dissolved in 100 mL of mined by change in the absorbance rate at varying tem-
5% CH3 COOH under constant stirring for 1 h and was left peratures in the range of 10–70◦ C, and a graph was plotted
overnight for the removal of air bubbles. With the help of for comparison. The Km and Vmax of free and immobilized
TAKIO et al. 601

TA B L E 1 Purification chat for CAT from Sechium edule fruit juice

Total Specific Total Total
Sl volume Protein Activity activity protein activity Purification Percentage
no. Steps (mL) (mg/mL) (U/mL) (U/mg) (mg) (U) fold recovery
1 Crude enzyme 1010.00 0.33 0.23 0.69 333.30 232.30 1.00 100
2 Concentrated enzyme 10.00 1.85 4.30 2.32 18.50 43.00 1.60 18.50
3 Dialyzed enzyme 13.00 0.75 2.30 3.06 9.75 29.9 4.43 12.74
4 DEAE 30.00 0.20 0.96 4.8 6.00 28.80 6.95 12.38
5 Amicon concentrated 7.00 0.56 3.56 6.35 3.92 24.92 9.20 10.72

enzyme were calculated at different H2 O2 concentrations edule. The process here involved crushing, extracting,
and compared by linear regression analysis of double recip- ultrafiltration and anion-exchange chromatography on
rocal plots, and a graph was plotted. DEAE-cellulose, which is summarized in Table 1. The
The Km (Michelis–Menten constant) and Vmax of CAT extracted enzyme was treated with different concentra-
was determined by steady-state velocities of enzyme tions of (NH4 )2 SO4 , which showed complete precipitation
reaction by varying concentrations of H2 O2 in the at 80% as saturation point of CAT activity. CAT purified
range of 0.001–0.070 mM in phosphate buffer (pH 7.6, at ninefold with 10.72% yield was achieved as shown in
0.05 mM) at room temperature with a fixed CAT saturating Table 1. The enzyme elution profile is shown in Figure 1.
concentration.20 The value of Km and Vmax was established The SDS-PAGE analysis of purified enzyme concluded
by plotting a double reciprocal graph of the data calculated that a single protein band in lane 2 with molecular mass
using the Lineweaver–Burk formula: of 55 kDa was obtained as shown in Figure 2. The relative
( )( ) migration distance (Rf ) graph plotted in Figure 2 validates
1 𝐾𝑚 1 1 that molecular weight of enzyme is around 55 kDa. Molec-
= + , (5)
𝑉 𝑉max 𝑆 𝑉max ular weight was further confirmed from INTACT mass
analysis as shown in Figure 3, and molecular weight was
where V is the rate of reaction, S is the substrate concen-
found to be 52.55 kDa. The number of amino acid residues
tration, Km is the Michelis–Menten constant, and Vmax is
found in the purified CAT was determined by MALDI anal-
the maximum reaction rate of enzyme.
ysis and was found to be 529 residues as given below;



Molecular weight is comparable with other known

species as summarized in Table 2. The molecular weight
3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of CAT varies from the range 53–72 kDa for its monomeric
unit. UV spectra of the pure enzyme shows its peak
3.1 Catalase purification at 420 nm shifted towards longer wavelength instead
of 405 nm for the presence of hemeprotein (figure not
The purification of CAT from plant sources has been stud- shown). However, the Soret band displayed by the enzyme
ied extensively but not yet been purified from Sechium was slightly shifted to longer wavelength (420 vs. 405 nm),
602 TAKIO et al.

F I G U R E 1 Elution profile of CAT enzyme from DEAE column where (•) represent protein and (•) of CAT activity [Color figure can be
viewed at]

3.2 Chitosan characterization

3.2.1 Yield, moisture content, solubility,

degree of deacetylation, and water-binding

The yield, moisture content, solubility, water-binding

capacity, and degree of deacetylation percentage of
extracted chitosan from different sources are summa-
rized in Table 3. The yield % is obtained by calculat-
ing the dry weight of the extracted chitosan from the
dried raw material, where from Cornu aspersum shells,
the obtained yield was 10.3% compared to reported yield
of 12.73%.34 Colossoma brachypomum fish scales yield was
10.1%, Labio rohita fish scales yield obtained was 9.1%. A
similar study16,35 reported yield of 22.4% and 7.72%. Peri-
planata americana obtained yield was 5.05%, whereas from
Dendrobranchiate and Brachyura shells, the relative yield
percentage was 6.6 and 8.2. The variation in the yield
percentage can be explained by different species being
used and effect of acid and alkali reaction time on the
exoskeletons. However, the yield is also affected by loss
F I G U R E 2 SDS-PAGE analysis. Lane 1: protein marker, lane 2: of sample weight during the deacetylation process lead-
purified CAT, and lane 3: crude enzyme [Color figure can be viewed
ing to excessive removal of the polymeric group from the
The moisture content of the extracted chitosan of all
and the Reinheitzahl value (Rz index = (A405 /A280 ) was 1.5, species showed average percentage range from 3 to 12%
which is higher than in the case of the Ipomea batatas (Rz compared to the report obtained by Lertsuttiwong et al.,36
index = 0.67)21 and Solanum tuberosum (Rz index = 0.88)22 where moisture content measured was 6–12% and also
CAT and equal to Lens culinaris CAT.23 The peaks Alishahi et al.37 acknowledged moisture content of chi-
around 420 nm and above 475 nm are only due to heme tosan to be lesser than 10%. Being hygroscopic in nature,
absorption. the rate of moisture absorption differed in different species
TAKIO et al. 603

FIGURE 3 INTACT mass analysis of purified CAT [Color figure can be viewed at]

where lower moisture content suggests enhance quality fish of about 660.6%43 and from shrimps of reported WBC
and stability.38 358%.39 This may be due to particle sizes of the extracted
Chitosan are a semicrystalline rigid biopolymer, which chitosan, where a finer size promote increased absorption
is not soluble in most aqueous solution but at certain or the procedure applied. Another possible explanation
pH gets soluble in few acids like HCl, formic acid, acetic could be water uptake capacity of polymeric groups, dif-
acid, lactic acid, and so on.39 In the present work, the sol- ferences in salt formation, or extraction process.41
ubility of the extracted chitosan ranges from 20 to 53%
where lower solubility indicates incomplete removal of
proteins.17 3.2.2 FTIR studies of chitosan
There are several factors that affect degree of deacety-
lation of extracted chitosan from sample sources, instru- The FTIR spectral studies of extracted chitosan from var-
ments used to purification procedure applied.40 They are ious sources were analyzed and compared to character-
important parameters that affects various physiochemical ize and identify the functional group present (figure not
properties of chitosan. The duration and concentration of shown). Formation of different stretching vibrational large
alkali treatment greatly affect the deacetylation process bands between 3444.7 and 3400 cm−1 indicate overlap-
because an increase in the concentration promotes more ping of OH and NH2 groups.44-46 The peak observed
alkaline hydrolysis thus higher DD.41 The DD obtained at 2926.86 and 2888.05 cm−1 of snail and crab assigned
here ranges from 40 to 69.8% by the acid-alkali titration to the stretching vibration of alkane group (−CH, CH2 ,
method suggesting that the present extraction method is CH3 ) indicating the presence of single bond.39,44,47,48 The
more favorable for the extraction of species Colossoma band observed at 1793.28 cm−1 denotes formation of the
aspersum than Perilanata americana. Higher DD means acyl halide group stretching band (C=O). The NH2 bend-
high degree of N-deacetylation of chitin, and better is the ing vibration of amide II and C=O (amide I) group was
chitosan formation. observed at 1648.28–1646.2 cm−1 .48 Further bands formed
In the present work, the WBC of the extracted chi- between 1551.1 and 1556 cm−1 corresponds to N−H bend-
tosan ranges from 105.91% to 121%, which is quite lower ing vibrations of amide II band of the −CONH− group.
compared to the studies done on Metapenaeus sstebbingi The band formed between 1500 and 1700 cm−1 with
shells reported WBC of 712.99%,42 reported from craw- observed decreased intensity at 1656 cm-1 while increased
604 TAKIO et al.

TA B L E 2 Comparative chart of CAT characterization purified from different sources

S. Molecular
no Name of species weight (kDa) pH Km Vmax pI Temperature References

1 Pumpkin (Cucurbita sp. 59 6.5–10 124 mM 114 mmol/min 6.6 25
Amakuri Nankin)
2 Black gram (Vigna 56 7 16.2 mM 2.5 μmol/min – –
3 Parsley (Petroselinum 45.8 7 84 mM 5000 U/mL – 35
4 Sweet potato root 60 6–8 – – – –
(Ipomoea batatas)
5 Potato (Solanum 56 6–8 – – – –
4 Lentil (Lens culinaris) 54 7.5–9.5 – – 5.5 –
5 Maize (Zea mays) 60 – – – – –
6 Papaya (Carica papaya) 40 61 – – – –
7 Pea leaves (Pisum 57 – – – – –
8 Sunflower cotyledons 55–59 6–8 – – – –
10 Spinach leaf (Spinacia 72 5.3–8.9 – – – –
11 Castor bean (Ricinus 54–56 – – – – –
12 Tobacco (Nicotiana 53–55 – 0.057 M – – –
13 Cotton seed 57 – – – – –
14 loblolly pine (Pinus 59 – – – 6.8 –
15 Calla lily (Zantedeschia 54 7 5.2 40
16 Squash (Sechium edule) 55 7.6 0.03 mM 200 μmol/min 8.2 24

peak at 1597 cm−1 suggests existence of the effective 3.3 Enzymatic immobilization on
deacetylation process.49 Furthermore, the band observed chitosan beads
in the region 1466.4 cm−1 indicate deformed (symmet-
rical and asymmetrical) bending vibrations of methyl In this study, the CAT enzyme purified from Sechium edule
groups whereas 1414.9–1414 cm−1 suggest C−H bending was immobilized onto chitosan beads using TPP (sodium
vibrations of the CH2 group.39 The medium intensity tripolyphosphate) as cross-linking agent. The selection of
band formed between 1088.5,1030,1029.8, and 1010.14 cm−1 the chitosan used for immobilization was on the basis
denotes the presence of secondary and primary OH group of the highest degree of DD reported in Cornu aspersum
and C−O−C stretching vibration, which are a contribut- (garden snail) and discussed above. TPP-pretreated chi-
ing peaks of primary and cyclic alcohols,50 whereas 864.1 tosan beads were incubated with CAT for 5 h before study-
and 870.89 cm−1 signifies wagging stretching vibration of ing its spectral behavior. Chitosan are semipermeable lin-
NH2 (primary) and NH− (secondary) amine group, which ear polysaccharide comprising glucosamine and N-acetyl
are characteristic peaks for β 1,4 glycosidic bonds.44, 49 glucosamine units linked by 1–4, glycosidic bonds offers
Furthermore, the stretching vibrational peaks observed the combined benefits of the required properties of bio-
between 697 and 555 cm−1 suggests the presence of compatibility, biodegradability, and low toxicity. It con-
haloalkanes. tains three types of reactive groups which are the primary
TAKIO et al. 605

TA B L E 3 Physiochemical characterization of extracted chitosan from exoskeletons of different sources

Moisture Solubility
Sample Yield (%) Content (%) (%) WBC* (%) DD* (%)
Cornua spersum (garden snail) 10.30 3.50 30 119.57 69.80
Periplaneta americana (cockroach) 5.05 12.00 20 105.91 40.00
Dendro branchiata (prawn) 6.60 9.10 39 108.14 49.00
Brachyura (Crab) 8.20 16.00 121.00 64.30
Labeo rohita (fish rohu) 9.10 9.00 53 109.00 54.30
Colossoma brachypomum (fish red pomfret) 10.10 10.00 45 120.00 67.00
*WBC: Water binding capacity.
*DD: Degree of deacetylation.

amine group and the primary and secondary hydroxyl cient of variance less than 1.0 in both cases. Immobi-
groups at C-2, C-3, and C-6 positions. Among the three lized enzyme showed thermal stability around 39–45◦ C,
reactive groups, the primary amine at C-2 position of the whereas exhibit less activity loss in high temperature
glucosamine residues is the most considerable functional which may be due to increased enzymatic rigidity during
group for biological activities of chitosan.51 The amino immobilization in chitosan beads which helped immobi-
groups of chitosan can assist the TPP cross-linker bind- lized enzyme against thermal denaturation.54 Synergistic
ing to form covalent bonds with an enzyme. Cross-linking relation between immobilized enzyme and support also
with TPP increases the active side of the chitosan that bind led to stable enzymatic conformation promoting improved
with enzyme through hydrogen bond. Most protein con- activity at harsh conditions.55 Stabilization of enzyme
tains amino acid residues located on its surface. The cross- was observed after immobilization by entrapment, cova-
linking process began with the addition of an acid (here lent immobilization, and physical adsorption. Entrapped
acetic acid), chitosan’s −NH2 gets protonated to −NH3 + , enzyme contained hydrophobic as well as secondary inter-
then −NH3 + would bind ionotropically with the negative actions which may take part in conformational flexibil-
ion (−PO4 3− ) from TPP.52 The amino acid residues present ity changes in an enzyme molecule at higher temper-
in the enzyme binds with the chitosan through TPP cross- atures. The structural rigidity of the protein molecule
linkers as shown in Figure 4. due to immobilization decreased the extent of distor-
tion when the enzyme was exposed to elevated tem-
perature. Chitosan beads provided an external backbone
3.4 Determination of optimum pH, for enzyme molecules which resulted in protection of
temperature, Km and Vmax of CAT and its the temperature-induced structural modifications in the
effect on immobilization enzyme causing an improvement in thermostability of
the CAT.56
To obtain pH optima, free and immobilized enzyme were Using double reciprocal plots, the graph was plotted and
treated in various pH ranges from 3.5 to 9.00 in phos- Km of free and immobilized enzyme was calculated. The
phate buffer at room temperature. The rate of change in kinetic parameters of free and immobilized CAT is shown
enzyme activity in different pH is given in Figure 5A. in Table 4.
Data were plotted in triplicate with a standard deviation The Km values were found to be 0.03 and 0.065 mM for
value for both enzyme was found to be 0.05, and the free and immobilized CAT using H2 O2 as variable sub-
coefficient of variance was less than 1. Figures revealed strate, and Vmax for free and immobilized were calculated
that both free and immobilized CAT gave optimum pH as 200 and 250 μmol/min established from the Figure 6A,B,
at 7.60 suggesting immobilization promotes broader pH respectively. Data were plotted in triplicate with a standard
stability and lesser sensitivity towards changing pH of deviation value of 2.05 (free enzyme) and 1.95 (immobilized
enzymes.10,53 enzyme), and the coefficient of variance was less than 1.0 in
The enzymatic activity of free and immobilized enzyme both cases. Increased Km value of immobilized CAT indi-
was calculated in different temperature conditions in the cates lower affinity for its substrate H2 O2 which is likely to
range of 10–70◦ C, and it is concluded that optimum tem- be caused by structural, conformational, or environmental
perature of free and immobilized was found to be 24 changes of CAT and steric hindrance.10,53,57,58 But the Vmax
and 41◦ C as shown in Figure 5B. Data were plotted in value increased indicating that the activity of the enzyme
triplicate with a standard deviation value of 0.022 (free is retained and is higher even if low concentration of sub-
enzyme) and 0.05 (immobilized enzyme) and a coeffi- strate H2 O2 is present.
606 TAKIO et al.

F I G U R E 4 (A) Interaction of chitosan with TPP, (B) cross-linking and activation of chitosan by TPP, and (C) immobilization of CAT
enzyme on activated chitosan support
TAKIO et al. 607

F I G U R E 5 Effect of (A) pH and (B) temperature on activity of free and immobilized enzyme was detected via UV–Vis spectrophotometer.
Conditions: (A) Reaction mixture of 1 mL solution consisted of 50 mM phosphate buffer, 59 mM H2 O2 and 40 μL enzyme at RT. The pH of
buffer was varied from 3.0 to 9.0. (B) Reaction mixture remains the same except as above but the buffer solution was prepared at pH 7.6. The
temperature was varied from 10 to 70◦ C and absorbance was monitored at 240 nm [Color figure can be viewed at]

TA B L E 4 Kinetics parameters of free and immobilized CAT enzyme from Sechium edule

Vmax Temperature
Enzyme Km (mM) (µmol/min) pH optima optima (◦ C)
Free CAT 0.030 200 7.60 24
Immobilized CAT 0.065 250 7.60 41

4 CONCLUSION protein and showed its Soret band shifted to longer wave-
length at 420 nm. Sequences of purified enzyme have
Sechium edule (squash) is a rich source of CAT with spe- been identified by MALDI-TOF analysis and found to
cific activity 6.35 U/mg. The CAT enzyme was purified have 529 amino acid residues. Chitosan extracted from
to homogeneity by adopting different steps of extraction from different animal sources Cornu aspersum (garden
and purification and purified to ninefold from Sechium snail), Periplaneta americana (Cockroach) Dendrobranchi-
edule (squash). Molecular weight determined by SDS- ate (prawn), Brachyura (crab), Labeo rohita (fish rohu)
PAGE analysis was 55 kDa, which was further confirmed were characterized in terms of yield percentage, moisture
by INTACT mass analysis and found to be 52.5 kDa. The Rz content percentage, solubility percentage, WBC percent-
value (A405 /A280 ) found to be 1.5. Spectral analysis showed age, and DD percentage. The DD percentage was high for
that the purified CAT consists of heme and is a heme- Cornu aspersum (garden snail). FTIR analysis of chitosan
608 TAKIO et al.

F I G U R E 6 Michelis–Menten and double reciprocal plots of (A) free and (B) immobilized enzyme using H2 O2 as variable substrates. In
both (A) and (B), the 1- mL reaction mixture consisted of 50 mM phosphate buffer of pH 7.6, distilled water, 40 μL enzyme, and concentration
of H2 O2 was varied at room temperature [Color figure can be viewed at]

extracted from different sources was done and concluded free CAT and has lower affinity for H2 O2 . Thus CAT iso-
from characterization based on different parameters that lated can be immobilized with better catalytic activity was
chitosan extracted from Cornu aspersum (garden snail) retained.
was better for the chitosan preparation. The CAT enzyme
was immobilized on chitosan beads prepared from chi- AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
tosan extracted. The enzymatic characteristic parameters Department of Chemistry and Central Research Facility
like Km , Vmax, optimum pH, and optimum temperature of (CRF), NERIST, Nirjuli, Itanagar, are highly acknowledged
free and immobilized enzyme were calculated using H2 O2 for providing necessary facilities. This research work was
as the substrate and found to be 0.03 mM, 200 μmol/min, supported by UGC, New Delhi, India, under ‘National
7.6, and 24◦ C for free CAT and 0.065 mM, 250 μmol/min, Fellowship for ST’[award number: 201718-NFST-ARU-
7.6 and 41◦ C. Immobilized CAT is more thermostable to 01696].
TAKIO et al. 609

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