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Kristy Guerrieri 2/2/23

ISTE Educator Standards

ISTE Educator Standards: ISTE Student Standards:

2.1 Learner: An Educator must con-nually learn to 1.1 Empowered learner: Students leverage
improve in their field while exploring new ways to technology to take an ac-ve role in choosing,
incorporate technology in the classroom. achieving and demonstra-ng competency in their
2.2 Leader: Educators look for opportuni-es to learning goals.
lead and support students while empowering 1.2 Digital Ci-zen: Students recognize the rights,
them to succeed and also improve upon their responsibili-es and opportuni-es of living,
teaching and learning. learning and working in an interconnected digital
2.3 Ci-zen: Educators inspire students to 1.3 Knowledge Constructor: Students use a variety
contribute and to responsibly par-cipate in the of resources using digital tools to learn, produce
digital world. crea-ve ar-facts for themselves and others.
2.4 Collaborator: Educators will collaborate with 1.4 Innova-ve Designer: Students use technology
colleagues and students to improve upon their within and design process to iden-fy and solve
teaching to discover new ideas and resources to problems by using imagina-ve solu-ons.
solve problems.
1.5 Computa-onal Thinker: Students develop
2.5 Designer: Educators design learner driven ways to understand and solve problems in ways
ac-vi-es and environments that recognize and that use technology to develop and test solu-ons.
accommodate learner variability
1.6 Crea-ve Communicator: Students can
2.6 Facilitator: Educators facilitate learning with communicate clearly and express themselves for a
technology to support student achievement of the variety of purposes using plaNorms, tools styles
ISTE standards for students and digital media appropriate for said goals.
1.7 Global Collaborator: Students use digital tools
2.7 Analyst: Educators understand and use data to to broaden perspec-ves and enrich learning by
drive their instruc-on and support students in collabora-ng with others locally and globally.
achieving their goals.

Noted similari-es: Both must be willing learners, responsible

digital ci-zens, Collaborators, designers and communicators. Both par-es are responsible for their own learning.

Noted differences: Educators facilitate and empower students to use digital tools and enrich their learning.
Students will rely on the teaching and encouragement of the educator to actually use the knowledge they have
provided to solve authen-c problems using the digital tools at their disposal.

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