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Jetha Nica A.


Every time we engage in a conversation, we come across a wide range of perspectives, points of view,
beliefs, experiences, facts, and life lessons. We influence and being influenced, which culminates in growth
and positive relationships. We have positioned ourselves and learned in dealing with different situations,
settings, and contexts; grips with how everything worked. We are getting better at holding each other
accountable. We have the opportunity to express ourselves, listen, and be heard to prevent one-sided
viewpoints and conflicts.
For instance, an instructor seeking to influence students' communication understanding to collaborate with
others effectively used an educational movie to accomplish this goal. Nevertheless, if an instructor is
ineffective in imparting lessons/knowledge, he may acquire tactics from others through verbal or non-verbal
The purpose of communication is to inspire, influence, and affect the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors for a
specific intent.  Words are much more potent than actions; a single poor choice of words may
devastate outlook on life that is why we should think before we speak. A good conversation may result in
both parties changing inappropriate behavior and having a strong foundation in dealing with circumstances.

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