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Cost: Living with others can help us reduce the cost of living so living in a city is equivalent to the

cost of living will also be higher than in the countryside. For example, we can split the cost of
housing as well as the cost of buying food, water or necessary tools in daily living.

Save time: living with other people will save you more time than living alone. For example, if you
sweep and clean the house, your roommate will do the laundry and dry the clothes. Either you
pick vegetables and wash the meat, then your roommate will cook the food. Or the two of you
can also pay for the room together.

Care: Having a roommate, You will feel much safer than being alone. if one day you get sick you
will receive care from that roommate, or vice versa. According to yantv's source: on 7/12/2022 a
girl died in her motel room due to illness without anyone taking care of her, which shows the
importance of living with others rather than living alone.

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