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Why do seeds grow inside the fruits?

 Basically, fruits serve several purposes for plant reproduction.
 Fruits provide protection and nutrition for the seed as it develop.

Okay, let us look the sample figure in structure of a flower.

Three Basic Structure of Seed
1. Embryo – a very small plants capable of growing into a plant.
2. Endosperm – consist of starch, sugars and other stored food to be used by the growing of embryo
during germination.
3. Seedcoat – outer part of the seed which cover and protect the seed.


Dormancy – is the temporary cessation(stop) of growth of the embryo within the seed due to internal
and external factors.
– not active.

Factors Causing Dormancy

Physical Causes - hard seedcoat that is impermeable to water and oxygen.

Physiological Causes - presence of inadequacy of growth regulators.
Light Sensitivity - requires special treatment to initiate the growth.

Seed Germination Process

1. Water Imbibition – water absorption through the natural openings in the seed coat and differences
through the ssd tissues.
2. Enzyme Activation – activates the various enzymes which serve to breakdown stored tissues.
– aid in the transfer of nutrients from the storage areas in the endosperm to
growing points.
3. Embryo Growth -

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