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Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

Pertemuan ke 4

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Ambon

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI/2
Sub Materi : Procedure Text
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1 x pertemuan )

A. Indikator Capaian Kompetensi

 Menangkap makna teks prosedur


Read this text carefully,find out vocabularies and underlined the language
features of the text.

Knowing how to prevent COVID-19 is very important for all of us. This information is not
only going to save your life, but it might also save hundreds or even thousand others by putting
an end towards this outbreak. Here are few things that you can do to take part in this fight
against COVID-19.
First, keep your hands clean all the time. Corona virus may survive up to several days on
surfaces. It means that anything you touch can be the medium of this virus to infect your body.
You can avoid this by washing your hands regularly.
Second, stay away from crowd. When someone with Coronavirus in their body sneezes or
coughs, small liquid (called as droplets) containing COVID-19 virus is sprayed around them within 1
meter radius. Stay on a safe distance of 1.5 meters or more could protect you from this
dangerous virus.
Third, cover your nose and mouth whenever you have to leave your house. During this
outbreak, not only we need to protect ourselves, but we also need to protect others. Use
medical disposable face mask or disposable tissue to ensure your safety.
Fourth, stay inside your house all day long if it is possible. Your house is the only place
where you can be certain of its cleanliness. This is the reason why our government has requested
all of us to study and also work from home. Your house is also the only place for you to self-
isolate yourself when you start feeling unwell.
Fifth, spend some time for indoor exercise. Healthy body equals to strong immunity, and
that is exactly what we need in time like this. Make plan and spend some time in the morning to
do daily exercise inside your house.
Sixth, consume healthy food. Try to consume enough protein and vitamin every day. Don’t
forget to also fulfill your daily need of fiber and water to keep your metabolism in its prime.
Seventh, this might be a good time to love herbal drinks. Herbal drinks can help us to boost
our immune system. You can make your own herbal drinks by using home ingredients from your
kitchen such as: ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, honey and lemon. This is also a good remedy for
your fatigue.
That’s all the tips from me, I hope we can fight Coronavirus together with these simple
(Taken from )

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