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What is 5G and how it will change your world!

5G-a network system with an ability to speed up how the world operates. Where 4G was
primarily a mobile network used to make calls, chat and use the web, 5G is a software-defined
network which will operate mainly on cloud and mitigate our need to use cables. In short, the 5G
system will ensure us a 100x better capacity than 4G with lightning speed internet.

If we go back to the older times, watching a movie on 3G would take us 26 hours approximately,
but using 5G that can easily be done in 3.5 seconds. Moreover, the response rate will be around 1
millisecond- 400 times faster than a blink of the eye and 49 milliseconds faster than 4G.
This advancement in technology is critical considering how heavily the world relies on the
internet now, taking the example of self-driving cars, with 5G these cares will get quicker
information delivered as they rely on a continuous stream of data and this will ensure safe and
faster transportation to people all around.

Since, 5G wireless networks will rely on higher frequency signals, such as 28 GHz and beyond
thus covering shorter distances than 4G networks with longer wavelength and lower frequency
signals at 3.5 GHz and below, Thus, the transmission speed on 4G is limited to Mb/s range
whereas 5G can potentially reach 1 Gb/s. This will highly benefit the military and commercial
users and ensure effective and fast communication.

For medical purposes, 5G will introduce new solutions in preventive, diagnostic and
therapeutic care. Taking the example of ‘Over Verizon’s 5G Ultra-Wideband network’, this
network can help a patient recover their movements after surgery and prevent negligible
dormancies while examining robots.

Apart from that, 5G will also provide a personalized experience with its “slicing” network. It
will allow users to create their own separate wireless networks on the cloud and creating own
bespoke networks, the personalization of internet this way will benefit businesses. For e.g. at
huge events such as Mobile World Congress, there are a large number of people using internet
devices concentrated in one area, but with 5G, the organizers will be able to pay for an

increased slice of the network, boosting up the internet capacity and improving visitors’
experience online.

But, according to some Analysts, we will have to wait until 2020 to start using 5G. There are
many hurdles in the development process, mainly being the cost. Moreover, network operators
might have to tear up their current business models for 5G to make business sense. In UK, 3G
and 4G were easier and cheaper to set up because of the country’s radio spectrum but with 5G
an entirely new infrastructure would be needed in order to have a bigger bandwidth.

However, countries like China are taking a more coherent approach towards the development
and adoption of 5G technology, the government, operators and local companies such as
Huawei and ZTE are planning to launch big trials for 5G that would help them lead equipment
production for the new technology.

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