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Define JCI

2. Explain JCT cosling sheet

What the purpose of the lob statement?

4. How does one identify a foly to the operating sysden?

& Explain JOWE statement. 6. What operation is performed by JOB statement?

7. Name the rules for writing JOBNAME?

8. What are hierarchy levels in JCL?

9. What are Parameters?

10. Name the Positional and Keyword parameters of the JOB statement 11. What does the Accounting
information consists of? What is it used for?

12. Name the rules for writing Accounting information? 13. What does programmer name consists of? What is
it used for?

14. What is the maximum no of characters used for writing programmer name?

15. Which is the special character which can't be used for programmer name? CACON

16. How JCL. work to handle various input output file operations?

17. What are the difference between JCL and JES? 18. HOW does JCL specify the job to the operating system?

19. Where and how do you code a identifier?

20. How do you comment a line in JCL7

21. Explain the purpose of delimiter in JCL?

22. Explain the purpose of null statement in JCL?

23. Write a note on JCL statements?

24. What are the different types of datasets?

25, Why is it necessary to give a trailing characters for your JOB name?

26. What is system symbol?

27. What does the parameter CLASS in the JOB statement mean?

28. Which parameter assigns a resource constraint to the JOB? 29. What are the possible JOB CLASSES available

30. Name few JOB CLASSES you are aware of? 31. Name the default value for CLASS parameter


32. Which parameter always comes along with CLASS to achieve a balance between

Input/output bound and epu bound jobs?

33. What are Intiators?

34. What is the work of an Intiation? 35. How do you prioritize your JOB?
36. What do you need to code ifyou need a immediate attention of your job? 37. What is parameter MSGCLASS
in the job statement mean? What is it used for?

38. Name the default value for MSGCLASS parameter?

39. What does parameter MSGLEVEL on the JOB statement mean and what is the

Advantage of using it?

40. Name the default value for MSGLEVEL parameter?

41. When do you receive a maximum amount of MVS print? 42. Which parameter allows you to run a syntax
check on the JCL without executing it? CON

43. What does parameter TYPRUN-HOLD mean? 44. What does parameter TYPRUN JCLHOLD mean?

45. What does parameter TYPRUN-COPY mean?

46. Name the default value for TYPRUN parameter?

47. Name the syntactical errors a TYPRUN will scan? 48. Name the syntactical errors a TYPRUN will notscan?

49. How do you release the JOB that has been submitted with TYPRUN-HOLD?

50. Suppose I have five jobs to do. But I want to hold one?

51. How do you check for syntactical for the JOB? 52. What is the purpose of coding NOTIFY parameter in job

53. What is RESTART parameter? Explain the two scenarios of using RESTART
Parameter? 54. What is RESTART-START mean?

55. A JOB has five steps and how do you run only second and third step? 56. I have a JOB called TECSACON
which contains two steps. How to execute second step

First and then first step?

57. When do you request REGION for the JOB?

58. Explain REGION parameter? 59. What does REGION-OK mean?

60. Explain TIME parameter?

61. Why do we need to code a TIME parameter?

62. I want my JOB to be executed in less than a minute. How do code this?

63. When can a JOB time-out occur? How to overcome that?

64. What is ADDRSPC parameter used for? 65. Name the default parameters for the JOB?


66. Describe the EXEC statement, purpose, syntax and parameters?

67. What is the step name of EXEC statement used for, and is it a required parameter?

68. Which parameter is used to name a program in the EXEC statement?

69. What are the most commonly used parameters on the EXEC statement and what do they

70. Name the system libraries you know.

71. What are the rules for writing PGM OR PROC name?

72. What are valid DSORG values?

73. Explain in detail the positional parameters of EXEC statement?

74. Explain in detail the Keyword parameters of EXEC statement?

79. What does PARM stands for? ECSACON

75. Name the positional parameter coded with equal to?

76. Name the common parameters of JOB and EXEC? What are the differences between

Using them on the JOB versus EXEC 77. Explain the instream variations?

78. What is the purpose of keyword PARM in the EXEC statement?

80, Is ACCT parameter mandatory?

81. What are the ways of passing data to a COBOL program from JCL7 82. How to do automated RESTART when
JOB abends?

83. What is a COND parameter in JCL?

84. When do we use COND-EVEN or COND-ONLY?

85. How to run a step only if any of the prior steps abended?
86. In order to execute step2 a job after a return code of 8 in step, what condition you will

Code in step2?

87. Name the type of libraries used in JCI.?

88. Write a skeleton JCL?

89. Name the system library from which modules are retrieved at execution time?

90. What is the purpose of DD statement?

91. Explain in detail the positional parameters of DD statement? 92. Explain in detail the Keyword parameters
of DD statement?

93. What does sysindd indicate? .

94. Can I share my data with other JOBS and how?.

95. What does sysout mean?

96. What is use of DSN parameter in DD statement?

97. What is use of DISP parameter in DD statement? 98. How any parameters does the DISP parameter consist
of and

99. What are the NORMAL dispositions of the DISP parameter?

What is the meaning of it?

100. What are the ABNORMAL dispositions of the DISP parameter? 101. When should DISP-SHR be used?

102. When should DISP-OLD be used?

103. When should DISP-MOD be used?

104. When should DISP-NEW be used?

105. Can we update a dataset with DISP-SHR? SACON

107. Name the two problems you can encounter when you have a exclusive access to your

Datasets by coding DISP-OLD? Explain the impact of coding DISP-OLD instead of DISP-SHR on a DD statement at

Which a program is reading a dataset?

108. How is dataset passed from one step to another?

109. How do you access a file that has a disposition of KEEP?

110. What is a Data Control Block?

111. Can I code DISP (SHR,DELETE). Contradict this statement? 112. Name the start-status for which you don’t
have to know whether a dataset exists or not?

113. What happens when you tell MVS to PASS the dataset?

114. If a dataset is passed and not used in the subsequent steps…. What happens to the dataset after
completion of JOB?
115. How do you code a DISP parameter so that incomplete datasets don’t litter the




116. Can you pass a VSAM dataset?

117. What is the difference between using VOL-REF and VOL=SER?

11S. How do you put several datasets onto the same volume without actually knowing the

Specific volume serial number?

119. How do you referback volume from the same step?

120. Describe what MVS does when you omit DISP parameter?

121. What is use of SPACE parameter in DD statement?

122. What do you do if you don’t want to keep all the space allocated to dataset?

123. What is use of DCB parameter in DD statement?

124. What is the maximum LRECL or block size for a dataset?

125. Can we code Block size-0? What happens if we do so?

126. What is use of VOLUME parameter in DD statement?

127. What is use of UNIT parameter in DD statement?

128. Which parameter is use to declare the name of dataset in DD statement?

129. How do you access an uncataloged dataset in a JCL?

Else, job terminates with step!?



131. How you will define a temporary dataset in JCL? What is the use of it?

132. Name the two scenarios when a temporary dataset is created?

133. Name the actual use of a referback?

134. Write syntax for referback?

135. Name the advantages and disadvantages of referback?

136. What are STEPLIB and JOBLIB? What for they are used?

137. What happens when both JOBLIB and STEPLIB are coded? Who takes the

Preference and why?

138. Does a STEPLIB has any function with datasets that a program reads or writes? IF

Yes justify? If no then what does a steplib do?

139. When you specify multiple datasets in JOBLIB what order should it follow?

140. Name the rules for concatenation?

141. Identify four rules of concatenation which are relaxed in newer release of MVS/ESA?


name with 3 datasets, How to override only one

Dataset in those 3 datasets?

143. How do you create a dataset in a JCL with the same file organisation as that of

Another existing dataset?

144. What DISP parameter we mention for creation of temporary dataset so that we can use it in later steps?

145. Name the reserved DD names?

146. Write a note on sysout, sysinsysabend, sysudump, sysmdump?


147. A JCL has 10 steps. How to run step3 and step7 (only) without using parameter or IF-THEN-ELSE? SACON

148. Which utility is termed as dummy utility?

149. Which utility is termed as multipurpose utility?

150. Which utility is used to update PDS? 151. Which utility is used to SORT?
152. What is an IEHLIST used for?

153. What is an IEBGENER used for?

154. What is an IEBUPDTE used for?

155. What is an IEBPTPCH used for?

156. What is an IEBCOPY used for?

157. What is an JEFBR14 used for?

158. Which utility can be used for both VSAM and NON-VSAM?

159. Which parameter is required to copy a dataset using IEBCOPY? 160. What is the parameter GENERATE
used for an utility IEBGENER?

161. What is the parameter MEMBER used for an utility IEBGENER?

162. Which utility uses the REPRO command and what function does it perform?

163. How does one verify that a utility has ended normally? 164. When a utility ends with non-zero return
code, what must be done to resolve the


165. Which utility places your procedures in the system proclibrary?


166. What is generation data group?


167. How do you create a GDG hase in JCL?

168. What are the parameters used for creating GDG?

169. What is the model dataset label?

170. How can a GDG base be created in a JCL. What is the difference between EMPTY

And SCRATCH parameter while defining/altering GDG base? 171. If we want to use a GDG which is already
created by some job, then how to use the

Reference of the last generation in a JCL? 172. What is the maximum no of characters that a GDG dataset can
hold? What is the

Diference between normal datasets?

173. What is the maximum or the largest number that can be provided for a relative dataset

Of a GDG?

174. How to alter the parameters for existing GDG?

175. How do you refer the latest version of GDG file? 176. What is the maximum or the largest number that can
be provided for a absolute

Dataset of a GDG?

177. Can you access auncataloged GDG? How?

178. Which parameter of a GDG base controls how many generations of a datset the base

179. How do you refer the previous GDG generation created in the previous step of the

Same JOB

182 How are GDGs concatenated?

183. How do you find whether any generation exists under GDG base!!

184. What happens if GDG base is given as input?

185. GDG base is created with LIMIT 7. There are 7 generations in GDG. What will

Happen when you create 8 th generation?

186. Can LRECL be different for every GDG generation?



187. What are the different types of proced

188 Which statement is used to end the is stream care is JCL


How any items procedures can be simbol in single 190 What is the sech order for proces?

191. Name the statements that are not allowed is pro

192 What is the nesting limit ofprocedures?

193. Which parameters are the place holders for real values in pro?

194. How to convert JCL to a PROC

195. What is the difference between & and&&

196. Name the rules for PROC overrides?

197. Name the rules for writing the procedure?

198. Can the instream data be coded inside the procedure? 199. How do you RESTART a PROC form a particular
stepname? SACON

200. How do you skip a particular step in a PROC/JOB?

201. A PROC has five steps. I have a COND in step three. How do I nullify the value?


202. What are SOC1, SOC4, SOC5, SOC7 and SOCB?

203. What are SD37,SB37,SE37abends?

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