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Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154

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A system dynamics approach for the photovoltaic energy market

in Spain¤
Santiago Movilla a, Luis J. Miguel b, L. Felipe Blázquez c,n
Department of Geography, University of Bergen, Faculty of Social Sciences, PO Box 7802, 5020 Bergen, Norway
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Valladolid, E.I.I., Paseo del Cauce s/n, 47011 Valladolid, Spain
Department of Electrical and Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of León, E.II.I.I., Campus de Vegazana s/n, 24071 León, Spain


 The paper describes a simulation model of the photovoltaic energy sector in Spain.
 The model allows to analyse dynamic behaviour of PV sector under different scenarios.
 The work is directed to assist policymakers in designing energy policies.
 Results show that PV energy could start to be competitive in the short-medium term.
 Model structure could be applied to other countries with other parameters.

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The goal of this paper is to contribute to understanding the behaviour of the photovoltaic (PV) sector in
Received 19 April 2012 Spain and its expectations under possible scenarios. Currently, PV solar energy is not a profitable sector
Accepted 29 April 2013 by itself. Therefore, the Spanish government, like the governments of other countries, has stimulated
Available online 23 May 2013
investment with subsidies. The spectacular increase of PV facilities exceeded all forecasts and the
Keywords: government decided to curb the trend. The present hypothesis is that continuing with this support to PV
Photovoltaic energy energy, the technological advances and the economy generated from the production of panels would be
System dynamics able to make the sector profitable in the future without the necessity of subventions. Based on this
Computer simulation hypothesis, a computer simulation model was built using the system dynamics methodology. To test its
utility, the model was challenged to fit the historical data and to explore several futures over the next few
years. The model allows an understanding of the sector's behaviour under the latest policies of the
Spanish government, thus helping to design future public policies. The simulation results are different
depending on the adopted policy and the scenario. Therefore, these factors will determine the success or
failure of the investments in this type of energy.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2011). This work analyses the sensitivity of different variables on

the development of the PV market in Spain, with special emphasis
Green energy policies have experienced continually accelerat- on policy decisions. The method allows an understanding of the
ing growth in the past several years. In the framework of these dynamic relation between the different variables, such as public
green energy policies, PV electricity generation is receiving subsidies or electricity price, and the number of installed PV
increasing support worldwide from public authorities due to its panels. The understanding of these dynamic relations is a power-
environmental benefits in comparison with fossil energy sources. ful tool to design PV energy policies under different scenarios.
However, this emergence of public support has been subject of a PV energy consists of the direct conversion of sunlight into
relatively small number of research works focused on the analysis electricity through an electronic device called “solar cell”. The solar
and assessment of these widespread and varied policies (Avril radiation is captured in the PV panels to generate electricity (PV
et al., 2012; Carvalho et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2011; Zhao et al., effect) in the form of direct current. The performance of the panels
is the fraction of the solar radiation which is converted into
electricity. In facilities connected to the grid, this energy is
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 987 293 471; fax: +34 987 291 790.
E-mail address: (L.F. Blázquez).
transformed into alternating current by an electronic device
This work has been developed within the project CGL2009-14268 funded by known as an inverter, and discharged to the grid distribution at
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN). the point of connection. At present, the performance of these

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154 143

panels is very low (around 15%), which means that energy 2. Renewable energy policy in Spain: The photovoltaic sector
obtained in this way is not cost-effective as the cost of producing
the panels is far greater than the value of their energy production The key points of the energy policy of the Spanish government
throughout their useful lives. are written in the Renewable Energy Plans (IDAE, 1999, 2005,
With the idea of developing this technology so that in the future it 2011). The subsidy value and the conditions of every new PV
can be profitable, the Spanish government, like those of other installation are collected in a Royal Decree (RD) that can be
nations, is betting strongly on this type of energy. The government updated and reviewed depending on the fulfilled goals or new
is making it artificially profitable through the use of large subsidies situations. This subsidy value, which is also called a feed-in tariff,
paid according to the energy they produce and through encouraging is the price per unit of electricity that a utility or supplier has to
the research and development of the sector in ways that someday, pay for PV electricity from private generators. Once an installation
whether through the yield being higher or the costs of the compo- is hosted in a decree, the grants received during the whole life of
nents being lower, the sector can be competitive. Furthermore, the the installation are the subsidies associated to this decree, even
use of PV energy avoids the discharge of greenhouse gases to the after its expiration. From 1998 up to the present, there have been
atmosphere. As is well known, greenhouse gases can cause global four Royal Decrees in total (ME, 2004; MIE, 1998; MITC, 2007,
warming and a rise of the planet's temperature with possible 2008).
catastrophic consequences for human beings. In this respect, the The Renewable Energy Furtherance Plan, PFER, 2000–2010
Kyoto Protocol, in which Spain participates, sets emission limits for (IDAE, 1999) included a program of financial aids for renewable
some member countries, which must pay fines for emitting excess energies, including photovoltaic. From 1998, Spain began to
tonnes. As for the emission of such gases, the energy sector occupies support PV energy and, until the year 2000, PV energy in Spain
a very important place, because in Spain this sector is primarily was limited to a few experimental facilities (IDAE, 2007). In 2002
responsible for emissions into the atmosphere, mainly due to the the degree of fulfilment was only 19.2% with respect to the
plants producing from thermal energy, such as coal, oil or natural gas. energetic goal of the PFER.
However, to account for the uncertainty and variability from solar The PER 2005–2010 was designed with the following two main
energy, it is necessary to have additional flexible conventional objectives: 12% of primary energy consumption would be supplied
generation capacity available in a power system with solar energy, in 2010 by renewable energy; and for PV energy, a goal of 371 MW
to provide fast ramping capability. Hence, the production of elec- in 2010 was set. In September 2007, 85% of the second target was
tricity from PV panels not only does not pollute, but it also replaces reached, and the government established a new temporal decree
some thermal energy, thus mitigating the discharge of CO2 to the of one year before its deadline to allow the construction of PV
atmosphere and avoiding the payments or fines for such emissions, facilities according to the conditions of the previous subsidy
since Spain is one of the countries that exceed emissions agreed by program. That decree expired in September 2008. At the beginning
the Kyoto Protocol (Martínez et al., 2009). of 2008 the accumulated electric power was higher than 506 MW
It is necessary to bear in mind that the energy required to (IDAE, 2008), surpassing the total forecasts for 2010. Spain's
construct a PV panel is very large because they are made of pure photovoltaic capacity rose to 3404.8 MW, amounting to a newly
silicon, which is produced in ovens at high temperatures. How- installed capacity of 2670.9 MW in 2008 (including 1 MW off-
ever, a silicon solar panel with a regular purity can produce nearly grid). This dizzy growth (352% up on 2007) is explained by the
ten times more energy than the energy used in its manufacture. reduction in the photovoltaic energy feed-in tariff from the end of
This is because the energy needed to obtain silicon of regular September 2008, which prompted a rush for installations. One
purity is much lower with respect to that needed for a silicon cell installation hosted in RD 661/2007 can receive 0.44€/kW h, when
of high purity, but the differences in PV energy production are not the electricity price (TMR: Mean reference tariff) was around 0.075
very significant. As estimated, a silicon solar cell has to be €/kW h, but a similar new installation hosted in the RD 1578/2008
functioning between two and three years in order to “return” the receives only 0.32€/kW h. Moreover, this RD 1578/2008 has
energy used for its manufacture. This is assuming that the panel is limited the construction of new PV facilities with a ceiling of
installed in a relatively sunlit country. 500 MW installed in 2009 (including 233 MW from ground-based
The research method to be used in this context is a computer power plants), 502 MW in 2010 (including 207 MW from ground-
simulation model of the main variables that have an influence on the based power plants) and 488 MW in 2011 (including 162 MW
PV market. The simulation model is based on the system dynamics from ground-based power plants). This new legislation effectively
approach (Forrester, 1961; Sterman, 2000). The method has been curbed the growth of Spain's capacity in 2009. However, the
previously used to model other energy systems with the purpose of additional PV capacity was still increasing over the following
being used for decision-making tools (Castro et al., 2009; Mediavilla years, because with the subsidies of the RD 1578/2008, the PV
et al., 2013). The main idea consists of building a computer simulation energy was still a profitable sector in Spain, even though less
model to reproduce the behaviour of such variables as the PV panel profitable than with the subsidies of the RD 661/2007. These
price, the evolution of the panel efficiency, the PV power installed, the additional PV capacities were 145 MW in 2009, 370 MW in 2010
subsidy value, the electricity price, the investments in PV energy, the and 400 MW in 2011 (EPIA, 2012; REN21, 2011).
payback period on investments, or the costs and yield of panels in Once a policy has been established by the government, it
general, over the last few years. The structure of the model is built should be known if this policy is suitable for the purpose for
according to the observed relations between the involved variables. which it was designed. If we were capable of seeing all the factors
The model has to replicate the historical data, explain the causes of the involved in the development and evolution in the implementation
behaviour and how it is reproduced. of solar energy, it would be possible to assess the decision of the
The article is organised as follows: In Section 2 a literature rulers who justify it, by means of a dynamic model to monitor
review and the problem description are presented, where neces- whether the policy has taken advantage of the chances of success
sary background information to understand this problem is given. or is only a failure and a waste of money that serves only good
Section 3 describes the research method used in this work, where intentions or vested interests.
the process of using system dynamics is shown. Section 4 explains On the one hand, the development of cheaper PV generators in
the conceptual model description. In Section 5 the simulation the near future is a good line of research to invest in. But on the
results are presented. Finally, Section 6 shows the conclusions of other hand, it is also good to look at creating a PV market by
the work and some references are presented. increasing the amount of PV installations, because this growth is
144 S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154

accompanied by many small innovations that, in the end, will also represent the system's evolution, it is therefore necessary to
produce cheaper PV generators. Therefore, the research question is identify the key stocks and flows and sketch the influences
whether the Spanish government support to PV energy will be between these elements. With the linked main elements, a
cost-effective or not, in other words, whether to invest or not to synoptic diagram displaying the hypothesis is generated. Start-
invest and how. At this point, the suitability of the policies taken is ing from the hypothesis, and depending on the influences, it is
essential to achieve the desired goals. The success or not of the possible to develop a formal model through a computing
investments after subsidies will depend on the price of the panels, program. The generic behaviours associated with the generic
and the price of the panels will depend on the previous invest- structures of feedback loops are defined within the computer
ments, since investments encourage investigation in the market. model. In the application, the model contains the most impor-
The literature review has also revealed previous research into tant variables involved in the behaviour of the Spanish PV
PV energy. Some of these documents offer information about the market. Hence, the structure links the parameters with the
market situation and the policy designs according to the country appropriate formulation affecting the evolution of the stocks
(EIA, 2011; REN21, 2011; Teske, 2010; Zhao et al., 2011). There are and flows.
also catalogues providing technical information concerning the  The next step is to test the validity or utility of the simulation
different PV panels and the types of installations. In any case, no model. The model is challenged to reproduce the historical
research has so far appeared where a PV sector is modelled by the data, but sometimes it does not match with the data and a
use of system dynamics (Algieri et al., 2011; Leloux et al., 2012; readjustment is needed. Firstly, the modeller must be sure that
Zhang et al., 2011). Other PV publications talk about hypotheses the built structure is the right one and no other important
and forecasts where possible developments of PV energy are factors are forgotten. Later, it is possible that some parts of the
shown (Carvalho et al., 2011; EPIA, 2011a, 2011b; García and formulation may need a recalculation in order to be validated
Cantero, 2005; IDAE, 2008; Jager, 2006), but they do not mention once more. This process is repeated again and again in a loop,
which modelling tool has been used to simulate the behaviour, or which is an essential part of the modelling process. The loop
if they simply estimate the evolution by analysing the trend of the ends when the simulation fits the historical data and, conse-
curves from the historical data. Normally, these estimations quently, the model is validated. For this task, it is helpful when
establish an optimistic and a pessimistic forecast within a range the model is divided into subsystems, where the associated
of error, but in most cases the predictions are biased depending on variables are contained in each subsystem. In this case, it is
the source. However, in this research, all the collected data have easier to identify the different structures or behaviours and the
been properly treated, creating a simulation model that repro- modelling process can be readily modulated.
duces the historical information by itself. Unlike the analysis based  Once the model works properly in an equilibrium point, the
on inertias, where a trend alteration means a different prediction, simulation is tested under extreme conditions to check the
system dynamics uses the concept of feedback, where the para- structure's behaviour. Moreover, the sensitivity of the key
meters and variables have self control through a dynamic model. parameters is analysed to know how they affect the system.
Among the studies that deal with the possible evolution of PV
energy in Spain (Martínez et al., 2009; Salas and Olias, 2009), the When it is considered that the modelling process is finished,
question about the underlying structure causing this evolution has the result is a run model which is able to understand the
not been addressed yet, and it is the question that this work aims development of PV energy in Spain. At this point, different policies
to answer. The present research contains a dynamic model of PV can be applied to check the suitability or not of the designed
energy growth in Spain. The photovoltaic technology is in a strategy, depending on the simulated results. Thus, the policy test
process of development and the potential advances will determine helps the design purposes, since it gives the possibility of running
the future of this energy. The framework in which these advances different scenarios and seeing what happens. Therefore, the model
are made is the key to understanding the situation. can be used to project the behaviour of alternative future situa-
tions through the testing of different parameters: the development
of cheaper panels, the reduction of the subsidies given from the
3. Modelling and analysis method government, the evolution of polluting taxes, energy prices, etc. In
this sense, the model is aimed towards policy modelling.
The research method used in this work consists of building a The results of a single country will evidently depend on the
simulation model by a system dynamics approach. System feed-in tariff granted by the government of that same country. But
dynamics has proven to be very suitable when dealing with besides this, the global PV cell market can provide technical
complex systems with feedback and long time horizons. To test advances or cheaper PV cells. In this sense, the subsidies of the
its validity or utility, the model has been challenged to reproduce different countries are encouraging the purchases, which in turn
historical data. Moreover, the model reproduces different policies are helping the development of better panels. This situation could
that simulate alternative futures that can be expected. The process produce a progressive reduction of the necessary grants in order to
of using system dynamics follows the steps described below convert a PV facility into a profitable investment. The problem is
(Sterman, 2000). that PV improvements are not due to a single country, but to the
global PV market in general, where there are many participants on
 First it is essential to define the problem. Knowing that the PV both sides; energy producers and cell producers. In consequence,
sector currently needs subsidies to survive, it is necessary to the study of the PV market is not an isolated problem. The results
analyse the profitability of the grants in order to develop for the analysis in Spain depend not only on the Spanish market,
technological advances. These advances would make the con- but also on the interaction with other markets. It is true that, while
struction of PV installations possible in the future without PV energy needs the subsidies to amortise the disbursements, the
economic help. Moreover, it is necessary to analyse whether development depends on government decisions, but the global
the chosen subsidy policy is optimal for the government's development is influenced by the PV cell industry and the other
purposes and what the result could be if the policy were countries with subsidy policies which are betting on encouraging
modified. the sector. In the present case, the simulation model is focused on
 Once the problem is known, it is time to define a hypothesis the particular situation in Spain, where energy production is
about the model. System dynamics uses stocks and flows to rather more outstanding than the production of PV panels or cells.
S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154 145

Within the model, there are several scenarios where the simula- 4. Conceptual model description
tions present different behaviours. There are different stories with
two possible conclusions. The only difference between these The hypothesis of the model is represented by a major feedback
conclusions is to see whether the investments will be worthwhile loop, as shown in Fig. 1, which contains the principal blocks
or not. The future depends on the PV investments, but it also involved in the PV market. The construction of the hypothesis
depends on how these investments influence the technological model starts with the block of ‘Photovoltaic panels’. The panels
upgrades. produce an energy flow represented in the block of ‘Photovoltaic
energy’ and this energy is based on the number of panels installed
and the installation's performance. In turn, the performance
depends on the solar radiation and the technical properties of
the panels and the facility.
Solar The PV energy produced has two directions that affect the rest
Radiation of the model: On the one hand, it produces the energy that avoids
a percentage of CO2 emissions, and on the other, it informs about
- Payback period the nominal power achieved in Spain. Although CO2 emissions do
- Installation rate - Power capacity not affect the subsidies directly, Spain is hosted in the Kyoto
- Maintenance Photovoltaic - Efficiency
protocol and the avoided emissions can produce a reduction in
Panels taxes which will influence the balance of subsidies paid by the
The goals of the government subsidies have three directions:
Market & Photovoltaic The development of the PV sector until it becomes profitable; the
Technology Energy reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere; and the reduc-
tion of energy dependence from abroad. The way in which the
government meets its purposes is by establishing goals in terms of
- Subsidies Government - Goals
installed power. The government decisions basically consist of
setting up the policy of subsidies which influence the market
conditions. Obviously, the subsidies have a direct effect on the
CO2 prevented demand for installations within the market, which is ultimately
Kyoto taxes what makes the number of installed watts grow. A good way of
considering the demand growth rate is to calculate the payback
Fig. 1. Hypothesis model. period. Given the cost of the initial investment, the payback period

Fig. 2. A causal loop diagram from the ‘Government Decisions’ block.

146 S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154

is the time taken to repay the PV facility. This time will in fact be ‘B’ sector shows that the real subsidy granted by the government is
smaller thanks to government subsidies. Keeping in mind that the the difference between the subsidy and the electricity price. The
use of these aids propels the technological research, results are name of this variable is ‘net subsidy value’, as Formula (1) shows.
expected in two other directions: In order to ensure that the value of the subsidy is not below the
value of the electricity price, the subsidy value is the maximum
 The lowering of costs. On the one hand, it is important to obtain value between the established subsidy and the electricity price, as
PV panels at a lower price as is the case, for instance, with Formula (2) shows.
organic PV cells built on the basis of polymers.
Net subsidy value ¼ subsidy value−electricity price in Spain ð1Þ
 The increase of panel efficiency. On the other hand, scientists
believe it is possible to enhance the efficiency of the modules in Subsidy value ¼ MAXðestablished subsidy value;
order to exploit the solar radiation as much as possible. electricity price in SpainÞ ð2Þ

The model was developed using the theory of system dynamics

through the software Vensims. This program is able to simulate 5. Results
the system calculating all the variables and its evolution over time.
Inside the program, the model is divided into five windows First in this section, some of the most important variables in
(Movilla, 2009). Four of them are subsystems that explain the the model are validated with historical data, where the time
behaviour of the variables in the PV market, which are ‘Photo- horizon is 2009. Later, a possible projection to the future, depend-
voltaic Panels’, ‘Photovoltaic Energy’, ‘Government Decisions’ and ing on the scenario, is presented. In order to implement policies
‘Photovoltaic Market’. The fifth, ‘Historical Data’, contains the and scenarios, the time horizon for the following runs is 2020,
historical data needed to validate the simulation. Each subsystem because this year is also the time horizon of the current Spanish
contains the appropriate structures with stocks and flows and the Renewable Energy Plan PER 2011–2020. Hence, depending on the
related variables. The blocks are connected to each other with the simulated scenarios, it is possible to take optimal or suitable
dependence of their parameters, shaping feedback loops in decisions in reference to the PV sector of such a plan.
many cases. The validated variables are the accumulated installed power,
The complete model is described by 28 causal loop diagrams the annual growth rate and the established subsidy value, as Fig. 3
and 257 equations, and it can be found in Movilla (2009). An shows. The upper graph of Fig. 3 represents together the historical
example of a causal loop diagram is given in Fig. 2. It presents a Installed Power and the simulated growth of Power Capacity from
causal loop diagram from the ‘Government Decisions’ block and the model. It can be seen that both curves match with a reasonable
shows all the variables involved in obtaining the subsidy value. accuracy until 2009. Consequently, the model simulation provides
In the ‘A’ sector, the established subsidy value is shown and the the same result as the real development. The drastic trend change

Installed power:
Installed power historical data:



Nominal installation rate:
Nominal installation rate historical data:



Established subsidy value:

0.5 Established subsidy value historical data:

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Time (Year)
Fig. 3. Model validation.
S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154 147

Installed power:
Installed power historical data:



Nominal installation rate:
4,500 Nominal installation rate historical data:



Perception of amortising period:
Nº of years

17 Perception of amortising period historical data:

Established subsidy value:

0.5 Established subsidy value historical data:

Electricity price evolution:
Cost per kW hour of photovoltaic energy including interest rate:
Established subsidy value:



2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 4. Same scenario and same policy. Default case.

from 2009 is due to the new RD, where the feed-in tariffs are year. It can be deduced that the continuous curve from the
capped at approximately 500 MW per year. This annual ceiling is simulation is more accurate than the historical steps, since the
achieved through a linear increase. The deviations between the flow of installations cannot be a constant value during one year
two graphs are because the simulation works in a continuous and grow sharply at the end of the year. It is logical to think that
process, whereas the historical data is the connection of data using the variation is gradual. However, both flow curves give almost the
straight lines with a time step of one year in between. same values of stock, since the areas below the curves are almost
The graph in the middle of Fig. 3 corresponds to the annual the same. The lower graph of Fig. 3 represents the evolution of the
growth rate. The historical data of this variable is grouped in a average subsidy value from 2004 till July 2009. The feed-in tariff
time step function, where a constant flow value is taken for each was relatively constant from 2004, with a value of 0.44€ per kW h.
148 S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154

This value was reduced to 0.32€ per kW h in September 2008. The The default scenario indicates that the subsidy value, which is
model structure successfully simulates the implementation of the the upper line, is higher than the production cost, which is the line
last RD, especially the RD 661/2007. This part of the structure was in the middle. Therefore, the conditions are favourable to invest.
essential to obtain the historical results. Future policies will But the problem of the default policy is that the growth is limited
probably not use the same method, but the structure worked in by caps of installed power per year.
accordance with the government decisions until 2009. In fact, the
real shortfall of the feed-in tariff in September 2008 matches the
simulated behaviour of the subsidy value perfectly. 5.2. Same scenario and different policy
The following simulation results are classified depending on
the PV general situation and the decisions. Consequently, there are In this case, there will be different simulations with different
four cases: policies regarding the feed-in tariff. The purpose is to analyse what
subsidy system could be optimal to maximise the utility. The first
 Same scenario and same policy. policy consists of the worst case, which is the absence of a policy.
 Same scenario and different policy. The following situation assumes the extreme test condition in
 Different scenario and same policy. which the government stops the support and the PV should
 Different scenario and different policy. continue selling the electricity at the same price as the market
does. For this reason there will be no new PV facilities, because
It must be noticed that the results are focused on the case of they will not be profitable. Furthermore the old PV facilities, which
Spain, which is mainly an energy producer. In consequence, the finish their life cycle, will be retired. So, the installed power will be
situation concerning panel manufacturing or cell production is in decreasing over the next few years, as is shown in Fig. 5.
global terms, treated in a general way. In order to differentiate The second policy is based on the costs of producing PV energy.
between scenario and policy, the market of PV cells and the energy These costs are the key, because nobody invests unless the income
price are managed as a scenario, while the feed-in tariffs are per kW h is higher than the cost of producing one kW h from PV
derived from the government decisions. energy. The goal of the investment is to achieve a competitive PV
energy. This energy will be competitive when the production cost
is similar to the electricity price. Therefore, if the line of electricity
5.1. Same scenario and same policy rates crosses the production cost curve, the target will be accom-
plished. Fig. 6 considers a policy where the subsidy value is equal
Until now, the Spanish government has used two main policies: to the production cost. This policy is considered as going for the
the first was the establishment of power goals, and the second was most efficient places, subsidising with the minimal profit margin,
the establishment of annual ceilings, which is the policy in force. which only pays the production costs. With this situation, a big
With the first policy system, the subsidy value was revised growth is expected during the next two years due to the industry's
downwards after fulfilling the goal. Concretely, when the goal inertia, but after the inertia the development will experience
was about to be surpassed, the changes in feed-in tariff rates were stagnation due to the difficulty of obtaining profitability. The
produced at the end of the year, and this also became a powerful potential benefits are only available to large investors.
incentive to “buy now”. The second system apparently maintains The decrease in subsidies gives a higher payback period, which
the subsidy value, but limits the growth. However, the develop- in turn produces decreasing interest in investing. The result of this
ment is more continuous. effect is a decreasing amount of investments for new installations
The continuation of the current RD is supposed to maintain the while trying to preserve the old ones. In this case, there is no
annual ceilings and a constant value of feed-in tariff. Besides this, annual growth ceiling, but if the feed-in tariff is equal to the
the energy price evolves following the historical trend and the production cost, the growth from 2012 is even lower than that
price of the panel develops according to the Spanish demand. established for the current RD.
As for the power capacity, it is in fact the prolongation of the The next implemented policy consists of a bigger feed-in tariff.
validation, with very predictable behaviour, as the first graph of In this case, the subsidy also decreases gradually, but the tariff is
Fig. 4 shows. The historical data graph into the future is a constant, higher than the production cost. Concretely, the tariff is 20% higher
because the installation growth rate was defined as null from than the production cost. Under this simulation, the production
2009. Hence, the stock of accumulated capacity conserves the level cost curve will reach the electricity rate in approximately 2020, as
for the rest of the simulation. Fig. 7 shows. Therefore, PV energy could be profitable without
The installation rate increased enormously until 2009, but with subsidies from that year onwards. The PV capacity growth shows a
the current policy, the flow experienced a sudden collapse after reasonably good development for the following years, but without
the historical overshoot, as the second graph of Fig. 4 shows. With achieving the goal of a profitable energy source without subsidies
the actual scenario, the trend for the future is a constant growth in the short term.
rate of 500 MW per year in accordance with the present RD.
From the year 2006, the payback period started to decrease 6,000
Installed power:
because of the improvements in price, which in turn made the Installed power historical data:
facility construction cheaper, especially due to the panel price 4,500
reduction, as the third graph of Fig. 4 shows. With the shortfall of
the feed-in tariff at the end of 2008, the payback period was

momentarily increased, but the generated market made the
continuation of a gradual price reduction possible, which is
improving the payback period. The reduction of subsidies was
not a problem for maintaining the profitability. Even now, the
payback period with the current feed-in tariff is reasonably
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
attractive. The essential condition to invest is that the subsidy
Time (Year)
value is higher than the production cost, as the lower graph of
Fig. 4 shows. Fig. 5. The government stops the support
S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154 149

Installed power:
Installed power historical data:




Nº of years


Perception of amortising period:
Electricity price evolution:
Cost per kW hour of photovoltaic energy including interest rate:
Subsidy value:



2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 6. The subsidy value is equal to the production cost.

At this point, it would be interesting to see the variation range on. Therefore, when the PV energy is cheaper than electricity,
of the system's behaviour for different margins of profitability. This subsidies will end. It is necessary to take into consideration the
part of the results is obtained through the sensitivity analysis. fact that the subsidies include the payment of electricity; hence the
With this tool, it is possible to simulate different evolutions across net subsidy given by the government is the value of the subsidy
the variation of one or more variables. In this case, the sensitivity minus the electricity rate. In consequence, the subsidy value cannot
analysis considers the variation of the feed-in tariff factor. Assum- be under the electricity rate. Fig. 9 shows the simulation where the
ing that the minimum feed-in tariff is the production cost, this PV energy is subsidised under the last policy, consisting of a tariff
factor is the percentage of the production cost which is added to which is double that of the PV energy cost.
the subsidy value, giving a margin of profits equivalent to the Nevertheless, once the PV energy is cheaper than electricity for
factor itself. The variation range of the factor is from zero to one. more than one year, the subsidy value descends to the electricity
If the value is zero, the profit margin is null, representing the rate value. In this case, the subsidy value is big enough to
minimal subsidy. If the value is 1, it represents the other extreme encourage a large development, which in turn provides a fast
situation where the subsidy is double the production cost. decrease of the PV energy cost. When the PV energy cost is
The sensitivity analysis is used to represent the installed power cheaper than the electricity, PV energy starts to be competitive
and the PV energy cost from 2009 till 2020 depending on the factor and its survival no longer depends on the economic support. In
variation, as Fig. 8 shows. The lower limit curve represents the this sense, the main target of the government is accomplished, and
installed power in the default scenario where the factor is null. The the predictable policy is to stop the subsidies regarding this kind of
upper limit curve represents the most favourable case where the energy. If, before crossing the benchmark, the net government
factor is one. The coloured sectors in between represent all the expenditure was the difference between the subsidy value and the
factor values between zero and one. The first point is to see if the electricity rate, the net subsidy or benefit is now the difference
production cost can achieve the electricity rate during the next few between the electricity rate and the PV energy cost. Fig. 9 also
years. In this case, the PV energy could start to be profitable without shows the net subsidy calculation when the government retires
subsidies, and the logical decision is to stop the subsidies from then the support once the PV energy cost crosses the electricity price
150 S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154

Installed power:
Installed power historical data:



Electricity price evolution:
Cost per kW hour of photovoltaic energy including interest rate:
Subsidy value:



2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 7. The tariff is higher than the production costs.

50% 75% 95% 100%



2004 2008 2012 2016 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 8. Sensitivity of installed power to the feed-in tariff factor. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

curve. The simulation corresponds with a feed-in tariff factor of 5.3. Different scenario and same policy
0.5. The accumulated capacity until 2020, assuming the previous
policy, observes the reduction in the growth trend when the PV energy will become competitive if the PV production cost is
shortfall of subsidies is produced, as Fig. 10 shows. similar to the electricity price. Hence, there are two ways of
Assuming the achievement of a profitable PV energy, the obtaining this achievement. Either the electricity price goes up,
question is what policy could be optimal to maximise the utility. or production costs come down. The possible production cost
The utility is considered as the historical balance of net subsidies reduction was analysed in the previous subsection as a conse-
over time. Fig. 11 shows the utility of the policy in which the quence of PV development. Hence, the overgrowth of the elec-
subsidies are in accordance with the PV energy costs. This case tricity rate is contemplated in this case as a different scenario.
represents the optimal case with a feed-in factor of 0.4. The Fig. 12 shows a possible situation in which the electricity rate
positive balance at the beginning of the simulation is due to the grows from 2010 until reaching double its value in approximately
big impulse generated by the construction of new installations, 5 years. The increase in the electricity rate negatively affects the
which in turn provide taxes for the government. Later, all these PV panel price reduction, producing a delay in it. This delay decele-
facilities accumulate subsidies paid per year during their contract rates the PV energy cost reduction.
lifetime, and the balance becomes negative. By contrast, the electricity rate crosses the PV cost curve ahead
Finally, when the PV energy starts to be profitable, the net of schedule, and then, PV energy starts to be competitive without
subsidy value is favourable to the government and the balance subsidies, since the profitability is obtained from selling the PV
evolves towards positive values. Analysing the results in which PV energy at the same price as the electricity rate. Therefore, the
energy becomes profitable, the best policy is to pay a subsidy electricity rate overgrowth generates a favourable situation for the
according to the PV energy cost. PV sector, which could experiment a premature success. Fig. 13
S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154 151



Eur/kW·hour 0.3






2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040
Time (Year)
Fig. 9. Net subsidy calculation with a feed-in tariff factor¼0.5.

Installed power:
Installed power historical data:



2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 10. Accumulated capacity when the government retires the support once the PV cost crosses the electricity price curve.

shows the sensitivity of the installed power to the electricity rate decrease, helped by the panel price reduction, as the lower graph
increase, (increase factor from 0 to 1). The big differences are of Fig. 14 shows. Although the subsidy value also decreases
perceived when the subsidy value reaches the electricity price curve, according to the PV energy cost, PV development is affected
and in consequence, the profit margin increases significantly. favourably. A cheaper PV panel reduces the PV energy cost. But
The next scenario assumes a fast PV panel development which since the subsidy is proportional to the PV energy cost, the PV
starts from 2010. The development consists of obtaining a revolu- energy cost reduction makes the subsidy value decrease in same
tionary panel, which is 10 times cheaper than the current PV proportion, maintaining the profit margin constant, which in turn
module. The achievement happens within 5 years. The panel price provides the same payback period. A constant payback period
is 10 times cheaper if the starting price is multiplied by 0.1. provides a constant amount of investments, but since the PV
Therefore, the decrease in the panel price is obtained through a panels are cheaper, the investments have a higher purchasing
dimensionless price factor which is multiplied by the panel price, power that allows a higher amount of acquired panels for PV
as the upper graph of Fig. 14 shows. The consequences can be facilities. Finally, this increase of installed panels provides a higher
observed in that the PV energy cost experiences a premature PV power capacity.
152 S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154

200 B

135 B

Eur 70 B


-60 B
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 11. Utility.

0.6 Electricity price evolution:

Cost per kW hour of photovoltaic energy including interest rate:
Subsidy value:



2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 12. The electricity rate grows from 2010 until reaching double value in 5 years.

50% 75% 95% 100%

2004 2008 2012 2016 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 13. Sensitivity of installed power to the electricity rate increase.

The upper graph of Fig. 15 represents the sensitivity of the In this scenario, the sensitivity analysis has considered the
installed power to the panel price reduction. The reduction range possible effect of PV improvements, which could provide cheaper
is between 0% and 90%. The variation range is not very wide, since modules. There is not enough data to calculate this variable
the feed-in tariff consists of a decrease according to the PV price endogenously. In consequence, this advance could represent a
reduction. On the contrary, if the subsidy policy consists of technological breakthrough or how the accumulation of purchases
maintaining the feed-in tariffs, the effect of cheaper panels could can improve the manufacturing performance.
be more outstanding. The policy of gradual reduction optimises
the utility, instead of the PV power capacity. All the factors used 5.4. Different scenario and different policy
for sensitivity analysis are designed to see future effects; therefore,
they are activated from 2010 till the end of the simulation. The There are many possible policies and scenarios that can be
upper limit curve represents the possible growth if the improve- simulated. The sum of all possibilities provides an area of con-
ments are enough to manufacture panels 10 times cheaper, and vergence in which the PV energy will start to be competitive
the lower limit curve represents the default scenario. sooner or later. Fig. 16 shows a combined sensitivity analysis. The
The lower graph of Fig. 15 shows the sensitivity of the utility to graph contains the possible evolution of electricity rates in a small
the panel price reduction. In this case, the variation range is wider, variation range. The other range of curves is the possible decrease
since a cheaper panel makes the government support less costly. of the average PV energy cost. The intersection also provides a
S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154 153

Panel price factor:




Electricity price evolution:
Cost per kW hour of photovoltaic energy including interest rate:
Subsidy value:



2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 14. From 2010 to 2015 the PV panel is 10 times cheaper.

50% 75% 95% 100%




-5.5 B

-17 B

-28.5 B
50% 75% 95% 100%
-40 B
2004 2008 2012 2016 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 15. Sensitivity of the installed power (up) and of the utility (down) to the panel price reduction.

convergence area where the PV energy supposedly starts to be technological variables. The analysis of the Spanish case may help
profitable. to understand the dynamic behaviour of the PV energy market
and, therefore, to design optimal policies. System dynamics have
been shown to be an adequate tool to perform the modelling and
6. Conclusions simulation of this kind of problems to help decision-makers. The
proposed model and its simulations contribute to a better under-
Although sustainable development policies have promoted PV standing of the behaviour of the main variables of the PV energy
energy in Europe, the behaviour of the PV energy market is market in Spain. The Spanish experience makes it possible to learn
affected by each national policy and other economic and some lessons to be applied in other countries. The most important
154 S. Movilla et al. / Energy Policy 60 (2013) 142–154




50% 75% 95% 100%

2004 2008 2012 2016 2020
Time (Year)
Fig. 16. Combined sensitivity analysis.

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