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There. There. There. There. There.

There was a Greek philosopher

From the 384 BC

His name was Aristotle and he says non-living has cells

His theory was persisted

Until 17th century

Then scientists undertook it

To support or to disprove it.

Scientists support the theory

Like Jan Baptist Helmont

Francesco Redi, John Needham

And Lazzaro Spallazani

But there’s Louis Pasteur

Had come to disproved it all

He stated that; Life’s a germ

And that’s when theory was born.

Oh…let’s skip a little bit ahead

To understanding the cork

Let’s start with Robert Hooke

That improved his microscope

The cork reminded him of the cells in a monastery.

Then up comes Anton Van

With surname Leeuwenhoek

Oh…Anton Van A Dutch Shopkeeper

Inspired by Hooke’s book

He began to build another

Powerful microscope

After the discovery of the Nucleus

They conduced

They internal

Materials of the cells

So now we know, the origin of all living organisms

So just remember the importance

Of modern cell theory

All cells arise from pre-existing cells.

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