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Urban design is a discipline between planning and architecture that focuses on

designing the public realm, especially public spaces or buildings. It takes a holistic approach to
every space to bring people together and create connections with the environment.

I learned that concepts, fundamentals, principles, and approaches to urban design must
be considered. Designers use these guides to create new things in urban design. The concepts
of urban design, such as having a strategic design to solve problems, zoning, envisioning the
future, improving neglected areas, and a city's economic development, should be given
attention. Then for the fundamentals and principles of urban design, we should consider the
movements and activities of people, like how to ride a car from home to work, walk on a street,
and many more. Moreover, it connects how the designer can scale his plan to the density of
people in one location so that the design can be sustainable and more efficient for everyone. It
also includes spaces like designed open spaces: parks, plazas, and public realms, that
reconnect people with nature and provide opportunities for relaxation and leisure time. Then, in
terms of approaches to urban design, it only focuses on a few different areas. Compared to
comprehensive plans, urban design plans generally have a short time horizon and are typically
area- or project-specific. Like project the streets framework, the open space framework, the
environmental framework, and sustainable development.

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