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What do you consider the most significant learning from the webinar?

All of the topics that had been discussed are significant to every student, however, if I consider
what is the most significant topic for me is “DEVELOPING POSITIVE MINDSET”. In this topic I can relate
myself the most because I am a pessimist person which I always think the negative side of the outcome
so as a result I lost my self-confidence. With this topic I learned so much about it, having a positive
mindset can boost our confidence. We should take care of ourselves by taking down our goals and treat
ourselves by doing the things that we will enjoy. Don’t be too hard on ourselves because we are the first
one who will help ourselves. Don’t be afraid, be courageous, if we fail on something we should never
give up. We will learn from our experience before and we should stand up be optimistic that there are
better things that will come to us in the right time. There are many other opportunities that will open to
us, the one door that destined for us.

Moreover, I have learned that we should have self-discipline to achieve a positive mindset.
Having self-discipline, we should set our priorities and get rid of excuses. We should focus on our
priorities, first thing first. Get rid of the excuses because it can hinder our goals and we cannot see our
full potential. All of us will improve into something, be eager and determined that we can do it, if we
can’t do it today, try on another day. Also, there are people that will help us to have a positive mindset,
perhaps they experience what we are experiencing today. It will be a great help to us to learn more and
apply it to ourselves.

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