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Given Circumstances Research Worksheet

If the answers to these questions are not EXPLICITLY stated in the scene, you have to invent the

answers. HOWEVER, your must be able to justify why you think these things by pointing back

to something in the scene that sparked the idea

1. Who am I?

a. How old am I? 27 MAYBE

b. What do I do for money? Con-man KNOW

c. What things do I like? Bullying people KNOW

d. What things do I dislike? School and nice people KNOW

e. What views/opinions/beliefs do I hold that are strong

i. Religious - Atheists KNOW

ii. Political - DON’T KNOW

iii. Social - Big jerk, doesn’t like nice people KNOW

iv. Economic - Lower Class KNOW

f. Where do I live?

i. Do I live there alone? NO KNOW

g. Am I educated? If so, how much? No, probably a highschool education KNOW

h. What is one thing about this character that is SIMILAR to you as the actor? We

are both American KNOW

i. What is one thing about this character that is DIFFERENT from you as the

actor? I am biologically a male KNOW

2. When am I?

a. When is the scene taking place? Modern Day Hell KNOW

i. Date, year Jeremy Berermy KNOW

ii. Time of day Infinity KNOW

iii. Season

1. Temperature DON’T KNOW

iv. What major events are going on in the world at this time? DON’T KNOW

b. When was this scene WRITTEN? 2016

3. Where am I? Hell KNOW

a. Where literally am I? In Micheals Neighbourhood in the bad place KNOW

i. What does this place mean to me? Is it important? It means that I am in

hell for all the bad things I have done. It is important because I DON’T

want to be here.

b. Have I ever been here before? Am I familiar with my surroundings? I’ve never

been here before, I am not familiar with my surroundings. KNOW

c. What city, state, country am I in? Hell. KNOW

d. Am I an outsider here or do I belong? I am an outsider. KNOW

4. What is around me?

a. People? Jason, Tahani, Chi-DEE, Micheal, Janet. KNOW

i. Who Yes KNOW

b. Things? (imagine the perfect set for the scene where you can have anything you

needed for the setting) Sad Clown Paintings, Lots of colors, frozen yougurt

machine, clam chowder fountain, Shrimp,

i. What and where are they? Draw a simple picture on another sheet of

ii. How far away are these things? All within the boundaries of the stage.

c. Is there a window?

i. Can I see outside of me, and if so, what do I see? I see a large mansion

with nicely trimmed gardens and clam chowder fountains.

5. What just happened? (this needs to be detailed) I have just died and gone to hell, but it

was a fake heaven.

a. What happen RIGHT BEFORE this scene begins? I got smashed with a row of

shopping carts.

i. Who was I with? Are they still here? An old woman and two bottles of

lonely margarita girl mix

ii. What did we do/talk about? I stormed off from the store because my

boyfriend broke up with me because I supported coffee manager

molesters. KNOW

iii. How did what just happen make what is about happen occur? I dropped

my bottle of margarita mix and went to pick it up.

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