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Nama : Kenza Vianda Dwiputra

NIM : 21120120140046
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Jurusan : Teknik Komputer
Kelas : B


1. Sentence
1. The riverflow is very steady

2. The number of beef sales has increased since last year

3. The price of meat in the Bekasi market is almost the same as the price
in the Bandung market

4. the destruction of the city of Aceh several years ago was the result from

5. Many cases of corruption in Indonesia a case in point is corruption of

covid social assistance funds

6. As far as we conserned, the semester break at Undip is the longest

7. Zahra does not swim owing to her fear of depth

8. That book fell into the drama shelf

9. Every human being has a tendency to portray evil intentions

10. A few years ago there was an explosion in the city of bali

2. Describe

From the data above, it can be seen that from 2014 to 2017 there are several
problems that are often experienced by computer users. The first is the delay in
accessing files, this problem has decreased from 48% to 20% in 2017, usually this
problem is caused by a lack of RAM on the computer. the second is the blue screen
of death, this problem is often caused by viruses that exist on computers, this
problem continues to increase, initially only 52% to 60% in 2017. The third is a
problem that is the majority, namely files take along time to download this problem
decreased from 62% to 30% because many people already use wifi. the fourth as
can be seen is a problem that has very little occurrence, namely damaged and
corrupted files, although very few occur, this problem continues to increase, initially
only 22% increased to 30% in 2017.All the problems listed above are problems that
occur because of the lack of knowledge about the computer itself so that some
problems eventually continued to increase

3. Classification
CAD-System can be divided into 2 classifications, the first is computer
application. In this first classification, there are several parts that we should know,
namely Desktop PC, Mobile Device and Internet / browser. Furthermore, in the
second classification there is licencing. in this section there are 2 parts that you
should know where each part also has its own data type. The part in question is
Commercial which has a closed source data type and there is also a non-commercial
section which has free ware and open source data types.

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