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Name: Jhed Consebido Course: BSBA – 1

Activity 2: Understanding the Self

l. In your own words, state what “self” is for each of the following philosophers. After doing so, explain how
your concept of “self” is compatible with how they conceived of the “self”.

My Concept of Self
My concept of self is about purpose. Every living soul, in my opinion, is born with a specific
purpose. We are all born with the potential to be unique individuals who contribute to the world in
our own unique ways. When we do it, how we do it, or why we do it are irrelevant. Everyone has a
purpose, and while some people know their purpose right away, others take some time to figure it
out. A feeling of purpose can control behavior, shape goals, provide a sense of direction, and give
life meaning. Your life can have meaning if you have a purpose. No one can live for themselves
alone; we all need to have a reason for being. Humans seem to have developed a feeling of purpose
so that we can work together to achieve great things. As it relates to evolution, purpose is adaptive.
It promotes the survival of both individuals and the species.

The Relation of My Concept of Self to the

Concept of Self of the following Philosophers

▪ According to Socrates – Socrates was more focused on systematic self-questioning. He believed

that focusing on living a life of virtue was far preferable to focusing on material wealth, status, or
power. He held the opinion that you, as an individual, hold the key to knowing how to live a good
life. It is our duty to critically evaluate our assumptions, ideals, expectations, and perceptions. It is
our duty to take good care of our souls. By doing this, we increase our consciousness of who we
are as people, and with greater awareness comes the capacity to inquire into the reasons behind
our beliefs. All of this questioning finally enables us to determine our beliefs, their justification, and
the validity of those beliefs.
In relation: The concept of Socrates is all about question about self, whilst mine is self
should have a purpose. I believe that we, as an individual, should question our self on what
will be our purpose in this world. We need to examine and scrutinize ourselves until we find
what we wanted to in life.

▪ According to Plato – According to Plato, there are two distinct components to every human being:
the body and the soul. The body is the portion of us that is only interested in the physical realm and
through which we can interact with the environment we inhabit. It seeks satisfaction from within. On
the other side, the soul serves as the body's motor and determines who we are. The core concepts
of materialism and idealism were combined in Pluto dualism. He believed that humans had both a
physical body and a soul, and that the soul is a thinking, self-sufficient being that is capable of
existing independently of the body.
➢ In relation: The concept of Plato is all about a self is composed of body and soul, whilst
mine is self should have a purpose. I believe that our body and soul have a purpose. Our
Name: Jhed Consebido Course: BSBA – 1

body’s purpose is to experience this world and to be in this world. On the other hand, the
purpose of our soul is to create our unique identity here in this world.

▪ According to Augustine – Augustine believed that this earth was only a transient place for us to
live before moving on. The universe where God exists is the real world we exist in. He thinks that
while the physical body will eventually pass away here on Earth, the soul will live on in endless joy
in God's presence. Without God, human beings are doomed to failure.
In relation: The concept of Augustine is all about soul is a communion of God, whilst mine
is self should have a purpose. He argued that our real world is found in the world where God
is. And I believe that it is the purpose. While we are here in this world, we try our best to find
our purpose. Little did we know, that our real purpose can be found once we are with God.

▪ According to Thomas Aquinas – According to Thomas, the cells of a man's body, for instance,
are similar in some ways to the cells of every other living or organic being in the world. The human
body may resemble other animals or objects, but the soul and essence of a person are what
distinguishes them from cats and mice. He believes that we never experience ourselves as
separate minds or selves but rather as an agent interacting with the world.
In relation: The concept of Thomas Aquinas is all about matter and form, whilst mine is self
should have a purpose. According to him, all living organism here in this world has matter,
however it is the form that makes us human. In connection to mine, I believe that, yes, all
living organisms have a purpose, but human’s purpose is very different. Just like, plant’s
purpose is to give oxygen, while human, to give carbon dioxide.

▪ According to Rene Descartes – Descartes contends that the mind is invisible since he is unable
to recognize any pieces in himself. However, the body is divided since he can only conceptualize
a body as having pieces. Thus, if the nature of the intellect and the body were the same, it would
be a nature that included and excluded portions. Our issue with the mind-body connection goes
beyond just wondering how the two interact and affect one another. Another challenge is how they
can be connected and how they can influence one another.
In relation: The concept of Rene Descartes is all about body and mind, whilst mine is self
should have a purpose. One of the popular quotes from Rene is “I think therefore I am”. In
relation to my concept, I believe that once we find our purpose in life, this makes us what it

▪ According to David Hume – The self, according to Hume, is the point of reference for all of our
senses and experiences. If any senses or experiences give rise to the concept of self, they must
remain constant over the entirety of our lives because the self is supposed to exist in this way. He
holds the opinion that all of our beliefs can be eventually linked to our past experiences.
In relation: The concept of David Hume is all about sense and experience, whilst mine is
self should have a purpose. He argued that one self should have an experience, while I
argue that one self should have a purpose. Therefore, I believe that in order for an individual
to find his purpose in life, they first need to go through series of experiences in life.
Name: Jhed Consebido Course: BSBA – 1

▪ According to Immanuel Kant – We all have an inner and an outside self, which together make up
our consciousness, according to Immanuel. Our psychological state and our logical intelligence
make up our inner selves. Our impression and sensation are parts of our exterior selves. He
maintained that space and time are the forms that sensation takes. His justification for this centers
on placing feeling in the mind's receptive faculty, the sensibility. Men's impressions of the outside
world are inevitably organized by their minds.
In relation: The concept of Immanuel Kant is all about sensation and impression, whilst mine
is self should have a purpose. He argues that whatever impression are already built in our
minds. Just like my concept, I believe that whatever we do in life, we will find our purpose.

▪ According to Gilbert Ryle – Gilbert held the view that behavior results in the self. Claiming that
the self cannot be the seat of the mind because it does not exist. All of us are merely a collection
of actions brought on by how our bodies physically function. He is mostly interested in how people
behave. According to him, the self is best understood as a behavioral pattern, or as a person's
propensity to act a certain way under specific conditions. His own stance was that there is no real
difference between mental and physical activity.
In relation: The concept of Gilbert Ryle is all about behavior, whilst mine is self should have
a purpose. He believed that self comes from behavior. I believe that it is connect to my
concept because a behavior of person contributes to what they wanted to be/to go in life. I
believe that the behavior and the purpose is connected since whatever our purpose will be
in life is the result of our behavior.

▪ According to Merleau-Ponty – Merleau-Ponty claimed that the seeing mind and the acting body
are interrelated, as opposed to being seen as separate entities. Both of them serve as our centers
of knowledge and as sources of identity. He made the case that the body is a component of the
mind and vice versa. Human body and mind are inextricably entwined with one another.
In relation: The concept of Merleau-Ponty is all about mind and body are intertwined, whilst
mine is self should have a purpose. I believe that the purpose of our mind and our body is
to be as one. That whatever the mind/body will do shall give an impact to our mind/body.

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