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How can governments encourage people

to take more exercise?

Nowadays more and more people are choosing to take insufficient
exercise, combined with fast-food, can lead to ill health and not the best
quality of life. As the case in point, government has to acts and to
improve people's life by using these methods.

It is undoubtedly the case that the government ought give us better

education concerning the benefits of making some exercise, in the
school they can give us some talks about it, in which they encourage us
to do some sport. Also they can bring some persons and using them like
an example because we learn more about an example giving us the
ambition to practice a sport in which we feel grateful with our lives.

All the evidence suggests that the government should give us the facility
with some all free places. For instance, the gonvernment can invite
runners or people that have the courage to join a half or a complete
marathon, and they also can support the young generation in each sport,
because this young athletes can be the future of this country in some
important events like Olympics.

In light of the above, there are many arguments for providing new places
where the people can make some exercise and why they can bring all
the young and the old people some examples to pulse ambition.

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