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Event: Treasure Hunt

Team Size: 2-3 Members
Need to submit smart devices

Stage 1: All the registered teams will be given a quantitative problem to solve.
(Difficulty level: Basic, Time Dependent) (Elimination Round)

Stage 2: Qualified teams will be given clues to decipher the next location.
(Separate clues/ locations for every team)

Stage 3: Consulting frameworks related quiz

(Elimination Round) (Paper Based Quiz: 1 per team)

Stage 4: Qualified teams will be given clues to decipher the 2nd location.
(Separate clues/ locations for every team)

Stage 5: Guesstimate problem solving

(Elimination Round) (Time Based, Acceptable error)

Stage 6: Final Quiz Round among teams in Auditorium

(Strategy, Consulting, Analytics based quiz)
(Buzzer round, Bounce & Pounce, Rapid Fire)

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