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Dr. Nermine Ismail Int.

Y8-Science British Division
Name: _____________________ Year 8 ____ Earth Science

1) What are the two types of tectonic plate?

oceanic and continental.

2) Complete the sentences. Choose words from the list. [2]
asteroid astronomer climate mass
photosynthesise respire stellar weather

67 million years ago, an _________________________ collided with the Earth.
This filled the air with dust. Less light could reach the ground, so plants could not
The _________________________
weather of the Earth changed, as it became cooler.
Many animals could not survive because they did not have enough food. There was a
_________________________ extinction.

3) The Earth’s crust is made from many tectonic plates.

a The Nazca tectonic plate is moving towards the north-east at a speed of 4 to 5 cm per year.
State what causes this movement. [1]
b The Nazca plate has a boundary with the South American plate. Earthquakes frequently occur
close to this boundary.

Explain how these earthquakes are evidence for tectonic plates. [1]

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