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GE 112 - Mathematics in the Modern World


Geometric Designs

Faculty, Math & Stat Department
College of Arts & Sciences
University of Southeastern Philippines
GE 112 - Mathematics in the Modern World

Geometric Designs
Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, students are expected to:

1. Apply geometric concepts in describing and

creating designs; and

1. Contribute to the enrichment of the Filipino

culture and the arts using the concepts in
Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes

In elementary geometry, a polygon is a plane figure that is
bounded by a finite chain of straight line segments closing in a
loop to form a closed polygonal chain or circuit.

These segments are called its edges or sides, and the points where
two edges meet are the polygon's vertices or corners. The interior
of the polygon is sometimes called its body.

An n-gon is a polygon with n sides (e.g., a triangle is a 3-gon).

A polygon is a two-dimensional example of the more

general polytope in any number of dimensions.
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Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes
Different Types of Polygons


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Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes
Different Types of Polygons

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Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes
Regular Polygons

Page 6
Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes

Geometric Solids are 3-Dimensional (or “3-D”) shapes – which
means they have the 3 dimensions of width, depth, and height.
Basic examples are spheres, cubes, cylinders, and pyramids. But
there are lots of others. Some geometric solids have faces that are
flat, curved, or both. Some have faces that are all the same shape.
Some have faces that are different shapes. But they all have 3

Sphere Cube Cylinder Pyramid

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Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes


Solids come in 2 types: non-polyhedra and polyhedra.

Non-polyhedra describes any geometric solid that has any surface

that is not flat, like a sphere, cone, or cylinder.
cylinder cone

sphere torus

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Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes

Polyhedra describes a geometric solid that has all flat faces (but
the faces don’t have to be the same size or shape). Polyhedra
must have at least 4 faces (but there is no limit to how many
faces they can have). Some examples of polyhedra are pictured

Pentagonal prism Truncated Truncated

tetrahedron dodecahedron

Truncated cube tahedron Page 9
Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes

Some of the Polyhedra are called Truncated. Truncated means

that something is cut off. That is, the corners, called “vertices,”
are cut off and replaced with a new face. For example, a
truncated cube has new triangle shaped faces where the cube’s
vertices were. The shape of the original polyhedra will
determine the shape of the new face in each vertex.

The pictures below show a cube, and then a truncated cube.

Cube Cube
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Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes

Platonic Solids

A Platonic Solid is a special type of

Polyhedra, in which each face is exactly the
same, and the same number of faces meet
at each corner, or vertex. They were
named after a famous philosopher and
mathematician from ancient Greece named

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Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes

Platonic Solids
Amazingly, there are only 5 geometric solids that qualify as
platonic solids.

NAME Number of Faces

Tetrahedron 4
Hexahedron(cube) 6
Octahedron 8
Dodecahedron 12
Icosahedron 20

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Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric Shapes

The Five Platonic Solids

Cube Tetrahedron

Page 13
Transformations (flips, slides, turns,resize)

▪ Figures in a plane can be reflected,

rotated, slid (translated) or resized
(dilated) to produce new figures.
▪ The new figure is the image, and the
original figure is the pre-image
▪ The operation that maps (or moves) the
preimage onto the image is called a

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4 Basic Transformations
Blue: pre-image
▪ Reflection (flip) Pink: image

▪ Translation (slide)

Page 15
Blue: pre-image 4 Basic Transformations
Pink: image
Rotation (turn)
▪ Dilation (reduce

Dilation (enlarge)

Page 16
Example 1
Identifying Transformations
▪ Identify the
transformation shown
at the left.

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Example 1
Identifying Transformations
▪ Translation
● To obtain ΔA’B’C’,
each point of ΔABC
was slid 2 units to the
right and 3 units up.

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Example 1
Identifying Transformations
▪ Translation
● To obtain ΔA’B’C’,
each point of ΔABC
was slid 2 units to the
right and 3 units up.

Page 19
Rigid Transformations

▪ A transformation is
rigid if every image is
congruent to its
▪ This is an example of
a rigid transformation -
the pink and blue
triangles are

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Example 2
Identifying Rigid Transformations

▪ Which of the following transformations appear

to be rigid?

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Example 2
Identifying Rigid Transformations
▪ Which of the following transformations appear
to be rigid?
The image is not
congruent to the
preimage, it is smaller

The image is not

congruent to the
preimage, it is fatter
Page 22

Definition of Isometry

⚪A rigid transformation is called an

⚪A transformation in the plane is an
isometry if it preserves lengths. (That is,
every segment is congruent to its image)
● It can be proved that isometries not only
preserve lengths, they also preserves angle
measures, parallel lines, and betweenness of

Page 23
Example 3
Preserving Distance and Angle Measure

▪ In the figure at the left, ΔPQR

is mapped onto ΔXYZ. The
mapping is a rotation. Find the
length of XY and the measure
of Z

Page 24
Example 3
Preserving Distance and Angle Measure

⚪ In the figure at the left, ΔPQR is

mapped onto ΔXYZ. The
mapping is a rotation. Find the
length of XY and the measure of
⚪ B/C a rotation is an isometry, the
two triangles are congruent, so
XY=PQ=3 and
m Z= m R =35°

Note that the statement “ΔPQR is mapped onto ΔXYZ” implies the
correspondence P🡪 X, Q🡪 Y, and R🡪 Z
Example 4
Using Transformations in Real-Life
Stenciling a Room

▪ You are using the stencil pattern shown below

to create a border in a room.
(a) How are the ducks labeled, B, C, D, E,
and F related to Duck A?
(b) How many times would you use the
stencil on a wall that is 11 feet, 2 inches

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Example 4
Using Transformations in Real-Life
Stenciling a Room

▪ How are the ducks labeled, B, C, D, E, and F related to

Duck A?

Duck C and E are translations of Duck


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Example 4
Using Transformations in Real-Life
Stenciling a Room

▪ How are the ducks labeled, B, C, D, E, and F related to

Duck A?

Ducks B,D and F are reflections of

Duck A

Page 28

▪ How many times would you use the stencil on a wall that
is 11 feet, 2 inches long?
11’2” = 11 x 12 + 2 = 134 inches
134 ÷ 10 = 13.4, the maximum number of times
you can use the stencil pattern (without
overlapping) is 13

Page 29
Example 5
Rotations and Rotational Symmetry

● Which clock faces have rotational symmetry? For

those that do, describe the rotations that map the
clock face onto itself.

Page 30
Which clock faces have rotational symmetry? For those that
do, describe the rotations that map the clock face onto itself.

● Rotational symmetry about the center,

clockwise or counterclockwise
● 30°,60°,90°,120°,150°,180°

Moving from one dot to

the next is (1/12) of a
complete turn or (1/12)
of 360°
Page 31
Which clock faces have rotational symmetry? For those that
do, describe the rotations that map the clock face onto itself.

● Does not have rotational

Page 32
Which clock faces have rotational symmetry? For those that
do, describe the rotations that map the clock face onto itself.

● Rotational symmetry about the center

● Clockwise or Counterclockwise 90° or 180°

Page 33
Lesson Investigation 1

It is a translation and YY'' is twice LM Page 34

*Lesson Investigation 2

Compare the measure of XOX'' to the

acute angle formed by L and m
It’s a rotation
Angle XOX' is twice the size of the angle formed by L and m
Page 35
*Lesson Investigation 3
Using Translations and Rotations in

Page 36
Patterns and Diagrams

Symmetry is the beauty of form

arising from balanced proportions

Geometrical symmetry is of three types. These

are listed below :

1) Reflectional Symmetry
2) Rotational Symmetry
3) Translational Symmetry

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Patterns and Diagrams

Reflectional symmetry is a kind of symmetry in

which half of the image is exactly same as the other half. That is,
in reflectional symmetry, either left portion is the reflection of
right portion or the upper portion is the reflection of lower
portion. In this type of symmetry, one can draw either
a horizontal or a vertical line across the image.

Reflectional symmetry is also known

as reflection symmetry, bilateral
symmetry, mirror symmetry or mirror-
image symmetry.

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Patterns and Diagrams
Examples of Reflectional
Reflectional symmetry can be seen almost everywhere in the nature. The
image of a tree or a mountain in the river is a good example of horizontal
symmetry, since we can draw a horizontal line which divides it in exactly
same reflection.

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Patterns and Diagrams
Examples of Reflectional
A butterfly is a fine example of vertical reflectional symmetry as shown in
the figure below:

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Patterns and Diagrams
Examples of Reflectional
There are many such examples as

our face, Eiffel tower, English letters A, H, O, T, U

V, W, X,Y, etc.

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Patterns and Diagrams

Rotational symmetry is a type of

symmetry in which the image is rotated to a certain
degree about at axis (generally center) and still look
same as previous.

Rotational symmetry does possess orders.

When an image is rotated two times and
looks same, it is said to have rotational
symmetry of second order. Similarly, if an
image is rotated three times and still is the
same, then it possesses order three
rotational symmetry, and so on.

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Patterns and Diagrams
Examples of Rotational
Images formed by kaleidoscope are one of the best examples of rotational symmetry.

The petals of a perfect

sunflower also follow
rotational symmetry as shown
in the figure:

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Patterns and Diagrams
Examples of Rotational

A dart board may also be an

example of rotational
symmetry of order 10:

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Patterns and Diagrams
Examples of Rotational

Another example of rotational

symmetry is shown in this

Page 45
Patterns and Diagrams

Translational symmetry is a kind of

symmetry in which a particular pattern or design is
shifted from one place to another. That is, a type of
symmetry in which a object changes its place without
rotation or reflection. The exact same image is found on
another place, even the orientation of the image is the
In the image at the left, the shape, size
and orientation of the triangle is exactly
the same. The same triangle is drawn at
another place. Therefore, the two such
triangles are said to have translational
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Patterns and Diagrams
Examples of Translational
A chessboard is seemed to follow
translation of black and white

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Patterns and Diagrams
Examples of Translational
The pattern on room wallpaper follows translational symmetry. Wallpaper designs
are the most common example of this type of symmetry:

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Patterns and Diagrams
Examples of Translational
The honeycomb is also a perfect example of this kind of symmetry.

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Patterns and Diagrams
Rosette pattern is a moiré pattern whose high
frequency reduces its visibility. Rosette patterns have
been used as architectural and sculptural decorations of
the new century.
A symmetry group is the collection of all symmetries of
a plane figure. There are two types of symmetry groups
which are known as rosette symmetry groups. These

1. Cyclic symmetry, and

2. Dihedral symmetry.
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Patterns and Diagrams
Cyclic symmetry group has rotation symmetry only
around a center point. If the rotation has n order, the
group is called Cn.

Triskele of the
Amfreville Gaulish
helmet with cyclic (C3)

Page 51
Patterns and Diagrams
Dihedral symmetry group has rotation symmetry
around a center point with reflection lines through the
center point.

The symmetry group of

a snowflake with
dihedral (D6) symmetry.

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Patterns and Diagrams
Rosette Pattern

Create your own rosette pattern using a

Rosette Symmetry Pattern Generator. Visit
the website below.

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Patterns and Diagrams
Frieze Pattern
An infinite strip with repeating pattern is called a frieze
pattern, or a border pattern or an infinite strip

A frieze group is the set of symmetries of a frieze pattern,

i.e., geometric transformations built from rigid motions
and reflections that preserve the pattern. This may

• translations,
• glide reflections,
• reflections along the long axis of the strip,
• reflections along the narrow axis of the strip, and Page 54
Patterns and Diagrams

Examples of Frieze Group Patterns

View some examples of Frieze Pattern and Frieze

Group. Visit the website below,

Page 55
Patterns and Diagrams
A Tessellation (or Tiling) is when we cover a surface
with a pattern of flat shapes so that there are no
overlaps or gaps.

Rectangles Different Pentagons Octagons & Squares

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Patterns and Diagrams

A regular tessellation is a pattern made by repeating

a regular polygon. There are only 3 regular tessellations:

Triangles Squares Hexagons


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Patterns and Diagrams

A vertex is just a corner point.

What shapes meet here?

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Patterns and Diagrams

Three hexagons meet at this

vertex, and a hexagon has 6
sides. So this is called
a "6.6.6" tessellation.

For a regular tessellation, the pattern is identical at each vertex!

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Patterns and Diagrams
A semi-regular tessellation is made of two or more
regular polygons. The pattern at each vertex must be the
same. There are only 8 semi-regular tessellations:

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Patterns and Diagrams
A semi-regular tessellation is made of two or more
regular polygons. The pattern at each vertex must be the
same. There are only 8 semi-regular tessellations:

To name a tessellation, go around a vertex and write

down how many sides each polygon has, in order ... like
"3.12.12“; and always start at the polygon with the least
number of sides, so "3.12.12", not "12.3.12"

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Patterns and Diagrams
Name the other 7 semi-regular tessellations below:

2 3

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Patterns and Diagrams
Name the other . . . :

4 5

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Patterns and Diagrams
Name the other . . . :

6 7 8

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Patterns and Diagrams
ANSWER (Names of the semi-regular tessellations below):

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Patterns and Diagrams

Other Tessellations
There are also “demi-regular” tessellations, but
mathematicians disagree on what they actually are.
Some people allow curved shapes (not just polygons) so
we can have tessellations like these:

Page 66
Patterns and Diagrams

Other Tessellations

Seahorse Tessellation
Fox Tessellation

Goldfish Tessellation
Page 67
Designs, Arts & Culture
Mindanao Designs, Arts, and Culture

Mindanao is the home of 18 tribal groups which have made

weaving their identity, culture, and way of life. For these
indigenous communities, woven textile conveys their creativity,
beliefs, and ideologies, and there are some very interesting
geometrical themes imbedded in this art culture. Some of their
crafts are as follows:

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Designs, Arts & Culture

There are 18 Lumad ethnolinguistic groups recognized by the

Philippine government. However, there are probably about 25
or more. Owing to the isolation of these groups, the Philippine
census has never been consistent. The Lumads are:

The Subanen Manobo

B'laan T'boli
Mandaya Mansaka
Tiruray Higaonon
Bagobo Bukidnon
Tagakaolo Banwaon
Dibabawon Talaandig
Mamanua Manguangan Page 69
Designs, Arts & Culture

There are also 13 Muslim ethnolinguistic groups:

Maranao Maguindanao
Tausug Kalagan
Sangil Ilanun/Iranun
Palibugan Yakan
Sama Badjao
Jumamapun Palawanon

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Designs, Arts & Culture

The Mandaya people of Davao Oriental are known for

their weaving pattern called ikat using abaca fibers.

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Designs, Arts & Culture

The Maranao are famous for their sophisticated weaving with

design and colors. A versatile garb called malong is a hand-
woven fabric with beautifully patterned designs.

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Designs, Arts & Culture

The Yakan people of Basilan are recognized for their

remarkable technicolor geometric weaves and distinctive face
decorations used in their traditional ceremonies.

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Designs, Arts & Culture
The Bilaan or B`laan are a tribal community of Southern
Mindanao, the name of this indigenous group comes from
the words Bla and An, meaning Opponent People.

The Bilaans have their own system of

weaving using abaca fiber. Before weaving
the typical patterns, rituals are held in
accordance with the Bilaan culture, but only
the weavers know about these rituals and
before making any pattern or design, divine
guidance is first sought. It is believed that the
designs were imparted to the dreamer
through the l'nilong (fairies), who are
considered guardians of nature. Their
handicraft and traditional attires are being
brought to almost every ceremony and are
considered as priceless possessions that are
offered as dowries during weddings and used
as payment for crimes committed against a
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Designs, Arts & Culture

The Bagobo constitute one of the largest groups

among the indigenous peoples of southern
Mindanao. They are composed of three (3) sub-
groups, namely the TAGABAWA, the CLATA or
GUIANGAN and the UBO. Although they belong to
one socio-linguistic group, BAGOBO, they also differ in
some ways, such as the dialects, dance steps,
costumes and their color preferences to mention a

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Designs, Arts & Culture

Tuna Fish Design for Abundance

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Designs, Arts & Culture

Traditional Diamond Design

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Designs, Arts & Culture

Python Skin Pattern

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Designs, Arts & Culture

Wedding Blanket for Prosperity

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Designs, Arts & Culture

1. Can you name /describe the pattern in the design


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Designs, Arts & Culture

2. Can you name /describe the pattern in the design


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Designs, Arts & Culture

3. Can you name /describe the pattern in the design


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Designs, Arts & Culture

4. Can you name /describe the pattern in the design


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Designs, Arts & Culture

5. Can you name or

describe the pattern in
the design below?

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Designs, Arts & Culture

6. Can you name /describe the pattern in the design


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Designs, Arts & Culture

7. Can you name /describe the pattern in the design


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Designs, Arts & Culture

8. Can you name /describe the pattern in the design


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Designs, Arts & Culture

9. Can you name /describe the pattern in the design


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Designs, Arts & Culture

10. Can you name/describe the pattern in the design


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