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Afsheen Candao

Raisng Chickens from 1 to 6 Weeks: New Hamsphire Red

1st Week
The first week of a chick's life is
spent as a soft ball. They only
basically have four functions:
eating, sleeping, drinking, and
feces, and they are rather simple
to catch (and not that big either).
In fact, the soothing cheeping
sounds they made helped unwind.
They don't make noise or give off a
bad smell.

2nd Week
The chicks will get much faster
this week, making it more difficult
to catch them. Additionally, as the
chicks become older, you can start
to notice that some of them are
just bigger than others.

3rd Week
Your chicks are getting bigger,
more feathered, and livelier as a
group. You will see that they
expand and flap their wings a lot.

4th Week
The chicks eat a lot and are pretty
busy; more often than not, they
spend their time attempting to fly,
kicking the water can over, and
digging in the wood shavings.
They have about 1-2" of tail
feathers and are almost
completely feathered out.

5th Week
The chicks are growing and getting
all of their feathers. They are
unquestionably ready to go
outside. Both digging and eating
are ongoing activities for them.
When they sleep, they embrace.

6th Week
The chickens are constantly
striving to dig and are eating a lot.
It is stated explicitly that a person
raising chickens must build up a
space for them to roost since they
like doing so.

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