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Characteristics of Cats as living organisms

1.- Nutrition: they eat 5.- Sensitivity: they

to obtain nutrients: have sense organs to
mainly rodents and get external stimuli:
meat. They drink vision, smell, hearing,
water, milk and take touch, taste, kinetics.
sun baths They meow or purr to
In houses they eat express feelings or
friskies. wishes. They have been
domesticated over
6000 yrs ago.
2.- Excretion: they
remove waste from 6.- Growth: they
their cells. They are develop as kittens,
very clean use sand adolescent or adult.
or the garden They can live until 20
3.- Respiration:
aerobic respiration 4.- Reproduction: they 7.- Movement: cats
using oxygen from the are able to make more move fast, jump bite
air to obtain energy of they kind, more and scratch in an agile
from food adorable kittens. way and very fast

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