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Name ________________________

Genetics of Drosophila Virtual Lab

In the nineteenth century Gregor Mendel discovered the principles of inheritance through a series of careful experiments with peas.
We know that physical characteristics are transmitted from generation to generation according to some general patterns. When we
have sufficient information about the parents, we can predict the occurrence of traits in offspring. Then, by analyzing the data of the
offspring, we can discern the mode of transmission – monohybrid or dihybrid, sex-linked or autosomal, and linked vs. non-linked
In this laboratory, you will breed fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) of unknown pattern of inheritance and study the traits and
ratios seen in their offspring. From the data, you will determine whether a trait follows a normal Mendelian pattern of inheritance.
To perform the lab, go to: and use the tools to determine the inheritance patterns of
the traits assigned to you. You will be entering as a guest!!!! The program will not save your data; therefore, you must write it down.
For each cross, you will be required to give a prediction for what should occur if the cross follows Mendelian genetics. The predicted
Punnett Square for P → F1 will show the mutation as a recessive trait and the wild type as the dominant trait. Then after analyzing
your data, you will make a prediction for the F1 → F2 cross. For your null hypothesis, you are stating that there is no significant
difference between normal Mendelian genetics expected and the observed values from the cross. You must develop Punnett squares
to support your null hypotheses before you complete the crosses and the chi-square analyses. Your analysis should only be on the F2
NOTE: As a general rule, parental flies in FlyLab are true breeding homozygotes.
The letters and symbols used to represent genotypes in fruit flies are different than what is used to represent the genotypes of other
organisms. For this lab, you will need to use the following key when representing the genotypes of the flies involved in the crosses:

Key: Mutations in Drosophila

Mutation Symbol Chromosome No.
Apterous AP II
Aristapedia AR III
Bar eyes B I-X
Black body BL II
Brown eyes BW II
Curved wings C II
Cross-veinless wings CV I-X
Curly wings CY II
Dichaete wings D III
Dumpy wings DP II
Ebony body E III
Eyeless eyes EY IV
Forked bristles F I-X
Lobe eyes L II
Miniature wings M I-X
Purple eyes PR II
Radius incompletus RI III
Sable body S I-X
Stubble bristles SB III
Scalloped wings SD I-X
Sepia eyes SE III
Singed bristles SN I-X
Spineless bristles SS III
Star Eyes ST II
Shaven bristles SV IV
Tan body T I-X
Vestigial wings VG II
White eyes W I-X
Yellow body Y I-X
Drosophila Genetics Lab Part III: Non-linked vs. Linked Genes

Background Information
Define and explain major concepts about linked vs. non-linked genes with relevance to the lab.

















Part III: Non-Linked vs Linked Genes

For each of the autosomal traits, design a test cross (heterozygous dominant (F1) individual crossed with an
homozygous recessive individual) that will determine how the traits work in combination. If the genes are
linked, you must determine the crossing over frequency and the map units between the linked loci and state it
in your evidence and reasoning.

Dihybrid Cross # 1
1. Go to the “Design” tab. For this cross, you will be using the mutations, sepia eyes (SE) and vestigial
wings (VG). Perform a parental cross between an individual homozygous dominant for both traits
crossed with an individual homozygous recessive for both traits (AABB x aabb) that will create a
heterozygote dihybrid (AaBb) in the F1 generation.

2. Then, perform a “test cross” with one F1 heterozygote dihybrid and a homozygous recessive to create
the F2 generation. To do this, on the “Crosses” tab, select one of your F1 generation heterozygotes.
Then go back to the “Design” tab and design your homozygous recessive mate. Then “Select Fly for

a) The symbol(s) of the mutant trait(s) is (are): ___________________________________

F1 → F2 Cross

b) State your null hypothesis:


c) Perform a Chi-square analysis.
Phenotype Observed Expected (o-e)2/e

Χ2 =

d) Write a claim and evidence for this cross.









Dihybrid Cross # 2
1. For this cross, you will be using the mutations, sepia eyes (SE) and ebony body (E). Perform a parental
cross between an individual homozygous dominant for both traits crossed with an individual
homozygous recessive for both traits (AABB x aabb) that will create a heterozygote dihybrid (AaBb) in
the F1 generation. (Similar to your Dihybrid Cross #1)
2. Then, perform a “test cross” with one F1 heterozygote dihybrid and a homozygous recessive to create
the F2 generation. (Similar to your Dihybrid Cross #1)

a) The symbol(s) of the mutant trait(s) are: ___________________________________

F1 → F2 Cross

b) State your null hypothesis for this cross:


c) Perform a Chi-square analysis.
Phenotype Observed Expected (o-e)2/e

Χ2 =

a) Write a claim and evidence for this cross.









Dihybrid Cross # 3
1. For this cross, you will be using the mutations, spineless bristles (SS) and ebony body (E). Perform a
parental cross between an individual homozygous dominant for both traits crossed with an individual
homozygous recessive for both traits (AABB x aabb) that will create a heterozygote dihybrid (AaBb) in
the F1 generation. (Similar to your Dihybrid Cross #1/#2)
2. Then, perform a “test cross” with one F1 heterozygote dihybrid and a homozygous recessive to create
the F2 generation. (Similar to your Dihybrid Cross #1/#2)
a) The symbol(s) of the mutant trait(s) are: ___________________________________

F1 → F2 Cross
b) State your null hypothesis for this cross:



c) Perform a Chi-square analysis.

Phenotype Observed Expected (o-e)2/e

Χ2 =

d) Write a claim and evidence for this cross.








Dihybrid Cross # 4
1. For this cross, you will be using the mutations, sepia eyes (SE) and spineless bristles (SS). Perform a
parental cross between an individual homozygous dominant for both traits crossed with an individual
homozygous recessive for both traits (AABB x aabb) that will create a heterozygote dihybrid (AaBb) in
the F1 generation. (Similar to your Dihybrid Cross #1/#2/#3)
2. Then, perform a “test cross” with one F1 heterozygote dihybrid and a homozygous recessive to create
the F2 generation. (Similar to your Dihybrid Cross #1/#2/#3)

a) The symbol(s) of the mutant trait(s) are: ___________________________________

F1 → F2 Cross

b) State your null hypothesis for this cross:


c) Perform a Chi-square analysis.

Phenotype Observed Expected (o-e)2/e

Χ2 =

d) Write a claim and evidence for this cross.








Complete the following chart to summarize your findings between the autosomal traits analyzed. NOTE: BOTH
crossing over frequency & map units = (# recombinants / total offspring) x 100 (If this number is <50, then we
consider the genes linked)

Draw a chromosome map for the three linked genes: sepia eyes, spineless bristles, and ebony body for
autosome number 3 in Drosophila.
Reasoning for the dihybrid crosses #2-4
















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