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Jette Hansen 9.A

South Africa

My topic: HIV and AIDS

1. Why did I choose this topic?

- I think it’s an interesting topic because it is a deadly virus and one
of the biggest problems in South Africa.

2. After getting HIV

- What happens with the people?
-HIV attacks the immune system
-HIV is a viral

3. After getting AIDS

- AIDS is a definition of infections and cancers that particularly affect
HIV infected.
- The new medical treatment has meant that fewer HIV infections are
of the diseases that provide diagnosis AIDS

4.The medical treatment

- It has been possible to treat HIV ago 1987
- there may be side effects of treatment

Passport to South Africa published by alinea and written by Sten
Moslund and Anne-Marie Schæffer.

_____________________________________ ____________________________________
Student’s signature Teacher’s signature

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