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Task #1

1. What part of the brothers vocation's story inspired you?

One that inspires me the most is what God told us, to love Him and to love our neighbor
like ourselves.
2. What struggles and hardships have you faced or are presently facing in your journey
as a Lasallian?
The struggle of balancing academics and club works at the same time.
3. When was the last time you turned to God and expressed your honest doubts and
heartfelt need for guidance?
Just last night.
4. Do you see the hand of God at work in your life? Why or why not? And how can you
begin to see Him working?
I believe in "to believe is to see", and every time I ask Him about something that is in
accordance with His will, I always see that He's working in my life. Even in my silent and
slow-progress era, I can feel that He's still brewing something. Some may not be visibly
seen but will be seen later on. And yes, I see the hand of God working in my life.

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