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Chapter 6
 Asians are one of the most diverse groups in the US
 Refers to people from the Asia Pacific region
o Far east, Southeast Asia, India, Cambodia, Thailand, China, Japan,
Korea, the Philippines, Pakistan, and Viet Nam

Asian workplace difficulties:

 Seen only as excelling in math, science, and technology
 Sometimes taken advantage of because of their non-confrontational
 Assumed to lack interpersonal and administrative skills needed for
management positions
 Bamboo Ceiling
o Derivative of the Glass Ceiling
o Coined by Jane Hyun in her book Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling …
o Defined as a combination of individual, cultural, and organizational
factors that impede Asian Americans’ career progress inside
o The processes and barriers that tend to exclude Asians from
executive positions on subjective factors such as …
 Lack of leadership potential
 Lack of communication skills
 Seen as the Model Minority
o Cultural attributes
o Hard work and determination

 Good at math and sciences
 Technically astute
 Highly educated
 Non-confrontational
 Defer to authority

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