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Name: Muhammad Alif Qadri

NIM : 220204622006
Prodi D4 Teknik Elektro GCS

Exercise 1
Indicate which of the following are correct ?
1. When people within organizations practise the art and science of management.
Answer: Correct, because the sentence contain subject, verb, and object.
2. Human resources are the people.
Answer: Correct, because the sentence contain subject, verb, and object.
3. For example, employees
Answer: Incorrect, because it doesn’t have subject
4. Without goals, you can have no clear direction or purpose.
Answer: Incorrect, because it has an eror grammar “you can have no”
5. In a modern university library.
Answer: Incorrect, beacuase it doesn’t have subject and verb,

Exercise 2
Label the various parts of the following sentences with S, V, O, C, and A
1. She made a shirt in two hours without any help.
Answer: The subject is she, the verb is made, the object is a shirt, the Adverbials is
in two hours, the complements is without any help.
2. I understand.
Answer: The subject is I, the verb is understand.
3. Caffeine can act as a stimulant or a tranquilizer.
Answer: The subject is caffeine, the verb is can act, the object is stimulant or a
4. He underestimated the efficiency of his competitors.
Answer: The subject is he, the verb is underestimated, the object is efficiency of his
5. Bacteria can be a useful source of food.
Answer: The subject is bacteria, the verb is can be, the object is a useful food.
6. The government currently has two main aims.
Answer: The subject is the government, the verb is currently has, the object is two
main aims.
7. Singapore had a population of about 2.3 million people in 1985.
Answer: The subject is Singapore, the verb is had is, the object a population, the
complement is of about 2.3 million people`
8. Last century, there were two main languages in this country.
Answer: The subject is Last century, the verb is there were, the object is two main
language, the complement is in this country.
Exercise 3
Below are some simple sentences divided into their basic elements (SVOCA). In each
sentence, there is a mistake in one of the columns. Identify the incorrect word, say what part
of speech it is and change it to the correct form.
1. The campus content sports facilities.
Answeer: The incorrect word is content, the correct is contains, because “content” is
noun, the “contain” is verb
2. The course is disappointingly.
Answer: The incorrect word is disappointingly, the correct is disappointment, because
“disappointingly” is adverb
3. Some people behave very selfish
Answer: the incorrect word is behave, the correct part of speech is “are” because the
subject (some people) are plural.
4. Read improves your vocabulary.
Answer: the incorrect word is read, the correct word is “reading” because the verb is
5. Many people foolish themselves.
Answer: the incorrect word is foolish, the correct one is “fool” because foolish is
noun, and it has to be “verb” in this sentence.
6. Stealing is immorally.
Answer: The incorrect word is immorally, the correct is immoral, because
“immorally” is adverb and “immoral” is adjective
7. The government loss support.
Answer: the correct part of speech is “its” because “its” describe the possession of the
8. The different is great.
Answer: The incorrect word is different, the coreect word is difference, because
“different” is adjective, “difference” is noun.
9. Efficient must be a priority.
Answer: The incorrect word is efficient, the coreect word is efficiency, because
“efficient” is adjective, “efficiency” is noun.
10. He hasn’t got any confident.
Answer: the incorrect word is hasn’t. the correct word is “didn’t” because the after
word is got, it’s a verb.
11. The economic is doing badly
Answer: the correct word is bad, because bad is adjective.
12. People competitive everywhere.
Answer: the correct word is “are” because the subject “people” is plural

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