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Significance of the study

The problem about the study is that is it effective or efficient to modern society. But I can’t answer
that question. The opinions and abilities of students who are enrolled at a single university are
represented in this survey. As a result, it is doubtful that the outcomes described would have wider
implications. Unfortunately, the researchers were unable to extend their study beyond the current
population due to the special nature of this initiative. Furthermore, there was no pre-portfolio rubric
data available for comparison.

I didn’t like the first so I made a second one

The study’s significance are to collect and examine the effiency and effectiveness of e-Portfolio. The
work is important because it helps students know their achievements or it helps them build their
mental state. The implications of doing the study is that the study can be applied if you have the right
equipment or the right set of tools to proceed, like a laptop or a computer. The study can connect to
different knowledge such as learning a new language, learning an instrument or playing a game. The
benefits can range up to how you utilize the study. And maybe the study can make people change
their mindset on how they do things.

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