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Different Factors that

affect the use of Internet

in the Class Performance
of SHS

Alexsandra Nicole B. Lacsina II-

Titanium ABM

Ms. Alessandra Casiano

Contents of this Research

I. Introduction
a. Background of the Study
b. Statement of the Problem
c. Scope and Delimitation
d. Significance of the Study
II. Theoretical Framework
a. Review Related Literature
III. Methodology
IV. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
V. Abstract
VI. Conclusions
a. Background of the study

In our generation today, there’s no denying that technology such as phones, laptop and

computers has become a useful part of many people especially in student’s everyday
lives. The use of the internet has a greatly impact on student achievement. This study
shows that the use of the internet for study purposes is directly equal to each other

while inversely equal to student social life.

The internet is a technology that has become an considerable part of

people's. It is thrive to serve as a platform for various activities. It was

introduced to academic institution as a tool to enhance s tudent's academic

b. Statement of the Problem
The research study aims to identify the effects of internet in Senior High School students of Academia de

Pulilan Inc.

The research will also attempt to find an answer on the following sub-questions:

1. Do you prefer to use the internet instead of using books as an academic preference?

2.  Does the internet really help the students to be productive and knowledgeable enough for their every
day class?

3. Does internet always give you legit information?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet to you as a students?

c. Scope and Delimitation

The cover of the study is limited only to the high school students of Academia

De Pulilan Inc.
The effect of internet is the main focus of this study. The research information
will be based on our surveys from other senior high school students of Academia

De Pulilan.
d. Significance of the Study
The significance of the study will help the Senior High Students of Academia De Pulilan to know the effect of

internet in their everyday performance in class. This study also reveals the advantage and disadvantages of

internet to them.

The result
. may be beneficial to the following

 Students: To help them know the importance of internet, and to have an awareness how to use the

internet responsibly.

 Future researcher: The result of the study can use as their guide and source of information.
II.Theoretical Framework
• Facebook affects student learning

• Online media use gives a positive and a negative impact on

student’s academic

• Challenges in accesing the internet

Research Design

1.This research employs the descriptive design. This study aims to differentiate the

factors of the internet that affect the academic performance of SHS students at

Academia de Pulilan. In order to collect data, the researcher used questionnaires and

survey forms as the basis and source of knowledge. As the survey was conducted, it

concluded that almost all of the respondents used the internet for academic purposes,

while for others, it was a recreational activity .

Methods of Research Used
The study centralized on the factors of internet that may affect the students. Researcher wants to

investigate how internet will affect the performance in class of SHS in Academia de Pulilan

Inc. In this study, qualitative research was used to focus on this study as they inform their own

experience and perspective of view.

Sampling Design

In order to gather data and information, we applied one kind of questionnaire and it is written

in a google form, and our respondents for this study are the SHS of Academia de Pulilan Inc.
Statistical Treatment

To apply any statistical method to the data we need to use a percentage formula that identifies

and analyzes survey results to serve as the basis for the next chapter. For the formula we use,

we’ll just take the respondents ’ answers and put them on the pie graph. We use a percentage

formula. To get the result, we need to get the first number of respondents answering the number

1 and then divide it by the total number of respondents and continue the same formula until

we get the last one.

IV. Presentation and analysis
of Data
Do you have access on the internet? What do you
usually browse on the internet?

Our first question asks if they have access to the

internet, and 100% of them answer yes. We
also asked them what they usually do on the
internet, and they said they do it for
educational purposes, while others said they
do it for recreational purposes.
 Are you sure that the information you searched in the internet are legit?
1. Question number 2 states that how can they be sure if the information that they get on

the internet is legit? And 54.8% of them answer that they are not sure whether it is

legit or not. 38.7% of our respondents answer yes, that the information they get is all

legit, and 6.5% answer no.

How many hours do you spend on the

Does using the internet help you to perform

well and be more active in class?
Researcher aimed at investigating different factors of the internet affecting the performance of the SHS

class in ADP S.Y. 2021–2022. We also wanted to know if it had any advantages or disadvantages in their

daily lives. In this research, researchers used questionnaires that were in Google form and distributed

online to our respondents to gather and collect data, and the findings came up with the fact that the

internet plays an important role for students. Our respondents' answers indicate that the internet has become

an important tool to survive their every day class. The Internet serves as their partner in their every-day

lives. The Internet helps them be more active in terms of academic purposes. The internet also serves as

their eye opener for every piece of information they want to know. And the internet can also help them

with other recreational activities they do.

The purpose of this research was to identify the different factors of internet that

affect the performance of SHS students in Academia De Pulilan Inc. Based on

the respondents conveyed, there are positive and negative effects of internet use

in our daily lives.

The internet has a massive impact and has become one big part of the students' daily

lives. We've found out that the usage of internet helps the students to become more

productive in their day-to-day lives, and to boost their academic performance. The internet

makes it easier to browse information that every students need, as well as to explore a

wide range of topics.

However, despite of the good things that the internet can provide, it still has a negative

impact to students who can't manage and control themselves from using it too much.

Excessive usage of the internet can consume too much time, become a distraction, or

worst it can cause addiction.

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