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Work Efforts

Each of us wants to be treated as a

unique and valuable individual; but each
have a simultaneous need to belong to
something greater than ourselves,
something more than one can do alone.

About me
Caring is the ultimate competitive advantage.
What’s in my toolbox?

Use Lean Define the Value


Ask why often.


Sticking to it is the genius. Thomas Edison

Business Need
We want to aggregate our data and build a
Population Health Program and we need you
your system expertise.

Team built and executed first time plan
Business Need
We need to normalize our data and take 53
disparate clinical/business systems to a single
vendor solution to stop all the manual
processing of large data sets.

Partnered with other organizations that had
converted to Epic and learned from their mistakes
by asking for guidance and lessons learned.
Aligned on high-risk high impact workflows for each
business and clinical unit to track during conversion.
Simulated real life in small work sessions with
providers to prepare.
Created and distributed Go-Live Readiness
Guidebook, Checklist and BI Dashboard.
Epic reports best go-live ever!
Clinical Need:
We want to incorporate
telemedicine into clinical
care model.

Over two years the use of
telehealth and virtual care
tools has increased by over
300% and represents 30%
of visits and over 60% of
mental health visits.
Clinical Need:
We want to promote the
use of wearables into the
care model.
We also want to be sure
providers and staff are
trained and use the virtual
tools and technology

Creation of Virtual Health
Resource Center concept
to include infrastructure,
marketing, education, and
Model used to expand
concept nationally.
Creation of Digital Health
Teams, now nationally
Virtual Health Champions

Out of difficulties grow miracles!

Electronic Health Record Solutions



Allscripts Nextech
Clinical Decision Support API’s

1.) 130 CDS Guideline API’s 2.) SDOH API 3.) Cost of Cancer Dx API
Virtual Health Mobile App Development
Focus Develop Test Deploy Improve
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Successful leadership is by influence not authority.

Workflow Development & Gap Analysis

Cerner Governance Structure

Digital Device Data Integration
High Risk-High Impact Clinical Informatics Services
Operational Readiness Program Development
System Process Redesign
Clinical Project Management National
Giving Back
“Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s
about the difference you make in people’s lives”
Michelle Obama
Animal advocate who likes music,
exercise and Fiji.
Challenged Athletes
Rancho Coastal
Helen Woodward
Laloma Foundation

Resounding Joy
Thank You!

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