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-ostomy = pembuatan lubang/ melubangi

-tomy = pemotongan/ iris

-ectomy = pengangkatan/ pem0tongan kearah luar/eksisi

insisi (incision) >> tomy

eksisi (excision) >> ectomy


luka terbuka = open wound, wound open

luka lecet = superficial injury

VL = vulnus lacerasi = luka terbuka

VE = vulnus excoriation = luka lecet

pemeriksaan penunjang:

x-ray, CT, MRI, USG

hasil elektrolit:

hypokalemia E87.6

hyperkalemia E87.5

hyponatremia E87.1

hypernatremia E87.0

elektrlit imbalance E87.8


terbuka 1

tertutup 0

shaft = 1/3 tengah

lower end = 1/3 bawah = distal

upper end = 1/3 atas = proksimal

ORIF: 79.3

debridement OF: 79.6

x-ray limb: 88.2

x-ray thorax: 87.4 >> biasa(87.44)&rutin(87.49)

MRI: 88.9

USG: 88.7

inj: 99.2

dx primer: dari sumber/cost paling banyak

dx sekunder: mengikuti di belakangnya

anemia, uns: D64.9

anemia neoplasm/kanker/tumor: D63.0

anemia chronic: D63.8

HD: 39.95

dobel lumen >> cateter vena = 38.95

av shunt >> cateter arteri= 39.27

OA knee/genu: M17.9 bilateral: M17.0

TKR= total knee replacement

THR= total hip replacement


36.06 / 36.07

drug eluting stent - nondrug eluting stent

hematemesis melena >> Hemel

CAP = Pneumonia

kasus kelahiran:

z37 = ibu

z38 = bayi


ICH = intra cerebral hemorrhage

MOW/sterilisasi = tubektomi

GEA = diare = A09

Viral intestinal inf. = A08.4

Bacterial instestinal inf. = A04.8/9

TF = typhoid fever = A01.0 (Lab=widal test> 1/160)

TB paru = A16.2

TB paru BTA+ = A15.3; A15.0 (hanya sputum)

TB paru BTA- = A16.0

TB = A16.9

Pleurisy TB/TB pleura= A16.5 / (+) = A15.6

TB tulang= A18.0 + .....

TB meningitis= A17.0+G01*

TB miliar = A19.9

Leptospirosis = A27.9

Lepra/leprosy = A30.9

A33= tetanus neonatal (0-28 hari)

A34= tetanus obstetrical

A35= tetanus

A36.9 = dipteria

Sepsis/septicaemia= A41.9 (sekunder)

Infeksi bakteri / Bacterial infection= A49.9

Rabies = A82.9

Viral encephalitis= A86

Viral meningitis= A87.9

DF = dengue fever = A90 (versi lama) versi baru= A97.9

DHF= dengue hemorrhage fever = A91 (versi lama) versi baru= A97.0/A97.1

DSS = dengue shock syndrome = A97.2

varicella = B01.9

herpes zoster = B02.9

measles = B05.9

Rubella = B06.9

Viral warts= B07

hepatitis A akut= B15

hepatitis B akut = B16

hepatitis viral akut = B17.9

hepatitis C akut= B17.1

hepatitis E akut =B17.2

hepatitis B kronik = B18.1

hepatitis C kronik = B18.2

hepatitis viral kronik = B18.9

hepatitis viral= B19

TB+HIV= B20.0


Viral infection/infeksi virus = B34.9

Covid = B34.2
scabies= B86

B95-B98 = use additional code (kode tambahan/sekunder)

Ca =Carcinoma = neoplasm malignant

/0= benign

/1= uncertain/unknown

/3= malignant

/6 = metastase


Ca mammae /breast/payudara = C50.9

Ca brain= C71.9

Ca lung= C34.9

Ca mammae= C50.9

Ca nasopharyng= C11.9

Ca kidney= C64

Ca prostat= C61

Ca uterus= C55

Ca ovary= C56

Ca cervix= C53.9

Ca parotid= C07

Ca tonsil= C09.9

Ca colon = C18.9

Ca rectum = C20

Ca liver/ HCC (hepatocell carcinoma)= C22.9

Ca pancreas= C25.9

Melanoma= C43.9

Ca skin = C44.9

metastase brain= C79.3

metastase lung = C78.0

metastase liver = C78.7

metastase tulang = C79.5

Lymphoma/LMNH = M8000/3 C85.9

leukaemia = M8000/3 C95.9

leiomyoma uteri = M8890/0 D25.9

myoma uteri = M8895/0 D26.9

meningioma = M9530/0 D32.9

Tumor other site = M8000/1 D48.7

Anemia def.Fe = D50.9

Thalassemia Beta = D56.1

AIHA = acquired idiopathic hemolytic anaemia = D59.9

anemia aplastic= D61.9

anemia neoplasm = D63.0* >> Ca breast + anemia = C50.9+D63.0*

anemia, unsp. =D64.9

Hemofilia A = D66

hemofilia B = D67

coagulation defect = D68.9

allergy purpura = D69.0

purpuras senile/simplex= D69.2

thrombocytopenia = D69.6

pendarahan = D69.9

neutropenia/agranulocytosis = D70
leukocytosis = D72.8

polycythaemia = D75.1

Hypothyroid = E03.9

Hyperthyroid / Thyrotoxicosis = E05.9

Thyrotoxic Heart Disease (THD) = E05.9 + I43.8*

Struma = Goiter

SNNT (Struma nodular non toxic)= E04.1

SMNT (Struma multinodular non toxic)= E04.2

Struma = E04.9

Thyroiditis = E06.9

DM type I = E10

DM type II= E11

DM, unsp. = E14

Ulkus Dm, Gangrene DM = -.5

multiple kondisi komplikasi = -.7

Hypoglycaemia = E16.2

Chusing syndrome = E24.9

Marasmus = E41

malnutrition = E46

Obese (kegemukan) = E66.9

Dehidration = E86

Elektrolit >> Hasil Laboratorium

Natrium (Na)

Kalium (K+)

hypokalemia = E87.6

hyperkalemia = E87.5

Hyponatremia = E87.1

hypernatremia = E87.0

overload fluid (Kelebihan cairan) = E87.7

elektrolit imbalance (e-imbalance) = E87.8 (HypoNa+HyperK)/(HypoK+HyperNa)

Hypoalbumin = E88.0

Hyperkolesterol = E78.0

hyperlipidemia = E78.5

Dislipidemia (gangguan lemak dalam darah) = E78.8

dementia + alzheimer = G30.9+F00.9*

vascular dementia = F01.9

dementia = F03

anxiety (kecemasan) = F41.9

paranoid schizophrenia= F20.0

schizophrenia = F20.9

psychosis= F29

depresif (1x) = F32.9

depresif (repeat) = F33.9

phobia NOS= F40.9

stres berat = F43.9

mental retardation = F79.-

delay speech = F80.-

Autism > 3 tahun = F84.0

autism < 3 tahun = F84.1

Tic (latah) = F95.9

meningitis = G03.9

Encephalitis = G04.9

parkinson = G20

alzheimer = G30.9

MS / multiple sclerosis = G35

epilepsy = G40.9

migrain = G43.9
TTH / tension type headache = G44.2

TN / trigeminal neuralgia = G50.0

bell palsy= G51.0

hemifacial spasm = G51.3

CTS/ carpal tunnel synd = G56.0

TTS/ tarsal tunnel synd= G57.5

neuropathy/polyneuropathy = G62.9

DM II neuropathy = E11.4+G63.2*

MG / Myasthenia gravis = G70.0

cerebral palsy = G80.9

hemiplegia = G81.9

paraplegia = G82.2

hydrocephalus = G91.9

toxic hydrocephalus = G92

encephalopathy = G93.4

hordeolum = H00.0

chalazion = H00.1

conjunctivitis = H10.9

pterygium = H11.0

corneal ulcer / luka pd kornea = H16.0

katarak senile = H25.9

katarak = H26.9

DM + katarak = E14.3+H28.0*

retinal detachment = H33.2

DM + retinopathy = E14.3+H36.0*

glaucoma = H40.9

POAG/primary open angle glaucoma = H40.1

PACG/ prmary angle closure glaucoma= H40.2

optic neuritis = H46

hypermetropia = H52.0

myopia = H52.1

astigmatism = H52.2

presbyopia = H52.4

OE / otitis externa = H60.9

OE acute = H60.5

impacted cerumen = H61.2

OMSA/ otitis media serous akut = H65.0

OMSK/ otitits media suppurative kronik = H66.3

mastoiditis = H70.9

Perforasi tympanic membrane (non traumatic)= H72.9

vertigo perifer = H81.3

vertigo central = H81.4

SNHL/ sensorineural hearing loss = H90.5

hearing loss = H91.9

tinnitus = H93.1

MS / mitral stenosis = I05.0

MR / mitral regurgitation = I05.2

TS/ tricuspid stenosis= I07.0

TR/ tricuspid regurgitation = I07.2

RHD/ rheumatic heart disease = I09.9

HT / hypertension = I10

HHD/ hypertension heart disease = I11.9

HHD + CHF = I11.0

CKD = chronic kidney disease = gagal ginjal kronis (Real)

HT + CKD/Nefritis + AKI = I12.0

HT + CKD/Nefritis = I12.9
gagal ginjal (ICD) = N17 (AKI)+ N19 (gagal ginjal, uns)

AKI = acute kidney injury = gagal ginjal akut (Real)


HHD + CKD/Nefritis + AKI = I13.1

HHD + CKD/Nefritis+ AKI + CHF = I13.2

HHD+ CKD /Nefritis= I13.9

Angina/Angina pectoris= I20.9

UAP/ unstable angina pectoris = I20.0

AMI (acute myocardial infarc)/MI (myocardial infarc) = I21.9

ischemic heart disease = I24.9

CAD coronary artery disease (PJK) = I25.1

OMI = I25.2

ICM ischemic cardiomyopaty = I25.5

pulmonary embolism = I26.9

cor pulmonale (pulmonary embolism chronic)= I27.9

MVP mitral valve prolapse = I34.1

AS aortic stenosis= I35.0

AR aortic regurgitation= I35.1

endocarditis = I38

DCM dilated cardiomyopathy = I42.0

cardiomyopathy= I42.9

AV block I = I44.0

AV block II = I44.1

AV block complete = I44.2

LBBB left bundle branch block= I44.7

RBBB right bundle branch block= I45.1

cardiac arrest (henti jantung) = I46.9

SVT supraventricular tachycardia= I47.1

VT ventricular tachycardia= I47.2

atrial fibrilation (AF) = I48.9

SSS sick sinus syndrome = I49.5

cardiac arryhtmia = I49.9

CHF congestive heart failure = I50.0

heart failure = I50.9

LHF left heart failure = I50.1

cardiomegaly = I51.7

SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage = I60.9

ICH intracerebal hemorrhage = I61.9

cerebral infarction = I63.9

stroke = I64

CVD cerebrovascular disease = I67.9

sequalae CVD = I69.-

phlebitis= I80.9

DVT deep vein thrombosis (lower limb) = I80.2

varises lower limb= I83.9

esophageal varices = I85.9

venous insufficiency = I87.2

hypotension = I95.9

CC common cold/nasopharyngitis akut= J00


Flu= J09

penumonia viral= J12.9

pneumonia bacterial = J15.9

CAP/pneumonia = J18.9

BP/ bronchopneumonia = J18.0

bronkitis = J40

bronkitis akut= J20.9

rhinitis allergi = J30.4

rhinosinusitis akut = J01.9

rhinosinusitis kronik = J32.9

PPOK penyakit paru obstruktif kronik/COPD= J44.9

asma= J45.9

BE/bronkiectasis= J47

ARDS adult respiratory distress syndr= J80

Edema paru= J81

pyothorax = J86.9

efusi pleura = J90

pneumothorax = J93.9

hemopneumothorax/hemothorax = J94.2

gagal nafas= J96.9

gagal nafas tipe I= J96.0

gigi susu goyang (persistent tooth)= K00.6

impacted teeth = K01.1

Caries (lubang) = K02.9

karang gigi (calculus tooth)= K03.6

Pulpitis =K04.0

GP/gangrene pulpa= K04.1

TMJ disorder (temporomandibular)= K07.6

stomatitis =K12.1

GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease= K21.9

gastric ulcer = K25.-

peptic ulcer = K27.-

gastritis akut = K29.1

gastritis erosive = K29.0

gastritis kronik = K29.5

gastritis= K29.7

dispepsia = K30
gastropathy= K31.9

appendicitis akut = K35.8

appendicitis + peritoneal abses = K35.3

appendicitis + peritonitis (rupture) = K35.2

appendicitis kronik = K36

HIL hernia inguinal lateral= K40.9 (unilateral)

hernia inguinal bilateral = K40.2

hernia femoral = K41.9

hernia umbilical = k42.9

chron disease = K50.9

GEA non infeksi = K52.9

ileus paralysis = K56.0

ileus obstruktive = K56.6

IBS irritable bowel synd = K58.9

konstipasi = K59.0

fistula anal = K60.3

abscess anal = K61.0

hemorrhoid int = K64.0 (gr I)

hemorrhoid ext = K64.3 (gr III)

hemorrhoid = K64.9

peritonitis akut = K65.0

peritonitis kronik = K65.8

peritonitis = K65.9

peritoneal adhesion = K66.0

gagal hati/ hepatic failure = K72.9

SH sirosis hepatis = K74.6

abscess liver = K75.0

fatty liver = K76.0

cholelithiasis = K80.8

cholecystitis = K81.9
cholelithiasis + cholecystitis = K80.o/1 (akut/kronik)

pancreatitis = K85.9

Hemel / hematemesis melena= K92.0 K92.1

gastrointestinal hemorrhage = K92.2

impetigo = L01.0

abses kulit = L02.-

cellulitis kulit= L03.-

cantengan (paronychia)= L03.0

lymphadenopathy lokasi = L04.-

lymphadenopathy colli = L04.0

pyoderma = L08.0

dermatitis atopic = L20.9

dermatitis napkin (diaper rash) = L22

dermatitis kontak alergi = L23.9

dermatitis kontak iritan = L24.9

dermatitis = L30.9

psoriasis vulgaris = L40.0

urticaria = L50.9

erythema nodosum = L52

ingrowing nail = L60.0

Alopecia areata = L63.9

acne = L70.9

acne vulgaris = L70.0

vitiligo = L80

clavus/corn = L84

decubitus ulcer grade = L89.-

keloid scar = L91.0

ulcer limb = L97

ulcer skin = L98.4


RA rheumatoid arthritis = M06.9-

Gout = M10.9

arthritis = M13.9

OA genu/knee= M17.9

OA genu/knee bilateral = M17.0

OA = M15.9

contracture joint = M24.5

ankylosis joint = M24.6

arthralgia/ pain in joint = M25.5

SLE systemic lupus erythematosus = M32.9

sjogren synd = M35.0

kifosis = M40.2-

lordosis = M40.5-

skoliosis = M41.9-

spondylolysis = M43.0-

spondylolisthesis = M43.1-

ankylosing spondylitis = M45.-

spinal stenosis = M48.0-

myelopathy cervical = M50.0+G99.2*

HNP hernia nucleus pulposus cervical = M50.2

HNP lumbal = M51.2

sciatica (nyeri bokong hingga menjalar ke bagian paha)= M54.3

LBP low back pain = M54.5

back pain = M54.9

TF /trigger finger = M65.3

de quervain synd = M65.4

baker cyst = M71.2

plantar fasciitis = M72.2

frozen shoulder = M75.0

rotator cuff = M75.1

impingement shoulder = M75.4

calcaneal spur = M77.3

tendinitis = M77.9

myalgia = M79.1

fibromyalgia = M79.7

osteoporosis + fracture = M80.9

osteoporosis = M81.9

osteomalacia = M83.9

osteomalacia senile = M83.1

malunion fracture = M84.0

nonunion fracture = M84.1

delayed union fracture = M84.2

hydronephrosis = N13.3

hydronephrosis + batu ureter/ginjal = N13.2

hydroureter = N13.4

AKI acute kidney injury= N17.9

CKD chronic kidney disease = N18.-

gagal ginjal = N19

batu ginjal/nephrolithiasis = N20.0

batu ureter = N20.1

renal colic = N23

kista ginjal = N28.1

cystitis = N30.9

ISK = N39.0 (tambahkan jika ada B95-B98)

urinary incontinence = N39.4

BPH benign prostat hyperplasia = N40

orchitis = N45.9

infertile laki2= N46

phimosis = N47

mammary dysplasia = N60.9

mastitis = N61

mastalgia/mastodynia = N64.4

cyst bartholin = N75.0

vaginitis = N76.0

endometriosis = N80.9

prolaps uterus = N81.4

cyst ovary = N83.2

leukorrhea = N89.8

Amenorrhea = N91.2

oligomenorrhea = N91.5

menometrorrhagia = N92.1

AUB abnormal uterine bleeding = N93.9

dysmenorrhea= N94.6

postmenopause bleeding = N95.0

infertile female= N97.9

ectopic pregnancy = O00.-

mole hydatidiform = O01.-

blighted ovum = O02.0

missed abortion = O02.1

medical abortion = O04.-

abortion unsp= O06.-

komplikasi hamil protein = O12.1

komplikasi hamil hipertensi = O13

pre eklampsia = O14.9

PEB (severe)= O14.1

terancam aborsi threatened = O20.0

HEG hyperemesis gravidum= O21.0

varises saat hamil = O22.0

ISK saat hamil =O23.9

komplikasi hamil DM = O24.-

hamil kembar = O30.-

posisi kandungan = O32.-

disproporsi = O33.-

abnormal organ pelvis = O34.-

kelainan pd bayi = O35.- & O36.-

polyhydramnion = O40

oligohydramnion = O41.0

KPD ketuban pecah dini/premature rupture membrane = O42.-

placenta previa = O44.-

masa bersalin/kontraksi palsu = O47.-

gagal induksi medis = O61.0

tidak kuat mengejan = O62.0

komplikasi fetal stress = O68.9

robek perineum = O70.-

post partum hemorrhage = O72.1

persalinan spontan = O80.-

persalinan VE = O81.4

persalinan forcep = O81.3

persalinan SC = O82.-

persalinan normal assisted = O83.-

persalinan multiple = O84.-

sepsis saat nifas =O85

infeksi luka persalinan = O86.0

ISK saat persalinan = O86.2

DVT saat nifas = O87.1

komplikasi luka persalinan = O90.-

cardiomyopathy saat nifas = O90.3

kematian ibu melahirkan = O95

HIV maternal = O98.7

anemia maternal = O99.0

kasus ibu persalinan normal:

RM Ibu: O80.9 Z37.0

RM Bayi : Z38.0

bayi lahir dgn penyulit maternal = P01.-

bayi lahir dgn penyulit placenta,dll = P02.-

bayi lahir dgn penyulit persalinan = P03.-

bayi lahir sungsang = P03.0

bayi lahir SC = P03.4

bayi lahir VE = P03.3

bayi lahir pertumbuhan lambat = P05.-

BBLR / premature= P07.-

BBLT / lebih umur= P08.-

janin hipoxia (kandungan) = P20.9

bayi lahir hipoxia (persalinan) = P21.9

bayi distress = P22.9

bayi sepsis= P36.9

jaundice = P59.9

fetal death = P95

anencephaly = Q00.0

microcephaly = Q02

spina bifida = Q05.-

cleft palate = Q35.-

cleft lip = Q36.-

cleft palate+lip = Q37.-

atresia ani = Q42.3

hirschsprung (megacolon) = Q43.1

imperforate hymen = Q52.3

undescend testis= Q53.-

hypospadias = Q54.-

polydactily = Q69.9

syndactily = Q70.9

down syndr = Q90.9

turner syndr = Q96.9

tachycardia = R00.0

bradycardia = R00.1

palpitasi = R00.2

gangrene = R02

epistaxis = R04.0

hemoptysis = R04.2

cough = R05

dyspnea (sesak) = R06.0

snoring (mendengkur)= R06.5

hiccough (cegukan)= R06.6

chest pain = R07.4

asphyxia = R09.0

pleurisy = R09.1

abdomen pain = R10.4

upper abdomen pain = R10.1

nausea vomit = R11

dysphagia = R13

hepatomegaly = R16.0

splenomegaly = R16.1

hepatomegaly+splenomegaly= R16.2

jaundice = R17
ascites = R18

halitosis = R19.6

tingling =R20.2

rash = R21

tremor = R25.1

spasm = R25.2

hematuria = R31

retentio urin = R33

dizzines/vertigo = R42

fever= R50.9

headache = R51

malaise = R53

convulsive = R56.8

cardiogenic shock= R57.0

hypovolaemic shock = R57.1

polydipsia = R63.1

ISL/ISOL = R90.0


VE head = S00.-

VL head = S01.-

Fr head & face = S02.-

injury eye = S05.-

ICH = S06.2-

EDH= S06.4-

SDH = S06.5-

SAH = S06.6-

injury head = S09.-

infection operation wound = T81.4

orang-sepeda = V01.--
orang-motor= V02.--

orang-mobil = V03.--

orang-truck = V04.--






motor-orang = V20.--

motor-sepeda = V21.--

motor-motor = V22.--

motor-mobil= V23.--

motor-truck = V24.--

penumpang motor-orang = V30.--

penumpang motor-sepeda = V31.--

penumpang motor-motor = V32.--

penumpang motor-mobil = V33.--

penumpang motor-truk = V34.--

mobil-orang = V40.--

mobil-sepeda = V41.--

mobil-motor = V42.--

mobil-mobil = V43.--

mobil-truk = V44.--

kepleset = W01.--

jatuh dr anak tangga = W10.--

jatuh dr tangga = W11.--

jatuh dr pohon = W14.--

jatuh dr ketinggian = W17.--

jatuh level sama = W18.--

jatuh= W19.--

kejatuhan sesuatu = W20.--

kejepit = W23.--

kena beling = W25.--

kena pisau,dll = W26.--

foreign body = W44.--

foreign body skin = W45.--

dipukul orang = W50.--

digigit anjing = W54.--

tenggelam = W74.--

kesetrum = W87.--

kebakaran = X00-X03.--

kena api = X09.--

kena air panas = X11.--

kena knalpot/besi panas = X18.--

kena bisa ular beracun = X20.--

kena petir = X33.--

keracunan gas beracun = X47.--

sebab tidak diketahui = X59.9-

pakai narkoba = X62.--

minum alkohol = X65.--

bunuh diri lompat dr ketinggian = X80.--

menabrakkan diri = X82.--

disiram air keras = X86.--

serangan bom = X96.--

serangan benda tajam = X99.--

serangan benda tumpul = Y00.--

diperkosa/sodomi = Y05.--
eksekusi mati (hukum) = Y35.5

korban perang = Y36.-

komplikasi dr bahan2 obat = Y57.-

komplikasi dr bahan2 vaksin utk bakteri = Y58.-

komplikasi dr bahan2 vaksin utk virus/biologial = Y59.-

gejala sisa dr kecelakaan transportasi = Y85.-

gejala sisa dr kecelakaan = Y86

gejala sisa dr operasi atau perawatan = Y88.-

sisa kadar alkohol dlm darah = Y90.-

sisa keracunan alkohol = Y91.-

check up = Z00.0

pemeriksaan anak kecil = Z00.1

pemeriksaan umum = Z00.8

pemeriksaan telinga= Z01.1

pemeriksaan gigi= Z01.2

pemeriksaan obgyn= Z01.4 (dx: Gyn tak)

pemeriksaan radiologi= Z01.6

pemeriksaan lab= Z01.7

pemeriksaan sebelum sekolah= Z02.0

pemeriksaan sebelum kerja= Z02.1

pemeriksaan sebelum dpt SIM= Z02.4

pemeriksaan surat sehat= Z02.7

obs. susp. febris = z03.8

obs. febris = R50.9

obs. diare = A09.-

obs. susp. TB = Z03.0

obs. susp. Ca = Z03.1

obs. susp. pnykit saraf = Z03.3

obs. susp. pnykit jantung = Z03.5

obs. susp. pnykit lain = Z03.8

obs. stlh kecelakaan transport = Z04.1

foll.up stlh kemo = Z08.2

kontrol pnyakit lain= Z09.8

screening TB= Z11.1

screening HIV = Z11.4

screening Ca = Z12.-

screening penyakit lain = Z13.-

konfirm HIV positif = Z21

imunisasi BCG (TB)= Z23.2

imunisasi polio = Z24.0

vaksin rabies = Z24.2

imunisasi DPT = Z27.1

imunisasi MMR = Z27.4

kondisi isolasi = Z29.0

konsul kontrasepsi = Z30.9

pasang IUD = Z30.1

steril = Z30.2

cek atau lepas IUD = Z30.5

tes kehamilan (+) = Z32.1

kontrol kehamilan pertama = Z34.0

kontrol kehamilan kedua, dst = Z34.8

keterangan melahirkan utk ibu = Z37.-

keterangan kelahiran utk bayi = Z38.-

foll.up stlh kelahiran (ibu) = Z39.2

khitan = Z41.2

tindik = Z41.3

pasang alat bantu dengar = Z46.1

pasang kateter urin = Z46.6

foll. up buka ORIF = Z47.0

foll.up operasi tulang = Z47.8

cabut jahitan luka operasi= Z48.0

foll.up stlh operasi lain = Z48.8

kontrol HD = Z49.1

kontrol rehab = Z50.-

kontrol kemo = Z51.1

rawat luka = Z51.8

donor darah = Z52.0

masalah pekerjaan = Z56.-

terpapar polusi = Z58.-

masalah ekonomi = Z59.-

masalah sosial = Z60.-

problem di masa kecil = Z61.-

konsul sex = Z70.-

konsul kesehatan = Z71.-

minta resep obat ulang = Z76.0

kehilangan organ tubuh = Z90.-

malpraktek = Z91.8

opening organ status = Z93.-

kondisi pasca operasi katarak (dx: pseudophakia) = Z96.1



cranial puncture = 01.09

biopsy brain open = 01.15

reopening craniotomy = 01.23

craniotomy = 01.24

craniectomy = 01.25

eksisi brain = 01.59

eksisi skull = 01.6

cranioplasty = 02.06

vp shunt abdominal = 02.34

laminectomy = 03.09

spinal tap = 03.31

release CTS = 04.43

release TTS = 04.44


isthmolobectomy unilateral = 06.2

partial thyroidectomy = 06.3-

complete thyroidectomy = 06.4

biopsy pituitary transfrontal = 07.13

biopsy pituitary transsphenoidal = 07.14


eksisi kalazion = 08.21

repair blepharoptosis = 08.3-

eksisi pterygium = 11.39

jahit kornea = 11.51

repair kornea = 11.59

keratoplasty = 11.60

iridotomy = 12.12

operasi katarak (phako + IOL) = 13.19 13.41 13.71

repair retinal tear = 14.39

repair retinal detachment = 14.5-


piercing (tindik)= 18.01

otoscopy (biopsy/pemeriksaan dalam)= 18.11

tympanoplasty = 19.5-

mastoidectomy = 20.4-
Nose, Mouth, Pharynx

kontrol epistaxis = 21.0-

reduksi nasal fracture = 21.7-

rhinoplasty = 21.87

septoplasty = 21.88

cabut gigi = 23.09

cabut gigi surgical = 23.19

RCT root canal therapy irrigation = 23.71

repair cleft lip = 27.54

repair cleft palate = 27.69 27.64

tonsillectomy = 28.2

tonsillectomy + adenoidectomy = 28.3

biopsy pharynx = 29.12

pharyngectomy partial = 29.33


eksisi vocal cord = 30.22

trachesotomy temporary = 31.1 (tambahkan bronchoscopy/biopsy (33.2-) jika


tracheostomy permanent = 31.29 (tambahkan bronchoscopy/biopsy (33.2-) jika


revisi tracheostomy = 31.74

bronchoscopy = 33.23

puncture lung = 33.93

thoracotomy explorasi = 34.02

WSD water seal drainage (chest tube) = 34.04

thoracocentesis = 34.91


repair ASD/VSD dgn alat bantu = 35.5- (tambahkan 39.61 jika ada bypass

repair ASD/VSD dgn cangkok jaringan = 35.6- (tambahkan 39.61 jika ada bypass
repair ASD/VSD unsp. = 35.7- (tambahkan 39.61 jika ada bypass cardiopulmonal)

valvuloplasty percutan = 35.96 (tambahkan 39.61 jika ada bypass


PCI percutaneous coronary intervention non-DES = 36.06 (ada kode tambahan)

PCI percutaneous coronary intervention DES = 36.07 (ada kode tambahan)

bypass arteri coroner = 36.1- (tambahkan 39.61 jika ada bypass cardiopulmonal)

repair aneurysm coroner = 36.91 (tambahkan 39.61 jika ada bypass


pericardiocentesis = 37.0

kateter jantung kanan (NOS) = 37.21

kateter jantung kiri = 37.22

repair aneurysm heart= 37.32 (tambahkan 39.61 jika ada bypass


transplant jantung = 37.51

LVAD/RVAD = ventricular assist device = 37.66

pVAD = 37.68

pacemaker = 37.8- (tambahkan 37.7-)

ligasi varises = 38.5-

VP shunt/ dobel lumen = 38.95 39.95

phlebotomy = 38.99

bypass aorta = 39.21-39.26

AV shunt HD = 39.27 39.95

revisi AV shunt HD = 39.42

clipping aneurysm = 39.51

repair aneurysm vessel = 39.52

pacemaker ketika operasi jantung = 39.64

HD = 39.95

angiotripsy/venotripsy = 39.98


biopsy lymphatic = 40.11

excisi lymph = 40.2-


ligation varises esofagus = 42.91

gastroscopy = 44.13

colonoscopy = 45.23

anastomosis intestinal = 45.9-

colostomy = 46.10

closure intestinal stoma = 46.5-

appendectomy = 47.09

insisi abses perianal = 49.01

anoscopy = 49.21

eksisi hemorrhoid = 49.46

hepatopexy = 50.69

cholecystectomy = 51.22

repair HIL unilateral = 53.0-

repair HIL bilateral = 53.1-

insisi abdominal wall = 54.0

LE laparotomy explorasi= 54.11

laparotomy = 54.19

lysis adhesion peritoneal = 54.59

suture abdominal wall = 54.63

abdominal drainage = 54.91


nephrostomy/nephrotomy = 55.0-

biopsy kidney = 55.24

nephrectomy partial = 55.4

nephrectomy complete= 55.5-

transplant kidney = 55.69

ureteral meatotomy = 56.1

ureteroscopy = 56.31

biopsy ureter = 56.34

ligation ureter = 56.95

cystoscopy = 57.32

repair hypospadias = 58.45

dilation urethra = 58.6

kateter ureter = 59.8

Male Genital

biopsy prostate closed/open = 60.11/60.12

TURP transurethral resection prostate = 60.29

eksisi hydrocele = 61.2

orchidopexy = 62.5

aspiration testis = 62.91

eksisi varicocele/hydrocele =63.1

male steril = 63.70

vasectomy = 63.73

khitan/sirkumsisi = 64.0

release chordee = 64.42

Female Genital

salpingo-oophorotomy = 65.09

eksisi ovary = 65.29

oophorectomy uni = 65.39

salpingo-oophorectomy uni = 65.49

bilateral oophorectomy = 65.51

bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy = 65.61

lysis adhesion ovary-tuba = 65.89

female steril = 66.39

uni salpingectomy = 66.4

bilateral salpingectomy = 66.5

eksisi tuba = 66.61

biopsy endocervical = 67.11

marsupialization cervical cyst = 67.31

eksisi cervix = 67.39

subtotal abdominal hysterectomy = 68.39

TAH total abdominal hysterectomy = 68.49

hysterectomy = 68.9

D&C terminasi kehamilan = 69.01

D&C kelahiran-aborsi = 69.02

D&C = 69.09

pasang IUD = 69.7

vaginoscopy = 70.21

eksisi vagina = 70.33

hymenorrhaphy = 70.76

eksisi cyst bartholind = 71.24


forceps = 72.0-72.3

VE = 72.79

induksi = 73.4

assisted delivery = 73.59

episiotomy = 73.6

SC = 74.99

amnioscopy = 75.31

EKG fetal = 75.32

removal placenta = 75.4


eksisi facial bone = 76.2

rekonstruksi facial bone = 76.46

reduksi fraktur wajah = 76.7-

reduksi TMJ =76.93-76.94

removal ORIF face = 76.97

insisi bone = 77.1-

bunionectomy = 77.59
eksisi bone = 77.6-

eksisi utk cangkok tulang = 77.7-

internal fixation = 78.5-

removal fixator = 78.6-

CRIF = 79.1-

ORIF = 79.3-

debridement OF = 79.6-

close reduksi dislokasi = 79.7-

close reduksi dislokasi = 79.8-

arthroscopy = 80.2-

biopsy joint = 80.3-

spinal fusion= 81.0-

arthrodesis = 81.1- - 81.2-

THR = 81.51

TKR = 81.54

amputation upper limb= 84.0-

amputation lower limb = 84.1-


eksisi breast = 85.20

mastectomy = 85.4-

mastopexy = 85.6

total rekonstruksi breast = 85.79

mammoplasty = 85.89

insisi drainage skin = 86.04

insisi skin = 86.09

eksisi debridement skin = 86.22

debridement skin non eksisi = 86.28

eksisi skin = 86.3

cangkok kulit = 86.6-

Diagnostic and Therapeutic

dental x-ray = 87.12

x-ray face = 87.16

CT thorax/heart = 87.41

x-ray thorax = 87.49

CT kidney = 87.71

retrograde pyelogram = 87.73

x-ray extremities = 88.2-

CT scan other = 88.38

USG = 88.7-

Echo = 88.72

MRI = 88.9-

tonometry = 89.11

EEG = 89.14

EKG = 89.52

autopsy = 89.8

EMG = 93.08

terapi fisik = 93.1-

terapi muskulo = 93.2-

terapi terapetik = 93.3-

gips = 93.53

bidai = 93.54

behel = 93.55

balut luka = 93.57

tindakan rehab = 93.8-

CPAP = 93.90

hyperbaric = 93.95

terapi oksigen = 93.96

audiometry = 95.41

alat bantu dengar = 95.48

intubasi nafas = 96.05

NGT = 96.07

irrigation ear = 96.52

scaling gigi = 96.54

bersih luka = 96.59

ventilator = 96.7-

ESWL = 98.51

tranfusi WB = 99.03

tranfusi PRC/PC = 99.04

tranfusi TC = 99.05

injeksi antibiotik = 99.21

kemo = 99.25

injeksi obat lain = 99.29

CPR = 99.60

fototerapi = 99.83

isolasi = 99.84

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