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15 February 2021


Dear :

We write in behalf of our client,____, to whom you owe an outstanding account in the
sum of ______

This is relation to the following invoices for the tires delivered to you:

Invoice Date Invoice Amount (Php)




As can be seen from the table above, your last payment was still on _____ After that, no
payment whatsoever or any notice of any intention to pay from your end has been
received by our Client for your remaining outstanding obligation.
We therefore demand that within five (5) days from receipt of this letter, you
immediately remit to our client, ____, the sum of ______).

Your failure to pay within the specified date shall constrain us to file the appropriate
civil and criminal case against you. When this happens, you will be assessed an
attorney’s fees equivalent to 10% of the entire obligation as well as damages, legal
expenses, interest and other necessary charges.

We trust that you will give this matter your preferential attention in order to avoid the
tremendous inconvenience of facing civil and/or criminal charges.


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