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Modern Global History

Cold War Debate

Debate Question: Who was winning the Cold War, The United States or The Soviet Union, in
the early portion of the Cold War- 1945-1960?

Pro Side- United States was winning the early Cold War
Con Side- Soviet Union was winning the early Cold War

Debate Format:
Opening Argument
● Each side will lay out their arguments as to why their side was winning the early Cold
● This should be a prepared statement with clear evidence delivered by one team member
● You will have 3 minutes to deliver this opening statement
● The Pro side will go first immediately followed by the Con side
● Note takers should each take notes during the opposing opening argument

Rebuttal 1
● After the opening arguments, both teams will have 5 minutes to work together to create
their rebuttal statement.
● A rebuttal statement should answer or address major points from the opposing side's
opening argument. You should demonstrate that your side is stronger with evidence.
● You will have 4 minutes to deliver your rebuttal.
● The Pro side will go first in delivering their rebuttal followed by the con side

Rebuttal 2
● After the first rebuttal, both teams will have 5 minutes to work together to create their
second rebuttal statement.
● A rebuttal statement should answer or address major points from the opposing side's first
rebuttal. You should demonstrate that your side is stronger with evidence.
● You will have 4 minutes to deliver your rebuttal.
● The Con side will go first in delivering their second rebuttal followed by the Pro side

Closing Argument
● Each team will have 3 minutes after the second rebuttal to draft their closing arguments.
● You should sum up your side and why they are the winners of the early Cold War and
give a brief summary of the evidence you have provided throughout the debate. You can
also touch on why the other side’s argument were not as convincing
● You will have 3 minutes to deliver this statement and it should be completed by one
member of the team
Debate Prep Sources:
Chapter 27: Cold War and Postwar Changes, 1945-1970 (
Pg 900-905
Part 1

John Green videos


Opening Speech:
The opening speech is in charge of delivering a 3-5 minute speech outlining the
group’s position. It should be clear from the opening speech what the group’s overall position
and why it is that position. The opening speech needs to work closely with the rest of the
members of the group as the opening speech is effectively a prolonged thesis statement and
supporting evidence. The debater will use this form to prep their speech. The debater is expected
to pay attention and positively participate in the debate even when they are not directly fulfilling
the role of the opening speech.
The rebuttal will be in charge of preparing what they imagine the opponent’s
arguments will be. The rebuttal will be in charge of filling out the rebuttal prep form. The
debater is expected to pay attention and positively participate in the debate even when they are
not directly fulfilling the role of the rebuttal.
Note Taker:
The note taker is in charge of coordinating the group’s notes before the debate and
taking live notes during the debate in order to lead the group’s overall debate strategy. The note
taker will need to make sure that all members of the team are clear with what the groups’ overall
strategy is. The note taker will use the note taker note form.
Closing Speech:
The closing speech is expected to summarize the debate and explain to the judge
why their side won. The closing speech should be built before the debate and then make slight
adaptations based on how the course of the debate went. The debate should be prepared using
this form.
As a team you should complete the following outline to prepare for the debate by Monday

Debate Question: Who was winning the Cold War, The United States or The Soviet Union, in the
early portion of the Cold War- 1945-1960?

Which side of the debate is our team arguing?

Opening Statement

Notes from Opposing Opening Statement

Rebuttal Points Preparation - what are some points that you can anticipate the other side
preparing and how will you address them?

Rebuttal Points for Rebuttal 1- what points will you use in the debate?

Notes from Rebuttal 1

Rebuttal Points for Rebuttal 2- what points will you use in the debate?
Notes from Rebuttal 2

Closing Argument- Outline your closing argument


Developing Proficient Mastery

Team Performance Team

Role Performance Student meets and
exceeds all of the
expectations outlined
in their role

Individual Student meets and

Performance exceeds all of the
(wording) general expectations
of the debate. They
are engaged in the
process of preparation
and throughout the
course of the debate
in a manner that
elevates the overall
depth and
constructiveness of
the debate.

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