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Alejandro Israel meneses cortes grupo: 4 AMA

Correlative conjunctions

Both… and = ambos o cualquiera de los dos

-This house is both large and cozy

Either… or = este o el otro

-Either you Will eat you dinner or you will go to bed

Just as… so = tanto como

-just as i love films does my brother love sports

Neither… nor = ni una o la otra

-he is neither employed nor looking for a job

Not only… but also = no solo esto si no también

-not only Will see you $20 but also raise you $30

Whether… or = a pesar de

-i´m going to help you whether you like it or not

No sooner… that = antes que

-i´d no sooner lie to you than strange a puppy

Hardy… when = apenas cuando

-i had hardly sat down for dinner, when the pane rang

If… then = si entonces

-if that is the case, then i´m not surpriced about what´s happening

Rather… tan = en vez de

-she´d rather play the drums than sing

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