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Teenage pregnancies carry extra health risk to both the mother and the body. Often,

Teens, don’t get prenatal care soon enough which can lead to problems later on. They

Have a higher risk for pregnancy related high blood pressure and its complications. Risk

for the baby include premature birth and a low birth weight.

It is known that girls who become pregnant as a teenager will face increased medical

risk, and if the pregnancy is taken to term, there are also increased medical risks for

their babies. We also know that teenage mothers, and their children, can suffer from

poorer life outcomes.

When a teenager becomes a parent, it seems like there are no options. Teens need to

be educated on the advantages of abstinence. What health risks come with having sex,

and how having a baby will change their life. Give me some intro sentence: Teens need

to be educated about ways to prevent teenage pregnancy.

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