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Dhaminar B.



The Physical Disadvantages of Early Pregnancy

Early Pregnancy is understood as a pregnancy among adolescent girls of 18

years old below. It is a part of medical and social issue that is up today in many
parts of the world. Early pregnancy can cause health problems for both the mother
and the child. Having a child in teenage years is very stressful you will have to get
a job in order to provide for your baby and still go to school at that time being.
Early pregnancy poses a lot of disadvantages among teenage mothers.

While many feel that the women should have the freedom to choose on
what is better for their life. It doesn’t change the nature of having a negative
consequence. Teenage mothers can experience a variety of disadvantages. Being a
teenage mother has it pros in relationship of the parent and the child. Being able to
do things with your child is always good. Older people tend to pass up on things
because they are not into whatever it is that the child might be into or they are just
too tired. Not all would side on the positive sides on getting pregnant early. Related
to it’s the teens that lack preparedness and acceptance of reality, and they are
afraid of people’s perception towards them. Because they are not emotionally ready
and matured enough to face and handle the responsibility. They will not only be
responsible for themselves but also for their child. It cannot be unavoidable that
society will always judge these teenage mothers. Since in our society when a
woman is pregnant at a right age is normal. Because of this, teenage mothers may
experience depression that may lead to them harming themselves and the child.
An early pregnancy can alter the path of any teenager’s life.
Teens can carry their new life as long as they accepted the reality and will do
anything for their new life ahead, but not all teens have that strength to carry on.
Adolescents need support and teaching during pregnancy because most of them are
not matured enough to face and handle the responsibility of being a mother. More
ever they lack experience than adult women, making them less able to cope with
their new life they are going to experience of pregnancy and childbirth. Coping with
emotional demands in relation to early pregnancy, rejection and disapproval by
family is the main factor. They feel embarrassment, disappointed, and ashamed
that they were pregnant. In addition, there some parents rejecting their pregnant
teenagers. This makes early pregnancy very stressful and requires some coping
strategies that are beneficial to teenage mothers. There are numerous adaptive
coping strategies including avoidance of negativity, embracing support from family
and partner, repentance and dependence on God, and focusing on own and the
child’s future.

In coping their new life, we must let them understand what situation they are
facing right now in a nonjudgmental and appropriate approach and interaction that
are essential to take care for teenage mothers. With this method we might able to
give the ideas and help them on their new life.

Only Adult Women can experience physical disadvantages after labor. Early
pregnancy also poses physical disadvantages specially to the teenage mother.
Pregnant teens have a higher risk of physical problems than pregnant women who
are old enough. They are more likely to develop a postpartum depression (a
depression caused after childbirth) as a result of being pregnant. In terms of
physical problems according to various studies, teenage mothers can experience
anemia, hemorrhage, high blood pressure (also called pregnancy-induced
hypertension), and preeclampsia (a signs of damage to other organ systems
characterized by high blood pressure). In addition, there are a lot of cases of
miscarriages during pregnancy that makes adolescents at a high risk and eventually
there are other teenage mothers undergo unsafe abortion, which may result in
reproductive problem or even death. Early pregnancy is risky and stakeholders tries
to minimize the rate of teenager’s getting pregnant.

In conclusion, early pregnancy is a very hard state for teenage mothers.

We should create awareness on its impact that can affect directly to life and health
for both the teenage mothers and the child. It poses a various physical
disadvantages that the adolescents may experience that can ruin their life. In terms
of social outcome, they will miss some aspects of their life and it might change due
to pregnancy. Still there are various of methods that can help the adolescents cope
in their new life and accept the reality and face their responsibility. Overall, it is
very important to create awareness and educate teens about sexual education and
the effects on early pregnancy.

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