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Name: Arnaldo Faustini

Date of Birth: 1872
Place of Birth: Rome Italy
Famous For:
Being the world's first polar geographer in the world which is very
impressive if you ask me.
Who was Arnaldo Faustini:
Arnaldo Faustini (1872–1944) was an Italian polar geographer, writer, and
cartographer. He is considered by some to be the first East European polar
specialist. Born in Rome, he received his doctorate at the University of
Rome at the age of 19.

Arnaldo Faustini's life:

Faustini worked at a newspaper based in Rome as scientific editor. He had
a special interest in polar subjects and published 19 books on polar
subjects in his native Italian. The polar explorer Augustus Greely invited
Faustini to the United states in 1915 for a lecture tour. While lecturing at
Columber University, Faustini met Amelia Del Colle, who later became his
wife. The crater Faustini on the Moon is named after him.

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