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Chapter 8.

13 - Urbanisation in Albury-Wodonga
Chapter 8.13 Q1-7 Questions and Answers:

1. Identify the freeway that passes through both Albury and Wodonga? The
Hume Highway
2. What is located at the following points?
a. GR905060 Swamp
b. GR927072
c. GR940080
d. GR913072
e. GR924046
f. GR927060
3. What is the approximate distance from the Albury Visitor Information Centre
to Albury Botanic Gardens? 1km and 625m
4. What do you notice about the number of parks on the eastern side of Albury
compared to the number of parks on the western side? There are more parks in
the west than there are more in the east
5. In which direction does Albury seem to be expanding? South because the other
areas have more mountains and more mountain ranges which are too steep to build
anything and need flat land to build
6. Is the state boundary between New South Wales and Victoria in the middle,
on the Victorian side or on the New South Wales side of the Murray River?
The state boundary is on the Victoria side meaning that the Murray River belongs to the
new south Wales side
7. What evidence is there on the map in figure 2 that Albury and Wodonga will
physically remain two separate cities in the future and not merge into one
city? The Murray River is the only thing that is separating the two cities which will not
make the cities ever merge into one big city
PPT Slides 3-6 Questions and Answers:
1) Describe the patterns you see on each map? As you can see on the two maps wherever more
and more people live there is more rainfall there for example in Tully there is almost 2000
people living there and about over 2400mm of rainfall there
2) Build the interconnection between rainfall, natural features and population distribution?
3) Refer to the source and state the natural features of the environment which are important in
determining location such as Hobart, Gympie and Kalgoorlie?
4) Discuss how the Great Dividing Range influence where people live today in Australia?
Because Victoria and New South Wales are near the coast and near the beautiful beaches so
people might move there or live there for retirement and relaxation, that is why there are more
people in NSW and Victoria.
5) Select 2 states and compare the population growth between the two cities? The two states that
I have picked are Victoria and Northern Territory. Victoria has the largest population living there
as there are up to 627,000 people living there and as you can see in Northern Territory there is
only a max of 3000 people living there. I think the only reason why there is less people in
Northern Territory and more people in Victoria is because Northen Territory Is mainly dry and
very hot whereas Vicotria has a very tropical and wet area to live in which is why more people
tend to live in Victoria then Northern Territory.

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