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Science 13/07/21

Q1) Trees have inner rings which you can count to see how long a tree lasted for. The more rings the
more years a tree has lasted for.

Q2) Fossils is evidence of past life found in a rock or another material. This evidence may be the
remains of a plant or animal, or an impression such as a footprint.
Q3) A) A Dinosaur footprint is not a fossil- False
B) Minerals may replace the shell or bone of an animal to make a fossil- True
C) Soft-Bodied animals are likely to form fossils than animals with shells or skeletons-
D) Fossils are found only under oceans or other bodies of water- False
E) Generally speaking, lower layers of rock in a region contain older fossils- True
F) Fossils of complete animals that do not exist- True
Q4) Uranium is a radioactive substance found in many rocks, and over time changes into Lead
Q5) A) Carbon
B) Carbon Dating can be used to date Fossils over 100 000 years ago.
Q6) Cenozoic, Palaeozoic, Archaeozoic, Azoic
Q7) Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic
Q8) One reason could be because of how long they have been living for or another reason could
be that many of its kind is being killed or endangered
Q9) Ammonites
Q10) 4.5 billion Years

Period Span (Millions of Years)

Quaternary 2
Tertiary 63
Cretaceous 144
Jurassic 208
Triassic 248
Permain 290
Carboniferous 362
Devonian 408
Silurian 438
Ordovican 505
Cambrian 570
Precambrian 4600

Q12) A) Carboniferous
B) Cretaceous
C) Silurian
D) Precambrian
E) Jurassic
F) Jurassic
G) Ordovician
H) Precambrian
I) Jurassic
J) Triassic

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