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Gallipoli Source Analysis 16/7/21

TYPE What type of source is it? Is it a primary/secondary source? Is

it a written/archaeological source? This Source is a Primary Source
as it shows Lieutenant William Britt explaining his landing on Gallipoli for
the first day and the source is also a written source as it just shows the

ORIGIN Where did the source come from? When was it used? Who
made it? The source has come from Australians at War (Australians at
War, Department of Veterans’ Affairs) The Source itself was used in
25/11/13. The Person who made the source himself was Lieutenant
William Britt as it is his perspective of His Landing on Gallipoli.

MOTIVE Why was the source created? What was the purpose of the
composer? The Source was created to show us or tell us how his first
day of landing in Gallipoli was like and how tough it was for him. I think
the purpose was to tell us how tough the landings at Gallipoli were.

CONTENT What's in the source? How is it presented? In the source you can
see Lieutenant William Britt explaining his first day of landing at Gallipoli
himself and his journey when he landed there. The source itself is
presented as a diary entry.

AUDIENCE Who was it created for/ What is the intended

desire/response? Does it evoke emotions/opinions? What
are they? The source was created for historians and students today to
learn more about the Landings at Gallipoli and how tough it was like. I
think the intended response is to tell us how tough it was to land at
Gallipoli. It doesn’t show any emotions throughout the source.
PERSPECTIVE Who is the creator of the source? What are their
thoughts/views on the issue/topic? The creator of this source is
Lieutenant William Britt and I think their thoughts on the landing were
very brutal and tough because he had to jump into the icy cold water up
to his waist. He was carrying 250 rounds of ammunition. Pack with
clothes and kit weighing 30 lbs. Haversack with 4 tins dog biscuits etc., a
water bag, 3 cement bags rolled up to be used as sandbags which already
sounds tough enough.
USEFULNESS How useful is the source of learning about the topic? I think
this source is very useful as it tells us about Gallipoli and how tough their
landings were and what they had to go through when they landed at
Gallipoli at first.

RELIABILITY How authentic is it? Can you trust it? Why/why not? It is very
authentic as it shows his perspective and how tough it was when he first
landed at Gallipoli. Yes, you can trust it as it was his perspective and not
someone else's perspective of Gallipoli.

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