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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 628

Universitas Lampung International Conference on Social Sciences (ULICoSS 2021)

The Effect of Work-Based Learning Model in

Improving the Competence Students of
Diploma III Nursing
Taufiq Nur Muftiyanto Muhammad Akhyar Munawir Yusuf
Doctor Program in Education Doctor Program in Education Doctor Program in Education Sebelas
Sebelas Maret University Sebelas Maret University Maret University
Surakarta, Indonesia Surakarta, Indonesia Surakarta, Indonesia

Sri Haryati
Teacher Training and Education
Sebelas Maret University
Surakarta, Indonesia

Abstract—The competence of a nurse is something vocational, and democratic [3]. Thus the provision of
that is displayed thoroughly by a nurse in providing vocational schools to produce the necessary skills is
professional services to clients, including knowledge, very important.
skills, and considerations required in practical
situations. The impact of students' lack of competence Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National
will lead to patient safety incidents. To increase Education System mandates that “vocational education
competence in their field and experience in the is education that prepares students to work in certain
industrial world, an effective learning model is needed, fields. Vocational education (vocational) prepares
namely work-based learning. The purpose of this study students to master skills or skills certain as a provision
was to determine the effect of the work-based learning for work. This statement is following Bennett's
model on the competence of nursing diploma students. opinion that vocational education includes all forms of
The method used in this research is descriptive technical and vocational education and is organized by
qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of various forms of educational institutions, both by the
questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The government and by the community, informal and non-
results of this study indicate that the work-based formal forms, to help the community to obtain
learning model affects improving the competence of education and training based on the principle of
Diploma III Nursing students at ITS PKU
lifelong learning [4]. From a socio-economic
Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
perspective, vocational/vocational education is
Keywords—Work-Based Learning Model, Nursing economic education, because it is derived from the
Competence, Diploma III Vocational Education needs of the labor market, giving a derivative to
economic strength. Vocational education is education
I. INTRODUCTION to prepares students to enter the workforce. Vocational
education must be designed so that graduates have
Education has a major role in providing quality
skills, abilities, knowledge, attitudes, and work habits
Human Resources (HR) and should be the answer for
that are following the needs of the world of work.
society, especially modern society. Vocational
Including in the world of work in the Health sector.
education has a major role in planning and creating
professional and productive middle-level human Universities in the field of Health play an
resources [1]. One of the efforts to improve the quality important role in producing competent and quality
and relevance of education is to develop vocational or health workers by providing theory and practice
vocational schools because the workforce that is much including cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
needed is at the level of technical school graduates [2]. through lecture materials with the hope that students
As stated by Balogh (1969) that vocational schools can think highly. The quality of health services is
can overcome problems in developing countries which closely related to the quality of professional nurses.
emphasize that as a determinant of prosperity and Professional nursing requires nursing services to be
socio-economic progress, education must be technical, provided with competencies that meet standards and

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 684
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 628

pay attention to ethical and moral rules [5]. Nursing as patient safety, including the correct patient
a profession also has a body of knowledge that is identification process by 32%, effective
different from other professions, is altruistic, has a communication by 61%, correct medication increase
professional forum, has standards and professional by 59%, the certainty of the right location, procedure
ethics, accountability, autonomy, and peerage [5]. In and patient [10]. by 74%, reducing the risk of infection
Indonesia, the nursing profession is important in by 86%, and reducing the risk of falling by 43%.
helping to improve individual health degrees and Meanwhile, another study conducted by Puspita Sari
public health degrees [6]. (2015) showed that students' knowledge of patient
safety was far from 100% [11]. The impact of
Nurses as one of the main components of students' lack of competence regarding patient safety
providing health services to the community have an will lead to patient safety incidents, such as giving
important role because they are directly related to their medicine to the wrong patient, patients falling out of
competence and education [6]. The results of the bed taking actions that are not following procedures,
research by the Directorate of Nursing and PPNI and so on [12]. During the implementation of practice
regarding the activities of nurses are known that more in the room, clinical supervisors and nurses more
than 75% of all health service activities are nursing closely monitor and influence students who are
service activities. General problems that occur in practicing.
nursing services are the lack of nurses who have
higher education, the number of less friendly nurses, This problem also occurs in students of the nursing
and the lack of patience of nurses in dealing with vocational education program for students of the
patients. Syah (2018) argues that the emphasis on Institute of Health and Science Technology (ITS) PKU
developing and fostering higher nursing education is Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The lack of competency
more directed at efforts to improve the quality of achievement by students is one of them in the
education so that graduates demonstrate a professional Indonesian Nurses Competency Exam (UKNI). The
attitude, master nursing knowledge, and master average UKNI graduation rate is still very low. In
nursing professional skills [7]. Currently, in Indonesia, 2019 the DIII ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta
there are many nursing education institutions whose study program inaugurated 246 graduates, but only
educational processes run with great variations, and 117 graduates of the DIII Nursing study program who
the quality control system of the education delivery pocketed a certificate of work internship experience at
process has not been fully implemented, so the quality the Hospital [13]. The success of DIII Nursing
or competence of graduates is very diverse. students of ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta in
Competency testing is a process of measuring the learning can be known through evaluation, the aim is
knowledge, skills, and behavior of students at to find out the achievements of students after the
universities that organize nursing study programs. teaching and learning process takes place. Problems
that are often found in practical activities are always
The problem that occurs in Indonesia in nursing related to learning. The results of the author's
education is that the regulation on the establishment interviews with several lecturers showed that the DIII
and implementation of nursing education is still not Nursing students of ITS PKU Muhammadiyah
firm and clear so that there are many nursing Surakarta did not yet have sufficient ability to apply
education institutions whose quality is still in doubt. In the nursing skills acquired during education. Students
addition, there is no standardization in the already know but in skills and at the end of each
implementation of competency tests, so the results practice they are still lacking.
achieved are of varying quality. In addition, education
level does not have much effect on the competence, The selection of learning forms and methods to
recognition, and welfare of nurses in the workplace in find the right strategy so that students can fulfill their
providing nursing care. Whereas nursing education is learning achievements, by developing active
an important process that must be passed by every interactions between students, lecturers, and learning
nurse. The competence of nursing students consists of resources [14]. Through industrial practice, the
three parts, namely, the abilities, knowledge, and Diploma III program is one of the field courses
attitudes possessed by these students [8]. One of the intended to equip students to have work experience in
patient safety standards that have been set by JCI the industry to develop their vocational knowledge and
(Joint Commission International) is the target of skills and to empower students in their future learning
implementing patient safety in hospitals which and career responsibilities. The purpose of industrial
includes correct patient identification, increasing practice is that students can increase their knowledge
effective communication, using drugs safely, ensuring of science and technology through fieldwork activities
the right location, procedure, and right patient, in the industry following their field of expertise.
reducing risk. infection, and identify the patient's risk
of falling [9]. The application of Work-Based Learning (WBL)
in vocational education in the world has been around
The results of research conducted by Iswati (2015) for a long time, both at the secondary and higher
show that students have insufficient knowledge about education levels. The application of WBL in

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 628

vocational learning is based on the philosophy of Data reduction takes place continuously as long as a
improving the quality, relevance, and efficiency of qualitative research-oriented project takes place. The
vocational learning for the world of work [15]. The second presentation is a structured collection of
partnership between vocational education institutions information that provides the possibility of drawing
and industry in the implementation of learning is a conclusions and taking action. Third, concluding is an
necessity. The Ministry of National Education (2003) activity of a complete configuration. Conclusions were
suggests that work-based learning is a learning also verified during the study.
strategy that allows students to use the workplace
context to study school-based learning materials and III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
how these materials are reused at work or in various A. Work-Based Learning
activities combined with subject matter for the benefit
of students. WBL is also defined as an active learning Work-Based Learning (WBL) is a learning
process to make advancements in work competencies approach that utilizes the workplace to structure
with direct and contextual experience in the world of experiences gained in the workplace, contribute to
work. WBL is carried out in the form of work-based social, academic, and career development of learning
training as a process of developing work skills, work and become a supplement in learning activities. The
knowledge, work attitudes, work morals in the world learning experience in the workplace is applied,
of work. refined, expanded in learning both on campus and in
the workplace. With WBL, learning develops
So that students are competent in their fields and attitudes, knowledge, enlightenment skills, behaviors,
experienced in the industrial world, an effective habits, and relationships from experiences in both
learning model is needed to improve the skills and places and allows learning related to real work
quality of students [16]. Various theories and activities [18]. The quality of vocational education
contemporary research in workplace-based teaching outcomes both in terms of processes and products is
and learning support the praxis of vocational strongly influenced by the learning approach used in
education, especially those related to contextual conducting vocational education. WBL is used as
learning. Recent research results conclude that the use terminology in various countries for programs at
of the Workplace-Based Learning Approach (PBTK) schools or colleges to gain experience from the world
in education has a positive effect on achievement, of work.
motivation, and continuing education [17]. Research
conducted by (Lynch & Harnish, 1998) shows a Work-Based Learning (WBL) is becoming a trend
correlation between outcomes and the impact of in education because it affects learning satisfaction
graduates with the learning structures provided by and increases the role of tutors in learning [20]. WBL
schools and industry as on-the-job experiences [18]. is learning at the tertiary level which includes learning
work. When program objectives, curricula, and for work (job placement), learning in the workplace
workplace-based experiences are designed and (eg in-house training programs), and learning through
implemented with adequate staff support and properly work (eg related to work accredited by universities)
evaluated, the program will have a positive impact. [21]. WBL is used as terminology in various countries
Therefore, the authors are interested in researching on for programs in schools/colleges to gain experience
how the influence of Work-Based Learning (WBL) in from the world of work and for youth to prepare for
improving the competence of DIII Nursing students at the school-to-work transition
the Institute of Science and Health Technology (ITS) ( pdf) and
PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta. to learn the realities of the world of work/work and be
prepared to make the right choices in work [22].
II. METHODS Boud & Solomon (2001) describe that WBL
This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach programs typically have the following characteristics:
that aims to describe the effect of Work-Based (1) a partnership between an external organization and
Learning in improving the competence of DIII an educational institution that is stipulated by contract;
Nursing students at ITS PKU Muhammadiyah (2) learners are involved as workers (by making
Surakarta. The data sources in this study were the head negotiated to learn plans); (3) learning programs are
of the DIII Nursing study program, staff, lecturers, and formulated from the needs of the workplace and
students of the DIII Nursing study program by participants, and not only from the academic
purposive random sampling. Data collection curriculum that has been prepared; (4) the learning
techniques in this study are, using questionnaires, program is adapted individually for each learner
interviews, documentation, and observation. The data according to their previous educational/work/training
analysis technique uses Miles & Huberman (1992) experience; (5) learning programs as integrated
which consists of three plots [19]. First, reduction. projects/tasks at the place of work; (6) learning
Data reduction is defined as the process of selecting, outcomes are measured by educational institutions
focusing on simplifying, abstracting, and transforming [23].
rough data that emerges from written notes in the field.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 628

Many things must be considered in the and stamp. Things like this should be used as an
implementation of this WBL, starting from the evaluation so that later it doesn't happen again.
curriculum, assessment and facilities, and
infrastructure. For the curriculum itself, the structure Constraints in the implementation of WBL
and design of learning must encourage and support originate from outside the campus. According to the
experimental learning. In addition, it must also enable explanation of the ITS PKU Muhammadiyah lecturer,
students to learn from work experience/practice. there were several obstacles to implementing WBL
Furthermore, in the assessment, there must be direct that came from the internship place. The first is that
physical evidence. In this case, each student is the internship place limits students in carrying out
assessed individually regarding grades, additional fieldwork practices. This kind of limitation is very
points, and deficiencies in a competency. It is also important considering the conditions of the internship
necessary to have a separate point in practice if there place and also the comfort in fieldwork practices.
are students who can solve the problem. Then the However, in some places, the internship limiting
assessment strategy should make students active to students to fieldwork varies from year to year. This
demonstrate both academic learning outcomes with makes students do not understand how many students
related practical work. And for the facilities and are recommended to practice fieldwork at the
infrastructure must be following those in the industry. internship place. The next problem is about the
the school must also have industrial cooperation for distance between the internship place and the student's
activities/workplaces that support the development of house which is too far. As happened at ITS PKU
student's abilities. Muhammadiyah, students are willing and have
registered for fieldwork practices at a clinic. However,
Furthermore (Sudira, 2012) suggests that WBL the campus urges the students to rethink their wishes.
requires a learning process that can produce workers So that there will be no problems in the future. And
who have the competence and ability to deal with also lecturers are easier at monitoring and guiding
technological changes, use technology as learning students.
support, and intelligently apply learning skills to
develop other contextual intelligence [24]. C. Competence of DIII Nursing ITS students
Nursing as a profession requires nursing services
B. Obstacles to the implementation of Work-Based to be provided professionally by nurses with
Learning competencies that meet standards and pay attention to
Obstacles to the implementation of Work-Based ethical and moral rules so that the community is
Learning (WBL) at ITS PKU Muhammadiyah protected because they receive quality nursing services
Surakarta, came from internal sources according to and care [6]. Simamora (2009) argues that nursing
explanations from the lecturer. The first is the problem graduates are required to master the knowledge,
of students who cannot be on time in choosing an attitudes, and skills following the demands of the
internship place. So the campus has given the final profession [25]. Therefore, to create graduates who
limit for students to register at the internship and have have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of
received a reply letter/time agreement. But in reality, professional nursing who can manage simple basic and
until the time limit specified, students have not been applied nursing research activities and use the results
able to provide a reply letter/agreement at that time. of research and developments in science and
technology (IPTEK) to improve the quality and reach
The campus has reminded many times of students of nursing services/care. is the purpose of the
who are not disciplined but still, students have not vocational education of nursing and nurses profession.
been able to submit the letter. Furthermore, problems
that occur from internal campuses are about Clinical competence is the ability to be involved in
supervisors and certificates. The campus in evaluating problem-solving, apply theory to practice, and
the Field Work Practice makes certificates for demonstrate psychomotor abilities. Clinical
students. The certificate is made based on the value of competence includes:
the internship and is also approved by the internship.
However, after the certificate has been made by the  experiences that have a positive effect on the
campus and then it remains only to be ratified by the preparation of new nurses in clinical practice.
internship site through the supervisor, here there is a  as new nurses, so that they with their expertise
problem. The supervising lecturer did not immediately can be more successful in their achievements.
ask for a signature and stamp of the internship place
after the certificate was finished, but the time was  educators and leaders must have an
postponed. Until last year the certificate could not be understanding of the relationship between
issued after one semester after the implementation of performance-based on clinical competence.
the fieldwork practice. And if the time is too long, the Students must have a close relationship with
person in charge of the fieldwork practice directly clinical instructors in solving competency problems
comes to the internship place to ask for the signature because it is important to ensure that they are ready
and able to go directly into practice to accompany

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 628

professional nurses. Nurse competency standards challenges of the world of work with increasingly high
reflect the competencies that nurses must possess to work competencies along with technological advances
provide professional nursing care. and workplace dynamics require vocational education
institutions to be able to anticipate and deal with
Nursing student competencies include main changes that occur by utilizing various existing
competencies, supporting competencies, and other capabilities. Various indications about the quality of
competencies. These competencies can be described as education are the background to the problems in the
follows: implementation of Vocational Education Diploma III
1) Main Competencies Nursing with the approach Work-Based Learning-
 Able to provide nursing care in general cases Based (WBL)or WorkplaceTeaching and Learning
holistically and continuously in promotive, (PBTK). The Implementation work-based learning
preventive, curative, and rehabilitative client model is a WBL program model whose
systems in simulated cases. implementation system is standard, the completeness
of training facilities has met the minimum standard
 Able to conduct health education and health requirements for training competencies, instructors
promotion as part of primary, secondary, and and field supervisors are available, the organization of
tertiary prevention efforts in the client system. human resources is good, the environmental situation
and work safety are safe and adequate, and other
 Able to apply the principle of patient safety in
supporting tools for complete workplace learning. All
nursing practice.
are fulfilled at the/training center training centers in
 Able to do nursing problem solving through various health industries that are used as trial partners.
scientific approach steps. Thus, this WBL implementation model can be used as
an example or reference for other WBL organizing
 Able to analyze the application of the concept programs.
of an organization, leadership, and
management in the management of nursing Recent research results conclude that the use of the
care. Workplace-Based Learning Approach (PBTK) or
WBL in education has a positive effect on
2) Supporting Competencies achievement, motivation, and continuing education
 Able to use the principles of effective [17]. Research and evaluation studies at WBL show a
communication techniques and collaboration of correlation between the outcomes and impact of
the health team in simulation cases. graduates and the learning structures that schools and
industry provide in the workplace experience. When
 Able to identify a variety of entrepreneurial
program objectives, curricula, and workplace-based
efforts characterized by innovation in the field
experiences are designed and implemented with
of nursing.
adequate staff support and properly evaluated, the
 Able to apply information technology in the program will have a positive impact [18].
field of nursing. Based on interviews with lecturers of the ITS PKU
 Able to use Indonesian and English in the Muhammadiyah Surakarta Diploma III Nursing Study
context of nursing. Program, information was obtained that the
implementation of academic program learning in
 Able to plan for disaster management (disaster) Nursing DIII Prodi is designed to prepare nursing staff
and disaster mitigation in case of simulation. who can become leaders in their fields and can bring
3) Other Competencies changes in the realization of a quality nursing
profession. The theory learning process is carried out
 Able to display professional behavior in
in the classroom as well as in hospitals/clinics by
applying various models and learning methods that
 Able to apply transcultural concepts in refer to the latest curriculum. To strengthen nursing
providing culturally sensitive nursing care. skills, students are provided with lab skills using the
method of bedside teaching in the form of small
 Able to identify complementary therapies in groups, so that all students are ensured to be skilled
providing nursing care. before being deployed in a real setting in hospitals or
D. The influence of Work-Based Learning in the community.
improving the competence of DIII Nursing Apart from the results of interviews, and analysis
students. of the influence of the WBL model on improving the
Development of learning in the implementation of competence of DIII students also carried out through
vocational education must continue to be carried out the results of observations and documentation of the
by the managers so that the quality of graduates is in competence of students of the Diploma III Nursing
line with the demands of the job market. The study program at ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 628

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