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Smaller families are better than bigger ones

Families back in the day produced a larger number of children compared to growing families
now. My grandparents on both sides reproduced plenty of times and now I have plenty of
cousins. With the economy we live in now though, many men and women simply just do not
want kids. I feel smaller families are better than bigger families due to less money being spent,
each child will have enough attention given to them, and the parent(s) can have more “me” time.
Having more kids than I can afford is my worst nightmare. If I were to have kids, I would
want to be able to support our needs on my own because I’m the one who took the risk. I grew
up seeing my parents budget very carefully every paycheck to ensure we stay afloat. There are
many factors to consider when having children and money is a huge one. I feel that the less kids
I have, the less I have to stress about money, unless the child has special needs.
Like I mentioned in the beginning, both of my parents come from large families, basically
they both have many siblings. Based on my childhood, I know it is important for a kid to receive
attention from their parents. Most kids feel they have to accomplish something in order to get
their parents' attention. It should not be like that, a parent should give time to their child,
accomplishments made or not .If I were a parent, I would want to be a part of each of my childs’
lives. I feel attention and time is vital in a parent-child relationship because it helps one know the
other better.
Being an adult, let alone a parent, comes with plenty of stress. Taking time to relax and
building oneself backup is very crucial to leading a healthy lifestyle. When you have a lot of kids,
there is barely any time for that. Of course, even in small families, some parents struggle to
have time alone but considering the amount of kids, it’s not as bad as a parent of a bigger
family. A parent is supposed to put their children’s needs first and if it is a parent of a bigger
family, there are many other needs that must be met before considering their mental state of
Creating a family comes with many blessings but also plenty of things to consider. One
should consider the amount of money that will be spent, the time you have to offer, and the
sacrifice of putting the child’s needs above your own. In my eyes, having a smaller family makes
more sense because I am considering where I am in life right now. Having a bigger family is not
all bad as long as you know all needs can be met.

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