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A. The word “Go” means moving from one area to another.

Secara umum kata “ Go” memiliki arti pergi atau berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Untuk lebih jelasnya, simak
contoh berikut:
We go to office by bus
She went to Italy last winter
I’ve gone to Bali many times.

Are you going to the airport now?

When does Sinta go to Jakarta?

B. The word “Go + preposition” will show some other meanings.

Kata “Go” memiliki arti/ makna lain ketika di tambahkan “preposition”setelahnya. Berikut adalah contoh nya:

Go away : menjauh - I told you to go away and never come back again.
Go by : berlalu - This year almost goes by, but I’m still with you here.
Go down : berkurang - The bag’s price is going down during this summer
Go into : berdiskusi - Call Nana and ask her to go into this lesson
Go off : mudah marah dengan cepat - I think he will go off when he knows this issue
Go on : melanjutkan - Let’s go on to the next page!
Go back on : ingkar janji - No one will trust you, because you always go back on your words
Go over : sukses - I was so glad when my paper went over
Go through : mempelajari dengan baik - You need to go through the paper before going the presentation
Go in for : berpartisipasi - We must go in for the Science competition in Singapore

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C. The word “ Go + Verb –ing” describes fun leisure activities

Kata “Go” merupakan kata yang menunjukkan aktifitas atau kita kenal dengan “verb” dan secara umum non- native learners
akan menggunakan “ go + to” seperti contoh “I go to shopping”. Yup, speaking Dailyers akan lebih natural jika menggunakan frasa
“going shopping” atau “Go + -ing” untuk menunjukkan kegiatan-kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Yuk kita lihat beberapa contoh di
bawah ini:

Let’s go singing!
Daniel goes camping in Summer
Lala is going fishing with her dad today
I love going shopping
We usually go swimming every Sunday

D. The word “Go” can describe the future plan

Jika umumnya Dailyers mengenal “ Go artinya pergi” maka kalian harus tau bahwa “Go” bisa di gunakan untuk rencana di masa
yang akan datang yang berarti sama dengan kata “ WILL”.

Let’s pay attention to this form!!

To be(is/am/are) + Going + to ....(verb 1)..
On Sunday, May is going to see the dentist.
I am going to visit my brother in Australia next month.
Are we going to need this costume later?

Sometimes you can shorten “Going to = Gonna” to make your speaking looks great. See more example below:
You are gonna win this competition.
Is she gonna tell the truth to his mom?

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Let’s have the exercise!!

Please make some sentences using some words below!

1. Go : ____________________________
2. Went : ____________________________
3. Go over : ____________________________
4. Go into : ____________________________
5. Be going to : ____________________________

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