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The major causes of climate change are cutting down trees and burning fossil

fuels. Logging is the beginning of a supply chain for many products societies worldwide.
Burning fossil fuels are release large amounts of carbon dioxide and a greenhouse gas.
Burning fossil fuels are used to produce energy. They are used to power energies and
because of these reasons are leads to releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide.
Heating,lighting and transport are the results of greenhouse gas and it is caused by
human activities.
The effect of cutting down trees and burning fossil fuels are species extinction
and rising sea levels. Species extinction are caused by cutting down trees even for
logging or farming it is destroyed wild animals’ house. After you cutting down trees it
leads to wildfire also and this situation it kills wild animals that is the reason why they
are species extinction. Rising sea levels caused by burning fossil fuels because burning
fossil fuels it leads to global warming that is why it makes rising sea levels and both of
these natural disaster are because of human activities.

Chanawat Aussawapoom 65142940038

Language Checklist
• Have you used the correct collocations for the environment?
• Have you used lead to, due to, cause, result, because and because
of correctly?
• Have you used the correct tenses, nouns and adjectives?

Unit Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary

biodiversity (n) annual (adj)
climate change (n) area (n)
consequences (n) cause (v)
deforestation (n) challenge (n)
drought (n) decade (n)
emission (n) effect (n)
erosion (n) issue (n)
flood (n) the environment (n)
fossil fuel (n) trend (n)
glacier (n) predict (v)
global warming (n)
graze (n)
greenhouse gas (n)
submerge (n)
subsistence farming (n)

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