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9th grade
Climate change is a change in the environment.
Global warming can bring out a rising in the sea
level due to the melting of ice caps and glaciers.
We have experienced severe weather disturbances
such as stronger typhoons and heavier rainfall.
Some parts of the world may experience El Niño
and La Niña phenomena. And most of all it can
cause the extinction of some fauna and flora.
What are the causes of • Livestock production
climate change? • Generating energy and Burning fossil fuels
• Using Inorganic fertilizer
• Deforestation
• Using transportation
• The main cause of climate change is a
greenhouse gas that absorbs and emits radiant
energy within the normal infrared range
causing the greenhouse effect global
temperature increase when the amount of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases.
What are the effects of • Landslide
climate change?
• Flooding
• Heavy Rainfall
• Storm
• Soil Erosion
• Drougth
• Flooding
Does climate change threatens the life
of all living things?

These changes, in turn, can affect the overall

biodiversity of region plants and animals may
also change the geographic range they inhabit
in response changing climatic conditions.
Make a slogan as a Grade 9 student how can you lessen climate change in your own creative way. I
will give you 10 minutes to finish this task and you will write it in one whole sheet of paper.
Assessment :

1. It is the main cause of climate change?

2-4. Among the 4 types of greenhouse gasses
give only 3 (in any order)
5-6. Give 2 causes of climate change
7-8. Give 2 effects of climate change
Assignment : Write on ½ crosswise of paper

Research about the difference between El Niño and LA


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