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The importance of foreign language

education in school
Today there is a great need to communicate with the outside
world, for this reason learning foreign languages is a
great tool to improve as a student. Likewise, learning
other languages is very important because it provides
students with knowledge of new cultures, increases job
opportunities and helps students' cognitive development.
The advantages of learning a new language is that students
can acquire new knowledge by accessing the possibilities of
interrelation with other people from different cultures of
the world, learning another language increases job
opportunities and the higher the level of language
proficiency, the greater the competitiveness. in the
performance of work,
On the other hand, it helps cognitive development by
developing skills such as analysis, synthesis and transfer,
especially when they are beginning their school stage.
In short, teaching foreign languages in schools is valuable
and necessary as it helps to familiarize ourselves with a
globalized world. I believe that it is important to teach
foreign languages to motivate students to learn from an
early age and thus take advantage of opportunities in the

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