17 Hnay

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amorous(a): showing sexual desire and love towards sb

cruciferous(a): dòng họ bắp cải ( of vegetables or plants)

curb(v): to control or limit sth, especially sth bad
engender(v) a lot of controversy
innumerable (a): to many to be counted, very many
postulate(v): tin rằng, quan niệm
do sth by proxy: arrange for sb else to do sth for you
recoil at the sight of: cringe upon seeing someone or sth
spurn(v): refuse to accept sth because you feel that thing or sth not worth having
vindicate(v): minh oan
volition(n): the power of using one's will
-> do sth of one's own volition: you do it because you want, not because you are
forces to
be full of oneself: tự đắc
put one's shoulder to the wheel: work hard at sth
steer someone + adv/prep: take control of a situation and influence the way it

intrigue(v): arouse the interest of

excavate(v): make a hole of channel by digging

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