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desegregate sth (v) xóa bỏ sự phân biệt chủng tộc

slavery (n) the state of being forced to work as a slave

black (n) a member of a grothe state of being forced to work as a slaveup of people
who have dark skin, especially people who come from or whose ancestors came from
ranch (n) a large farm, especially in North America or Australia
lynch sb (v) hành hình 
oftentimes (adv) often 
internalize (v) to make a feeling, an attitude, or a belief part of the way you
think and behave
rule sth (v) to control and have authority over a country, a group of people, etc;
phán quyết
remedial (a) connected with school students who are slower at learning than others
unconstitutional (a) not allowed by the constitution of a country, a political
system or an organization
lay the groundwork (for sth): đặt nền móng 
spank sb/sth (v) to hit as a punishment 
enlist (v)  to join the armed forces; to make somebody join the armed forces
humiliation (n) sự xỉ nhục, điều xấu hổ
happen to do sth: to do sth by chance 
stratification (n) the division of something into different layers or groups; sự
phân tầng
entitle (v) to give somebody the right to have or to do something
inferior (a) of lower rank; lower or not good 
(be) emboldened (v)  to make somebody feel braver or more confident
trip (v) to remove all the things, tước bỏ 
demote (v) to move somebody/something to a lower position or rank; hạ thấp 

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