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Following the approval Hamuyundi School to admit students for Junior

Secondary school by the Ministry of Education, the following members were
nominated to the Junior Secondary School Board of Management:
l. Mr. Evans Ngavala - Sponsor
2. Mr. Josphat Muhambe - Parent representative
3. Mrs. Irine Mmbone Mayodi- Special interest Rep
4. Mr. Marton Kisambo - Special needs Rep
5. Mr. Jethro B. Alegana- Secretary/Head teacher

The nominated members were to meet and elect signatories to the four (4)
Hamuyundi Junior Secondary School Accounts:
I. Hamuyundi Junior Secondary School Tuition Account
2. Hamuyundi Junior Secondary School operation account
3. Hamuyundi Junior Secondary School Infrastructure Program Account
4. Hamuyundi Junior Secondary School Lunch and other funds Account.

There being no other business to be transacted, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35
a.m. The closing prayer was said by Josphat Muhambe.

Minutes taken by:

................................ …………………………..
Secretary Chairperson

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