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zen + the

art of
seducing 18
year old
“Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be
better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.”

- David Brooks

Dear reader,

Do you enjoy looking at beautiful women?

You do?

Good, me too.

What about this:

Do you like having sex with beautiful women?

What’s that?

You do?


Let me tell you how to have more sex with beautiful women.

First of all, you need to go where all the beautiful women are.

Nightclubs and bars are the best place for this.

And here’s why:

#1 That’s where all the hot girls hang out!

#2 These hot girls are going to nightclubs and bars specifically to

meet guys! They want to be approached. Why else would they

spend 6 hours getting ready and making themselves look


#3 There are LOTS of women in a nightclub, so you have a much

broader pool of options. This is important. If one rejects you, you

just need to turn around and talk to another one. Repeat until

you’re exchanging saliva with a 21 year old cutie in a tiny skirt!

But now here’s the thing…

What I’ve just told you is probably not exactly “shockingly new” information.

Every guy knows that he could go to a nightclub tonight and meet a hot girl.

And he knows that if he would just approach the girls he was attracted to, his
sex life would triple within a matter of weeks.

So why doesn’t he do it?

The answer is, of course, fear.


Hark unto me, friend.

If you would like to have sex with the most gorgeous and sensational women,
the way to do so… is simple.

First, hold up your index finger.

Now touch your index finger to your temple.

This is the root cause of your results with women.

(Tap your head with your finger a few times for emphasis.)

Up here.

It’s not what you see in the mirror.

It’s not what you see in your bank account.

It’s what in your head.


■ What prevents the mass of men from having deep, loving sexual
relationships with the most beautiful women is not what they look
like or what's in their bank account, but what's inside their head.

And when it comes to the subject of women…. what’s in most guy’s heads
is very, very, very problematic.

You see, as human beings, we form these things called “mental models”.

Mental models about other people.

Mental models about how the world works.

And yes, mental models about women.

And especially about HOT women.

We do not form our mental models consciously.

Instead, we create them unconsciously...

...based on past observations and perceptions, and on what we hear other

people saying.

The problem is…

Our models about “how things work” are usually deeply flawed…

...because they’ve been constructed based on extremely limited experience…

...combined with equal parts received wisdom, crackpot speculation, pure

imagination, and delusional fantasy.

As Mark Twain once put it…



For example, I know a guy who used to insist that the hottest girls are all

I would try to get him to come to the club with me… telling him about all the hot
girls we could fuck there if he would just get up off his ass and come out.

But he insisted that the really hot girls “don’t like sex”.

He further stated that the reason hot girls dressed so slutty was just to “get
attention” and that they had no intention of sleeping with guys they met in clubs.

This is a load of bullshit.

And I know it’s a load of bullshit because all the HOTTEST girls I’ve ever dated
where SEX-ADDICTED little fuck bunnies!

But this guy wouldn’t listen.

You see….

He had a very limited number of experiences dealing with hot girls.

The one or two he had met in his life had seemed like prudes to him…

!4 he then generalised that ALL hot girls are prudes.


Whatever, the point is that you have got to eradicate any negative or limiting
beliefs about beautiful women.

Because they are certainly holding you back.

Now, secondly, you need to deal with FEAR.

The fear of beautiful women.

What is this fear?

Why do we feel it?

And most importantly, how can we get rid of it?


You see a hot girl in real life, and you feel scared.

If a man is honest, he will admit this.

Here are the facts:

The face of a girl who looks like a model is - to most men - what we call an
"emotionally charged stimulus".

It literally freaks them out a little if they see it in real life.

Most men have taken a certain number of rejections (real or perceived) from hot
girls and so they have literally hypnotised themselves into being afraid of
beautiful women in general.

With hypnosis you could quite easily make a man terrified of the sight of red

Every time he sees a red car, his heart starts pounding, his body clenches up,
his throat gets dry, his thoughts race.

And that is literally what has happened to most men in respect to the sight of a
very attractive female face.

From early adolescence on, they have hypnotised themselves into

becoming afraid of beautiful women.

It is only because this is the case with most men that we don’t regard this
reaction as “insane” - as we would if a man was terrified of red cars.

But it is literally insane, which is defined (by Google) as “a state of mind which
prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction.”

What a man sees when he looks at an emotionally charged stimuli (such as the
face of a hot girl in real life) is never the real thing.

It is always a “form”...

...constructed by his mind based on fear, desire and his own unique mental
programming and past conditioning.1

Neuroscientists now know that our retina does not transmit visual stimulus to
our brain in detail - as in a photograph.

Rather, our retina sends only a vague, blurred image to our brain.

Then our unconscious mind fills in the gaps - fleshing out the image and
giving it detail based on our desires, fears, expectations, and past experience.2

In other words, you are literally hallucinating most of the things you see.

Especially when it comes to HOT GIRLS…

...because the very sight of a beautiful woman is highly emotionally charged for
a man.

What this means in practice is that:

The so-called "10"s you see in a bar, on the street or on a college campus
are not really "10"s.

Rather, they are largely ordinary people who your mind embellishes based on
various media conditioning and (in most cases) deeply imbedded hormonally-
charged past experiences of adolescent sexual scarcity.

As a result, you see a girl's face - very pretty, symmetrical, certain features
symbolic of "beauty" in the culture...

...and it reminds you of the previously perceived faces of girls in your high
school, for example.

They may have rejected you, or you may have simply perceived them as
rejecting you…

1 See Leonard Mlodinow, Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior
(Pantheon Books, 2012).

...but the result is that the mere visual stimulus of this girl's pretty face,
years later, triggers the thought patterns and emotions you associate with
implicit or explicit social rejection in your nervous system…

...and flushes your body with adrenaline (the stress hormone).

This association happens unconsciously. You are not aware of why you are
"frightened" or unnerved by the girl, but that is how you now feel.

Is this rational? Of course not.

But this is how the brain and nervous system operates: it responds to
conditioning3 (both “classical” and “operant”).

Now, you may believe that you don't suffer from these irrational biases
which arise from conditioning.

But I want to tell you that you're probably wrong.

In order to begin to accept the idea that There's no reason why you're not
enough, it is necessary to assimilate a new mental model of "hot girls"... that is based in reality rather than in fear and the ghosts of your past
experience and incorrect analyses.





To understand the true hypostasis (reality behind appearances) of the "cold",

"intimidating", "aloof", "bitchy", "exotic" and "beautiful" young women you see
at nightclubs, a certain thought experiment can be very useful.

This mental model - like many others in this module - has been borrowed with
gratitude from our esteemed teacher, Alexander

(Check him out on YouTube. His channel is called Alex Social).

It’s simple, ok?

Whenever you see a really hot, bitchy looking girl who looks like she’d reject
you, just imagine her on Christmas morning….

...opening presents with her parents and siblings...

...excited, laughing, joking around and being silly...

That’s the real her.

A cute little dork.

Her "resting bitch face" isn't real.

It's a persona.

A defence mechanism she puts up to protect herself.

She doesn't have it when she's in her "natural habitat" (i.e. when she feels fully
comfortable and doesn't need to make an impression).


...the high heels, the cocktail dress, the blow-dried hair, the makeup...

...the excruciatingly revealing clothes calculated to create maximum male


...all of this is just a costume.

A mask.

A "character" she feels the need to play.

If you want to know the REAL her, just picture her on Christmas morning with
her parents.

A happy… goofy… little dork.

The “bitch” / “hot girl” persona you encounter in the club has nothing in
common with the real person underneath, when all the armour of optics and
positioning have been removed.

Nothing at all.

(This is in fact one of the main reasons women can be so reluctant to have sex:
not for lack of desire, but for fear of exposing their real self and becoming

And physically speaking, if you saw the same girl on Christmas morning,
you'd barely recognise her.

She would NOT intimidate you like she does at the club.

Not at all.

For starters, she'd have no makeup on.

You’d see her acne… and her facial imperfections.

Her hair might be in a bun.

She'd probably be wearing dorky looking pyjamas.

And she might be wearing glasses, or have braces in her mouth.

Rather than being "mean" and "cool", she would - in an environment of total
comfort and relaxation where no one is judging her - have a kind of silly, goofy
sense of humour.

This is the real her... a little dork.

The "hot girl/bitch/ice princess" you see at the club is not the reality, but a
character, a persona she has constructed in order to navigate the world.

Hot girls put on this ice queen persona because - like you and me and everyone
else who is a normal, imperfect human being...

...they feel nervous and self-conscious in large social groups...

...and they want to make an impression on people and to be liked, because this
makes them feel good.

I'll say something else, too, which you would do well to think about.

Most men claim to love hot girls, but in fact secretly hate them

They desire them, but they also dislike them on a visceral level - because they
feel "excluded".

As you date hot girls more often and form relationships with them, you will see
how insane our society really is in this respect.

You will either experience with your own eyes or find out secondhand the
consistent, unending verbal abuse and harassment that beautiful women
experience on a daily basis as they attempt to do something as basic as walk
down the street.

Our society appears to "love” very attractive women, but at a different level
you could make the argument that beautiful young females are actually
despised and hated in our culture.

A powerful energy of hate and negative thought waves is directed on the hottest
women by both males and females alike in our society.

(Males due to feeling excluded from the fun; females due to envy-jealousy.)

And in a way, the supposedly "privileged" manner in which hot girls are treated
in clubs is actually a form of aggression/hostility towards them.

It's not done out of love, but out of the desire of various men to fuck them in
order to "get one over on them" and prove points to themselves and their

We call this hatred, not love.

And on one level, this hatred of hot girls is warranted: it's kind of a "wisdom of
crowds" type recognition of the essential vanity/selfishness that underlies hot
girl behaviour and positioning.

On another more sane level, however, it's purely the result of envy, jealousy and
impotent rage. It's the sick product of an insane society - a society composed of
people who are dead on the inside.

Again, if you saw one of these "unattainable" girls on Christmas morning with
her parents and siblings, you'd see her as she is: a goofy little dork, not some
kind of symbolic being or exotic species worthy either of infatuation or hatred/

Just a person, a little naive maybe, and still developing, with vanities and
weaknesses like everyone else... whose consciousness happened by
chance to be uploaded into a female physical body of temporarily pleasing
external form.

The defiling influence of the mainstream media + most men's past experiences
of adolescent sexual frustration condition us as males to project a hologram of a
"hot girl" in front of these people.

We call this "insanity".

With time, as a culture, we'll begin to see how much the media has poisoned our
common life, and we will institute laws which force media professionals to shave
their heads and paint their faces red, so that we can instantly recognise them for
the "not quite human" toxic influence they are on our little planetary community
of Spaceship Earth.

They will be allowed to live, and even to continue working in their industries... if
they still desire to do so. But marking them out in this way will make sure that
not even a naive person is able to be so easily fooled by these rogue "cancerous
cells" again.

When you approach a girl, she will initially blast you with her "club
persona": she'll act aloof, hostile, skeptical, and so on...

But, the more time you spend with her, the more her club persona will melt into
air, and you'll see her for what she is: a nervous, excitable, affectionate little
dork - usually socially anxious and/or a little bit of a moron, in a cute way.

This is the state that a girl wants to be in, incidentally.

She doesn't want to have to try hard and seem cool.

She wants to relax, take her heels off, take her makeup off, eat food, hang
out and watch movies, and generally just be a silly little dork.

She's young. She's like a kitten. She wants to play, and to be affectionate
without committing, and not to have to worry about making an impression or
seeming cool.

If you put her at ease by being silly and stupid and illogical, and by not
taking yourself seriously, this tacitly gives her permission to do the same,
and to show you her real personality...

Most guys don't see this side of hot girls, because they don't approach
them, and because they therefore have no experience with them.

But hot girls are actually easier to seduce.

One reason for this is that they get approached less.

Another reason is that these girls feel so pressured to keep up appearances and
seem cool and hot that when a kind of goofy, foolish guy comes along and just
fucks around with them in a silly way, it's a huge relief for them.

So few guys are able to be "normal" around them, that when one is able to put
them at ease by being silly and lighthearted while staying in set + enduring tests,
he immediately stands out as someone they want to be around more...
because being around him makes them feel good.

Revolutionary concept, I know.

Incidentally, this is how you absolutely decimate your competition.

The other "alpha males" in the club take the hot girl's persona seriously. They
believe in the make-believe costume of the so-called "10".

Say the girl is a head cheerleader, or a lingerie model. Men in the club when they
encounter her actually think this persona is the real girl.

They attempt to “demonstrate their value” to her, because this makes sense
within the context of the realm of illusions that they’re operating in.

What they don't get is that inside the shell of the "perfect 10/lingerie model"
identity is a human being.

This human being feels nervous and self-conscious. So when she's talking to
alpha males - confident, outgoing guys, etc - she's trying to impress them.

She does this by trying to come off as "bitchy", "witty", "cold" or "aloof". She
feels nervous around high value men and wants to make an impression.

But here's where it gets fun... because if you understand the dynamic that
I'm about to explain you can work this system very effectively and clean up
with these girls almost every night you go out… while the “competition”
drink themselves into oblivion and waste their energy on trying to show off.

Being a "hot girl" is fun for a few hours in a nightclub, but as the night
progresses, she wants to go somewhere where she can let her hair down, relax,
take her makeup and heels off, wear comfortable clothes, have a cheat meal, be
silly and goofy, and not feel under pressure to make an impression.

In other words, she wants to get back to the comfort of reality - the reality in
which she's not a "lingerie model" but just a little dork in tracksuit pants and
glasses (who is merely average or slightly above average looking and doesn’t
feel guilty or judged about being perceived so).

Because you are a man who has greater insight into the reality behind
appearances than other males, when you see a cheerleader or model type of
girl in the club, you know that she's really just a cute little dork in reality... but
you don't judge her for it.

Your whole demeanor signals that you "get it" that club reality is false, and that if
she goes home with you she can be herself, take her makeup off, take her

uncomfortable heels off, and be under no obligation to try to maintain her
"perfect 10 shell image".

In other words, you want to represent (in a certain sense) the guy who she
doesn't have to try hard around... at least not initially.

As she gets to know you more and more, she will inherently desire to impress

But when you first meet her in the club, you want to represent the man who
she can be herself around - a little bit lazy, a little bit silly. a result she is relaxed enough around you that when you two do end up in
isolation together, sex "just happens".

This dynamic will be even more effective if the girl herself is a “professional hot
girl” (model, dancer, actress, etc) - i.e. in her day to day life, she has even more
constrictions and responsibility to maintain an image, because not only her
identity but her income depends on it.

The more deeply she is imprisoned by the need to wear this mask, the greater
will be her relief to spend time with a man who doesn’t require her to take it

Compare this to the "alpha" chodes...

The hot girl is so preoccupied with trying to be impressive in front of them, and
they're so preoccupied with trying to be impressive in front of her, that both
parties are too tense and defensive to... relax... slow down... and become

And so both end up alone at the end of the night. (Or rather, the guy does. The
girl likely ends up in bed with a man who takes himself a lot less seriously.)

The problem with trying to appear "superior" to other men and to the girl is
that she might actually believe you - and then you're fucked.

See, if the girl believes that you are higher value than she is, she'll instinctively
and reflexively feel a desire to impress you and to seem high value herself out of

You can't seduce her if she's still firmly entrenched behind a mask.

You have to elicit and draw out her real self - not her constructed personality
and her constructed appearance.

No one you meet in a nightclub is their real self. It’s like a masquerade. This is
true in life in general, but nowhere is it more true than in a club or a bar.

Learning pickup is first of all about allowing yourself to comfortably interact with
others without wearing a mask, secondly about getting the girls you meet to
gradually take off their mask while they’re around you.

Play the fool a little bit. This draws people out.

Don't feel the need to play a role, but if you are going to play a role make sure
that you come across as lower value than you really are.

Be the playful idiot.

Now, I'm not saying that you play the fool or the clown to entertain the girl.
That's even worse - because it implies that you're not enough and that you have
to do something for the “luxury” of being around her.

I mean that when talking to the most attractive girls, you dumb yourself down
and be a bit of a moron in order to put her at ease.

Q. You're saying that being a high value male is a disadvantage in sleeping

with hot girls?

A. Being high value is a definite disadvantage if you don't understand the

relaxation paradigm.

Now. Make no mistake: a high value man has advantages if he knows how to
put a girl at ease around him. In this case, he'll get sex very easily, and he
represents a real competitor.

But most of these tall, athletic, popular guys in a club don't understand

They do the opposite. They try to seem impressive - not understanding that the
girl is already attracted to them (and intimidated by them) as it is.

What is true for them, is true for you - even if you may not look like them.

You may not be conventionally attractive yet, but if you approach women in a
nightclub, then you are demonstrating alpha male qualities right off the bat.

The result is that the girl becomes nervous and self-conscious in your presence
- that of the socially outgoing alpha male.

She tries to seem cool, aloof, bitchy, selective. She tries to raise herself to the
level she believes you are on. Not good for your results.

As I said earlier, I know guys who are tall, ripped, handsome, rich, and can't get
laid in a bar. They can get girlfriends, but not one night stands.

The reason these guys don't get laid from CA is because they're trying to
demonstrate value to the girls they talk to instead of dumbing themselves down.

The reason these guys can't get laid is not because they're unattractive but
because they're too attractive. The girls are intimidated by them, and this makes
them try to seem cool.

When a girl is trying hard to seem cool (whatever that means to her subjectively),
she is guarded and defensive. And if she's guarded and defensive, she won't be
comfortable enough to go somewhere more isolated with you, usually.

The girl in this case doesn't want this "high value" guy to see her without her
makeup on, and without her heels on.

She doesn't want to eat in front of him.

She doesn't want him to perceive her subjective imperfections, and so she
doesn't want him to see her naked body… which she is probably highly self-
conscious about regardless of how hot the guy thinks she is.

She becomes nervous around a guy because she's attracted to him, not in spite
of it. And so the high value guy gets laid very rarely if he doesn't understand this
paradigm of relaxing people.

Coming across as too high value is just as bad for your results in pickup (SNLs)
as being too low value, and may even be worse. Think about that for a while and
you’ll do things differently.



"Heheh. His clowning around is puttin' me at ease."

- Moe Szyslak, The Simpsons

Do the opposite to what other guys do. Dumb yourself down. Put women at
ease around you by being foolish and playful and innocent, while pig-headedly
staying in set no matter what.

She doesn't feel like she has to maintain a persona around you or seem cool,
and this puts her at ease.

And, unlike with a less attractive girl who probably has her eye on a relationship
with you if you approached her, the fact that a "9" or "10" is "out of your league"
according to subjective popular understanding gives you a major advantage...

Because she's not initially considering you for a relationship, she'll actually
be more likely to go home with you.

You fly under the radar precisely because you’re “not the type of guy she usually

This makes her comfortable to go home with you, take her heels off, take her
makeup off, eat a cheat meal in front of you, and allow her real personality -
which is kind of goofy and dorky and silly - to come out around you.

It's a lot like you're a gay best friend. The only difference is that because
you have a baseline of masculinity and have been communicating as a man
to a woman, once you and the girl end up in isolation, sex naturally follows.

My great grandmother had a phrase: "steel eejit".

I don't know what circumstances she used to say that in, but this phrase - steel
eejit - perfectly sums up good game.

Externally you play the simpleton, the idiot.

Internally you're made of steel. You stay in set, you endure tests no matter
what. Endure every indignity with an easy smile - as if you weren't even aware
you were being insulted.

Colombo - the detective from the old television series - is a good illustration of a
steel eejit. Externally, he is dimwitted, polite, amiable, apologetic, absentminded.

Internally, he is a shark. And when he's smelled blood in the water and locked
on to the suspect, he just keeps coming, and coming, and coming, and coming,
like a machine. He cannot be stopped.

But externally he plays the fool - the village idiot. He puts people at ease. And in
this way he draws them out.


You approach the girl and it’s awkward for her initially, and for you. She has her
guard up – in the form of bitchiness, aloofness, defensiveness, or on the
contrary, "sterile politeness".

But you stay in set regardless. And with more time spent together, she comes to
trust you and become more comfortable around you.

You don't and can't do anything to make her attracted enough to go home
and have sex, particularly not in the beginning.

It is simply your presence as a man itself that sexually arouses her, and
causes her to open up like a flower.

Your presence as a man is a gift that you give to the girl.

(Likewise, approaching her so that you can be in the company of her youthful,
spontaneous, endearingly erratic feminine energy is a gift that you give to

You simply spend time with her, while behaving as a man to a woman, and
expressing a range of positive and negative emotions.

And as you spend more time together in the environment, her “high value”
club persona gradually drops away, and she reveals herself as the insecure
little dork that she actually is.


This is where an absolutely stunning girl slowly but surely opens up around you
(simply through you staying in set over time), until she fully drops her “guard”
and her real personality is slowly revealed.

Her shell of "high status" and desirability is gradually disassembled by your

calming masculine energy, until it finally slips away forever, never to return.

Usually, you’ll find that a hot girl's real personality is that of an “insecure little

This includes everything from some kind of dorky or nerdy interests, to a stupid,
goofy sense of humour which she usually tries to repress.

The most stunning girls, if you allow them to relax around you, will also often
confess (in a funny way) to being a complete “loser” when it comes to things like
getting a boyfriend, attracting men, and so on.

This state of vulnerability, of being goofy, and of being herself, is what the
girl wants to experience.

Eliciting this experience in her is among the greatest gifts you can give her as a

It requires only time.

Time spent together is like a flame which slowly but surely makes even the
"coldest" and most "blasé" stunners melt like butter.


There is a law:

The more gorgeous the woman is – think dancers, models, etc – the more of an
insecure little dork she’ll gradually become while spending time with you.


Because the vast majority of men who interact with these girls are intimidated by

When the man is intimidated, he puts on a front of being high value. He might try
to seem unattainable or aloof around her, or otherwise try to show off somehow.

The point is, when a guy is intimidated by a girl, he is unable to relax around her.

Women are "passive" and receptive, like a radio receiver - particularly with
respect to inner emotional content. Whatever emotions you're feeling, the
girl receives from your emanations and feels herself.4

So when a guy is intimidated around a “highly desirable” female, he puts on a


She feels intimidated herself (through Bioenergetic Reciprocity) and feels

compelled to put on a front in return.

And if her physical shell superficially resembles that of a pornstar or lingerie

model (though, remember, in real life she’s probably about a “7” without her
makeup, etc)... then the girl feels like she has to be consistent with that shell

So she behaves in a “cool”, detached, "high-status" way. This being the persona
she has been programmed by the culture to regard as consistent with her
physical + semiotic identity.

4 “Chemosensory Cues to Conspecific Emotional Stress Activate Amygdala in Humans”, Mujica-

Parodi L, Strey H, Frederick B, Savoy R, Cox D, Botanov Y, Tolkunov D, Rubin D, Weber J, http:// “Second-hand
stress: inhalation of stress sweat enhances neural response to neutral faces”, Rubin D, Botanov
Y, Hajcak G, Mujica-Parodi L,

But understand, this persona is not consistent with who she really is, how
she really feels, or how she wants to feel.

She wants to be her true self around a guy – i.e. a goofy little dork.

She's been conditioned to feel the need to project this hologram of high status
or desirability.

But inside the social shell is a human being, who simply wants to be normal and
relaxed and not have to try hard to make an impression.

It is the human being inside that can become sexual.

The shell persona cannot, because it is mechanical, a machine.

The problem is her identity/shell is interfering with the ability of men who
encounter her to be normal and relax around her.

She’s been programmed to be aloof. They’ve been programmed to be nervous.

And so she is nervous because they are nervous.

The hotter the girl is (as society perceives it), the harder it is for her to find
a man who is relaxed enough around her that she can just be herself.

For this reason, being impressive or charismatic when you approach the
girl actually puts you at a disadvantage.

First because to act charismatic is to behave discordantly with the fundamental

idea that there's no reason you're not enough.

But more importantly, because when you come across as charismatic or high
status, it makes the girl think that she needs to put on a cool, high status
persona to match yours.

...And so you get reactions like the “resting bitch face” – the girl’s club persona,
not her real personality.

If, on the other hand, you simply be yourself, be congruent, be innocent, and be
normal, and you stay in set (time = attraction) while joking around a little (push/
pull) and occasionally being physical, gradually she’ll stop feeling like she has to
put on a bitch persona around you. And then she’ll be more like herself –
vulnerable, insecure, goofy, with a stupid sense of humour.

This is the sweet spot. And it comes about not by you doing anything, but just
by you being yourself and spending time with her in the environment.


Q. Can't it be boring to spend tons of time with some lame chick you meet
at a club?

A. A major linchpin of this style of game is that it assumes the girl you're
spending all this time with is so attractive to you (beautiful, tall, elegant, bright,
intelligent, stylish, etc) that you would be fully content simply to spend time in
her presence and appreciate her femininity without necessarily having sex.

This is huge.

We call this frame Appreciation vs. Accumulation.

The frame of unconditional appreciation is absolutely key if you want to have

sex and create relationships with the most beautiful, elegant, personally
attractive women.

The newbie pickup artist runs around simply talking to whatever girl he thinks
will put out the fastest.

When they "bore" him or he thinks they won't "put out", he leaves set.

Congratulations, you're conditioning yourself to have sex exclusively with

mediocre girls.

See, the newbie PUA is trying to accumulate.

He's trying to accumulate makeouts, sexual encounters, girlfriends,

fuckbuddies, and reference experiences in general - as many as possible.

More notches so he can feel entitled. More experiences so his "game" can

Some even want to accumulate rejections in order to harden themselves.

"Accumulation" is actually a good frame for beginners.

The more experience a man gets talking to girls, the more makeouts and lays
with mid-range girls that he gets, the more brutal “rejections” he exposes his
emotional center to, the better it will be for him.

He will become acclimated over time and thus less nervous when dealing with
attractive women.

So accumulating reference experiences is by no means a bad frame if you're a



If you want to consistently pull the aristocracy of hot girls, you need to evolve
in your frame.

You need to make it about appreciation, not accumulation.

You're standing in front of a very desirable girl (she doesn't have to be a classic
"10", whatever that even is - but just a girl who represents a high degree of
femininity to you) and you appreciate being in her presence.

You enjoy her energy as a woman. You like looking at her face. It's pretty. You
prefer looking at her face than your male friend's face.

You have a subtle appreciation and aesthetic enjoyment of the girl. You're
winning just by being in her presence.

You need nothing from her. Sex - if it happens - is purely a bonus at this point.

As I say, you should be approaching and staying in set with girls that are so
attractive to you, you would rather spend time with them - just hanging out
and dicking around or whatever - than have sex fall into your lap with a less
attractive "mid-range" girl.

In other words, your frame should be that if you were offered immediate sex with
a "6", you would pass this up in favour of spending a few hours pleasantly
enjoying the company of this "10" who is in front of you now...

Again, it will be hard for the man who has less sexual experience to get his head
around this frame.

In the beginning, by all means, accumulate reference experiences.

But then it is time to mature.

Then it is time to stop thinking like a "PUA" and to start thinking like a man.

Spending time in the presence of a beautiful woman is a luxury, not a

chore. The greatest luxury there is.

Stop viewing the women you approach as "targets" and learn to love and
appreciate simply being in their presence for its own sake... Your sex life will
thank you for it - believe me.

"When I was a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child... But

when I became a man, I put away childish things."

- 1 Corinthians 13:11

Put away the adolescent frame of "accumulation"... and embrace the man's
frame of appreciation.

Every girl is different. Every girl is unique. Every girl has a fundamental femininity
- she is an embodiment of the eternal feminine on earth.

This femininity can be associated with her appearance, her scent, her voice, her
eyes, the way that her pheromones make you feel intoxicated... Allow yourself to
be drawn in by her.

Actively allow yourself to fall in love with girls you've just met.

Open yourself up to all the emotions of the interaction. Be like a child. No

shields, no guards, no mask, no protection. Totally vulnerable.

(This is turn will elicit the same in response...)

The man who always wants to get to the next stage is impatient. He cannot
enjoy the simple pleasure of being in the presence of a beautiful woman and
being a masculine influence on her.

He wants always more and so he is always hungry, never satiated, no matter

how much success he gets.

Bear in mind, also, that if you are merely attempting to accumulate (whether
makeouts, good reactions, or sexual encounters) then you can be rejected...
whereas the man who simply and innocently appreciates cannot be

He enjoys the presence of the feminine just as much in conversation as he does

in bed.

And so no one can take his enjoyment from him, because he is enjoying the
experience of interacting with a beautiful woman anyway... no matter what
sensory channel that interaction happens to take place in.

Q. What do you mean by appreciating femininity? What does this mean?

A. It's a subtle shift in awareness.

For example, you may have noticed that there's something more pleasurable
about being among a group of girls and guys, than simply being in an all-male

You're playing video games with your male friends, but one of their girlfriends is
there too, for example. It's different somehow, the energy is nicer.

It's not that you're attracted to your friend's girl. It's just that the female energy
that she brings to the group balances it out somehow... makes it more

Women feel the same way about male energy. Even if they're not necessarily
attracted to a man, they enjoy being around men simply for the difference in
energy. It's calming for them. There isn't the same politics and bullshit that they
experience when they hang around exclusively with girls.

The joy of pickup is in the interaction with the feminine... the meeting of
the male and female energies.

Sometimes this is sexual, but sometimes it is merely an unspoken subtle joy of

talking with a beautiful woman, spending time with her, growing to like that
unique person and the energy she embodies specifically because of how being
around her - and only her - makes you feel.

And when you come from this frame, you find that you have sex very quickly
with a high calibre of girls more and more often. It "just happens". Everything
simply works.

Most of the protocols and technologies of Animal Magnetism and

GodMode will automatically enhance your appreciation of both the joy of
living, and the pleasure of spending time in the presence of the feminine.

In this system we store up sex energy during the week and this gives us "juice"
when the weekend rolls around. We're more appreciative, more receptive to the
subtle influence of the feminine.

Then we (ideally) get laid on the weekend and "reboot", and the process of
accumulating and storing sex energy begins again.

Sex Energy Hacking will enrich your aesthetic and emotional appreciation
of the girl in the present moment and will saturate all your actions towards
her with a spirit of sexual charisma and potency.

When I go without coming for a few days (and without watching porn), I become
sincerely excited to go and talk to girls and interact with feminine energy. I get
flutters in my stomach just thinking about it. It's a good feeling.

This is how we're wired as men. Being in the presence of attractive women is
arousing and pleasurable in itself on a subtle level.

For some men, when they manipulate their machine's natural wiring with
masturbation and porn, it becomes more difficult to appreciate the subtle
female energy in real life.

This is my own experience. It may or may not be yours.

But try Sex Energy Hacking for a while and you may see what I mean in terms of
the difference in the way you relate with and perceive women... particularly the
most beautiful, popular and elegant women.

When you store up the energy of sex in your body, approaching beautiful women
doesn't feel scary or like it's a chore. It just feels right. Like something you're
internally compelled to do...

In the midst of Juliengate (which is still going on as I write these words) a lot of
men in the pickup community are freaking out over the idea that "feminists" will
eventually try to introduce legislation against cold approach. "What if they made
it illegal?" people cry.

You can tell from their level of emotional reactiveness that the guys going crazy
over such fears probably don't even approach - at least not in the daytime.

Of course, the idea that any human should be compelled to live in a society in
which it is illegal to speak to someone without a formal introduction is naive to a
person who has lived a normal life.

But the point is that whether or not cold approaching was illegal... a man would
approach the girls he liked anyway and face whatever consequences he had to.

It's that simple. Like if someone passed a law against breathing, or eating: you
would do it anyway. What other choice do you have? At that point you have to
just give in. "Whatever, arrest me."

But you can always tell the level a man is at in any life pursuit (in this case
pickup) by the extent to which he feels the need to justify and defend himself to

The degree to which he feels the emotional impulse to "justify" cold approach,
to "prove" that it works and that it is "good", and so on... is almost always
inversely correlated to a man's level of actual experience in the field.

So it is always and in everything.

To return to the point, however... On a purely pragmatic level, the appreciation

frame puts you in a very strong position.

It makes you extremely persistent - so that you go home with the girl by default
at the end of the night - while not making you needy in the slightest.

You're not persistent in trying to pressure her into sex. You're persistent in
simply staying with her, so that you can continue to appreciate her. This isn't
needy, it's romantic.

And when the end of the night rolls around you're persistent in spending more
time with her. You don't care what happens, because simply by spending time
with her you're happy.

When you get objections from the girl, it can be very helpful to verbalise this


HER: "Okay, well it was nice meeting you. You should find your friends..."

ME: "That's alright, I prefer looking at your face than my friend’s face. It’s nicer."

Or, later in the night,

ME: "Come to the afterparty, it's just five minutes away, then we can bounce
back here."

HER: "Umm, I don't want to lead you on. If I came with you I'd give you the
wrong impression."

ME: "That’s alright, I'm just having fun in your company." [taking her hand and
leading her towards taxi] "Let's go."

HER: "Umm, okay, sure!"

You're not chasing her for makeouts or for sex. If it happens it happens, but
either way you're sincerely enjoying simply spending time with her, looking at her
pretty face and listening to her pretty voice.

And in her head, she begins to wonder: "Why isn't he chasing me? We've spent
thirty minutes together but he isn't eager the way other guys are around me.
Does he like me? What's going on here? Am I being 'friendzoned'?"

She becomes more and more emotionally reactive. She begins seducing herself
for you.

And then it isn't long before she's the one gaming you, not the other way
around... at which point it becomes very easy to take her home.

Appreciation vs. accumulation. Understand it, internalise it, live it.

The only caveat: make sure you're approaching and staying in set with girls
who are so desirable and aesthetically appealing to you that you would
sincerely rather spend time with them than have "so-so" unmemorable sex
with a mid-range girl.


Q. How do you cut down the number of rejections you get?

A. By eliminating "rejection" from your vocabulary, to start.

This type of game makes "rejection" impossible, because someone can only
reject you if you're trying to get something from them.

In this paradigm, you don't want anything from the girl, because you trust she
will become aroused by you over time.

If there's no need to make her aroused or attracted when you first meet her -
because she's becoming aroused naturally by your male energy - then nothing
she does or says can be a rejection.

And because you also trust that there's no reason you're not enough to talk
to some chick in a bar, she can't reject you simply talking to her - she can only
attempt to be anti-social by refusing to chat.

If the girl acts anti-social, be patient with her.

She's nervous and self-conscious and is trying to seem cool around you.

Be a little bit playful, and don't be pushed out of set so easily.

As you continue to talk to her - patiently tolerating her self-conscious, "anti-

social" reaction - she'll grow more social and open up to you as she realises
you're not taking any of it too seriously.

The real problem in our community is not rejection but self-rejection in the
form of ejecting from perfectly good sets with normal, friendly, gorgeous

The problem is that men learning pickup do everything topsy turvey, because
they're naive about female sexuality and female psychology.

They think that a girl thinks and behaves like a man, so they spike the girl's

attraction in the very beginning (or try to), in the hopes that she'll immediately
start making out with them.

But when she doesn't react in this way, they assume they've been "rejected".
And then, feeling that the set has become "awkward", they leave.

They're not being rejected. You can't be rejected by someone who doesn't
even know you.

Other than in a few rare cases, no girl will be attracted to you immediately.

This is because for the first 10-15 minutes you're basically just a vague blur to
the woman.

Women aren't attracted to vague blurs. They're attracted to men.

Only when you stop being a stranger to her (which happens with time spent
together) will she be able to become attracted.

But because the standard PUA model of attraction isn't in alignment with the
reality of social and female psychology, beginners assume that a girl is
"rejecting" them if she gives them no IOIs at the beginning or if, god forbid, she
responds to their approach a little bit nervously by being hostile because she
feels self-conscious in the presence of a complete stranger.

A woman's level of attraction to you will be at its absolute lowest point when you
first approach her. With more time spent together, it can only go up.

If you leave early, you're not giving the interaction the oxygen of time which it
requires for your male and female energies to mix so that she can become

Moreover, if you assume that you need to "make her attracted" in the first thirty
seconds, this will cause you to try to be impressive, gamey, and try-hard, and
this is turn makes the girl defensive to you - which not only doesn't relax her, but
actually makes her feel even more self-conscious and ill at ease than she was

Except for in rare cases where the girl already has a pre-determined attraction to
your "type", no woman you approach will immediately be attracted to you
from your approach, no matter how good your game is.

(Ironically, trusting that this is true will actually make your game better, because
you're no longer trying to make an impression.)

Only as you spend time with the girl in the environment, will she become relaxed
enough around you to become interesting, fun and naturally aroused by your
innate masculinity.


When you initially approach, the girl will often be a little bit flustered. It
might take her a few minutes to adjust to the fact that she's talking to a

This is normal. It doesn't mean you're unattractive, or that your game isn't "good
enough" yet. It simply means the girl has "getting approached anxiety".

Be patient with her as she regains her composure and becomes normal over

Sometimes a girl's "getting approached anxiety" will cause her to display weird,
awkward, nervous, anti-social behaviours like pretending you're not there,
ignoring you, and so on.

But this is simply a reflection of the fact that she's nervous and self-conscious,
not a rejection of you personally. (She may also assume initially that you must be
very drunk because sober men never approach her.)

Remain calm. Stay in set.

"Bad" reactions to cold approach are normal when dealing with imperfect
human beings.

It is simply naive to expect a girl - or any imperfect, self-conscious human being

- to react like a saint when approached by a complete stranger.

Sometimes girls will react positively, because they were already in a good mood
when you approached.

But most often they'll be nervous and self-conscious and defensive. It is your
role as a man - in general, but particularly in the first several hours of meeting
them - to be a calming influence on the women you take under your wing.

Transforming these negative reactions into positive ones is very simple. It

is done by simply trusting that there's no reason you're not enough, and
staying in set.

The girl is nervous and self-conscious. This might cause her to act like a socially
maladjusted moron - such as by pretending to ignore you, or trying to be "cool"
by acting aloof or insulting.

Once again, remain calm. Be patient with her and hold your frame.

(Your frame being that in a social environment, talking to new people is normal
and fun and isn't a big deal.)

As you continue to talk to her, she will relax. But it usually isn't a smooth
process in the beginning.

If she continues to give you objections, answer her with politeness and
simplicity. Say that you're not trying to pick her up, because you don't even
know her yet.

Empathise. Say, "Sorry, I know you must be getting approached by tons of

obnoxious guys. I'm just being social." Then stay in set and remain talking.

There's a classic rule: "Verbally, retreat; physically, advance."

This applies at all stages of the interaction at which you expect to encounter
resistance or objections.

Example - when you're in bed - you're kissing her and touching her (physical
escalation), while verbally saying: "We can't do this… This isn’t right… Stop, we

Or, when you go in for a makeout (for fun) with a girl you've just approached.
Physically lean in to kiss her, while verbally saying: "You'll never see me
again." (This works frighteningly well. Credit to Owen.)

Verbally retreat, physically advance.

And likewise, when you approach and the girl tells you to fuck off, verbally
retreat ("Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you") while physically staying
calm, remaining in set and continuing to talk to her.

Q. At what point should you take her objections seriously and leave?

A. After four objections, leave. Any fewer than four, stay in set. (This has been

But respond to every objection. Or rather, appear to have responded to it.

It doesn't matter if your answer to her objection is illogical, and this can often
actually be better.

At this point when I approach a girl and she says something nasty I remain calm
and tell her firmly: "There's no reason why you're not enough." She has no idea
what I'm talking about, it's great.

Be responsive, not reactive.

The doctor says, “you’re responding to the medicine” - that’s good.

The doctor says, “you’re reacting to the medicine” - that’s bad.

Be responsive to objections, but not reactive.

What's important is that she sees you're empathetically responding to her.

You're not just blindly approaching her and not listening to a word she says.

The important thing is to stay in set.

Continue to interact with her normally - as if you were a simpleton who didn't
understand that you were being asked to leave. (Again, this is classic Colombo

She'll thank you later for keeping your cool and being a man. Trust me.

Enduring initially negative reactions is a skill which takes a little bit of

practice to acquire. But once you learn it, there is no other skill in the game
which will profit you more in terms of both quantity of same night lays and
quality of the girls you sleep with.

When you learn the art of staying in set, you'll more often than not find that the
girls who gave you the worst initial reactions end up being the most affectionate,
loyal, playful little sex kittens later down the road.

This seems to be a biological law:

The more sweet, dorky and affectionate a hot girl is in reality, the
"nastier" will be her initial tests.

It's kind of sweet if you think about it: like on some level she knows that she falls
in love far too easily, so she tries to scare guys away because otherwise she
would become vulnerable and emotionally attached to every single guy who
approached her.

If you know how to endure tests while skillfully staying in set, this transformation
"hot_bitchy_ice_princess_who_looks_like_she's_stepped_out_of_a_porn" to
warm, affectionate, vulnerable, insecure little dork can sometimes happens in
less than half an hour spent together, or even less than a few minutes.

Sometimes it takes longer. You may have to sleep with her a few times before
she reveals her true nature.

But long term, it always happens eventually.

The question is: is it you who are going to be the man in this hot girl's life
who she shows her real personality to?

If you leave set early, then I can guarantee you that the answer to that question

When you understand that There is no reason you're not enough + Time is your
ally, a girl's initial reaction and all her objections are irrelevant.

This is very important because there is no way to control her initial reaction
predictably (trust me, I tried for many years)... but by staying in set you can, over

time, become arousing to almost every girl you meet without exception.

With time spent together, a "9" or "10" who is initially "aloof and unreceptive"
grows to tolerate you, then to become intrigued by you, and finally (if you
internalise and live by this paradigm) to become emotionally dependent on you,
and affectionate and loving towards you.

This is how it always goes with these types of girls. As I said, it's like a law of
nature: the worse her initial reaction, the more certain her later attraction.

The problem is that - as I said - our community has a deeply upside down idea
about how attraction works.

It's really as if we (the pickup community) invented a model of attraction that is

literally the exact opposite of how female attraction works in the real world.

Guys learning pickup assume that the first 30 seconds is the most important
part of the entire interaction, whereas it's actually the least important part.

I'm as guilty as any.

For a long time, my attitude to game was as follows: walk around the club
approaching girls until one shows indicators of interest, run some game, go for
the makeout, and try to get her to come home with me.

Sometimes this worked. Mostly, it got me nowhere.

When I say mostly, I mean that because only 5% of girls were immediately
attracted to me off the approach, then I was by default limiting myself to 5 out
of 100 girls that I could have potentially hooked up with if I had understood
the simple fact of biology that women's attraction to men is not instant, but
happens gradually over time spent together.

In other words, I was leaving attraction to chance rather than to design.

Game is not about gambling. It's about building relationships with the most
desirable women (even if those relationships only last for a night).

This is not to say that I didn't get some results from being an "approach
machine"... but the point is that I was depriving myself of the hottest girls,
whose initial reaction to being approached by a
"vague_blur_in_the_shape_of_a_man" is usually negative or at best "cool-
neutral" to begin with.

And who can blame them for that?

The "approach machine" mentality is great for beginners to build social

experience and confidence, but if you're in the game for sex with the best
looking women, then this kind of insecure, scattershot strategy is
suboptimal in the extreme.

(If you're still not entirely sure exactly how to absorb objections, endure tests
and transmute negative reactions into positive ones, bear in mind that we'll be
covering this aspect - which is the most important skill in the whole of game - in
much greater depth in the next module.)



So far, we have learned that attraction is a natural byproduct of time spent

together, and that to consistently sleep with a girl from cold approach, it will
usually be necessary to spend anything from 45 minutes to several hours with
her before she is likely to be comfortable and aroused enough to have sex.

(Paradoxically, when you have this kind of relaxed attitude, sex can actually end
up happening much sooner... but the point is to plan for the most likely

However, this raises a question.

If basically wasting time with the girl is the name of the game, what can
you do to fill up this time spent together?

The answer is, it doesn't matter what you do together so long as you're
spending time in each other's presence.

You can simply do what people normally do in clubs: get a drink, talk about
random boring shit, lead her around the club to different areas, talk to other
people together. It doesn't matter.

You can even cause chaos and confusion by approaching girls in front of her.
This is my current favourite move. Merge sets. It's hilarious watching the girls
nervously meet each other.

It can also be fun to mix classic game into your interactions, particularly push/

"Game" itself will NOT make her aroused enough to go home with you (only
time spent with you will do that).

But because you have to fill the time you spend with her anyway, you may as
well have fun with it. And game itself is like a "technology of fun" in the club. It's
incredibly entertaining and stimulating for both of you.

We'll get into this in more depth later, but for now, basic filler "material" you can
use while talking to a girl over a long period of time can include:

■ Teasing/complimenting. Tease her about something, compliment her
about other things. It's playful and cheeky, and it's more fun for both of
you than a stagnant conversation. With repetition, this will become your
habitual way of talking to girls, such that it doesn't require thought.

■ Playful tactile interaction. Pick her up and spin her around. Throw her
over your shoulder. Kiss her neck. Hug her. Dance with her. Fuck around.
The purpose is not to "attract her" or "make her horny" but rather to
excite and arouse yourself while showing her a good time. Learn to be
like a kid again: no inhibitions. (If you make a move which offends her,
back off and apologise courteously, but stay in set. Being tactile isn't a
big deal in a club or bar though: if you look around, there's usually tons of
guys picking girls up and stuff. It's just a playful, friendly thing. Girls love
it and laugh their asses off.)

■ Cold reads. This is just a more stimulating way of saying the same boring
stuff you normally would. For example, instead of saying, "What college
do you go to?" you say: "You seem like you're a ____ student." Or instead
of "What age are you?" you say: "You're about 21, right." It's a more
refreshing way of being talked to for the girl than how most guys
"interview" her.

■ Strong push/pull. This is profoundly powerful because it injects strong

emotions into any interaction. These days my verbal game is 95%
“strong” push/pull, and the results I've gotten from the most beautiful
women have been hallucinogenic. While this is not necessary for arousal,
it can become highly addictive. (This topic goes very deep and we're
going to get into it later in HOW TO MASTURBATE HER EMOTIONS.)

■ Leading her around the club (compliance ladder). From early on, take
her hand and lead her somewhere (bar, smoking area, dancefloor,
whatever). Then lead her somewhere else. Then somewhere else. It
doesn't matter where - it just matters that you're leading. This keeps the
interaction fresh and interesting, while also immensely reducing the
anxiety and indecisiveness that the girl will otherwise naturally feel
later on about going home with you. Leading her around the club both
puts you in the frame of "leader/decider/man" while also eliciting a
cognitive bias in human beings called "commitment and consistency
tendency". If we've already complied to someone's previous small
commands or requests, we're much more likely to comply to bigger

commands or requests later on. This is huge. (Again, we'll cover this in a
lot more detail in MIND CONTROL + INDOCTRINATION.)

The above behavioural patterns are NOT necessary to make the girl
aroused enough to go home with you, however.

They are simply a fun way to waste time with the girl until the end of the
night... which is what this is all about, ultimately.

You can also get laid very easily simply by doing and talking about whatever
comes naturally to you (asking boring questions, etc) and letting the
conversation develop of its own accord... assuming that you spend enough time
with the girl for her arousal to develop.

Most importantly, change your view of time.

What works in capitalism - time management; getting the greatest "value" from
the least time - is the opposite to what works in seduction.

Make your seduction deliberately time-inefficient.

Stop trying to attract her as soon as possible. Do the opposite. Waste time with
the girl.

This is what you'll be doing anyway if she later becomes your girlfriend or
fuckbuddy - basically just hanging out, watching DVDs, talking about random
things, and so on.

So you might as well begin from that frame.

There's no need to rush things, nor is there any fun in it.

The girl is beautiful and young and spontaneous and feminine. Appreciate the
time you get to spend in her presence, rather than huffing and puffing to get to
the "next stage" (which is ultimately bred out of insecurity and the desire to
“lock the girl in” before she loses interest - terrible fucking frame).

Imagine you're having a delicious authentic Italian meal. Why rush it? The whole
idea of sensual pleasure is to take things s-l-o-w. Enjoy every sensuous minute
instead of trying to "optimize for efficiency".

Picture someone trying to "optimize" the eating of an Italian meal. It defeats the
entire purpose of the enterprise. You may as well just drink a protein shake
instead, or a bowl of gruel.

Same thing with pickup. If what you care about is simply ejaculating as quickly
as possible, buy a fleshlight.

I'm told it feels the same as a real vagina. And if you combine the fleshlight with
porn, it will look the same too.

So why do you enjoy having sex with real women?

Because of their humanity, their femininity, their spontaneity and unpredictability,

the breath of life that's in them...

And these are aspects of a woman that you can take the time to appreciate and
become subtly aroused by from the moment you approach her regardless of
whether or not you have sex with her…

"...They think sex starts when you put your dick in. It actually starts when
you first open her at the club etc. Think about this one a lot."

- AzureSoul

Slow down. Enjoy the opportunity to waste time with a young, pretty, unique
female human being.

It's the ultimate luxury in life for a man. There is no greater form of relaxation.
Give yourself permission to enjoy this luxury of spending time with a girl.

The Machiavellian and pragmatic angle on this is that, paradoxically, it's when
you begin to come from a frame of appreciating every moment and taking
things slow with hot girls, that you end up having sex much faster and more

often than you otherwise would. (Providing that you have practice at skilfully
leading them to somewhere more isolated at the end of the night, of course.)

In other words, patience is actually the fastest way to get laid.

Is this paradoxical? Yes. But I don't know what to tell you.

I didn't design women, I just observe how they respond to stimuli. If you've got a
complaint you need to talk to someone else.


Q. I find it difficult to sustain charisma for even more than a few minutes,
let alone several hours.

A. That’s quite right. No one can sustain being charismatic for that long. But you
don’t need to be charismatic or witty or “alpha”, because that would go against
the central idea that there is no reason you are not enough.

It’s not the most charismatic man who gets laid. It’s the man who stays with the
girl until the end of the night that gets laid.

You can have the most singularly charismatic opener and the most impressive
approach. But it won’t get you laid. Time spent together is what gets you laid.

“Game” is simply supplemental, an entertaining and stimulating way of passing

the time - time which you’re going to be spending with the girl anyway.

When you approach a hot girl in a nightclub - a place where she's ill at ease,
getting hit on by drunk guys, and wearing uncomfortable high heels - her initial
reaction will likely be one of irritation and impatience.

That is, the same reaction anyone will give if they’re in a social situation in which
they’re not fully at ease.

Your job, however, is to be a calming influence. Look into her eyes as you
speak to her, and project a loud voice so as to be certain that you have her

But don’t try to be charismatic. Being charismatic, witty, or clever will not
comfort her or calm her. Often it will do the opposite, and elicit defensiveness
and a desire to seem “cool” around you – i.e. bitchy, guarded.

Instead of being charismatic:

■ Smile.

■ Laugh.

■ Poke a little fun at her.

■ Poke a little fun at yourself.

■ Talk to her normally (boring questions etc)

This is the essence of charisma. But you can't be charismatic if you're trying to
be. It’s a paradox.

Charisma is the unintended outcome of you being yourself and letting the chips
fall where they may.

Only high value people have the courage to be themselves: everyone else wears
a mask. Those few who don’t wear a mask attract attention, affection,
admiration and envy. This is all that charisma is: no filters.

You don't need verbal charisma or even that much confidence to have sex
with gorgeous women.

I’ve had sex so good it makes me want to cry with stunning girls who I met and
pulled while in some of the most uncharacteristically uncharismatic moods of my

I didn't do anything flashy or gamey. I simply approached them, spent time with
them for several hours in that environment (or at least, planned to), talked about
normal boring things, while occasionally hugging them playfully or touching
them lightly to emphasise a point, as I would do with my friends.

Then after a while, we ended up going home together and sex naturally ensued.
The magic ingredient was not my conversational skills, but my pigheaded
determination to stay in set and spend time with the girl.

With time, my masculine energy began to affect the girl and make her aroused,
and her feminine energy began to affect me. We both became more and more
aroused by each other, and becoming intimate was the natural progression once
we were somewhere more isolated.

Such experiences - of getting laid with hot girls when my game was actually at
its worst - happened to me enough times after a few years of cold approach that
I began to seriously question some of my major assumptions about what makes
a woman aroused enough to have sex.

I came to the conclusion, guided in part by experiences like these and in part by
the wise instruction of my mentor Alexander, that (to use his phrase) my "bad

game" was actually my good game... while my "good game" was actually
my bad game.

Behaving in a charismatic, confident, energetic, alpha male way is - without a

doubt - very attractive to women... But it also makes them nervous and

(A little bit like how you’d feel more nervous if personally introduced to a
supermodel who was wearing lingerie and high heels than you would be if she
was just wearing regular clothes. Rational? No. Human? Yes.)

So despite eliciting genuine attraction and even arousal (lots of club makeouts
and numbers), I was rarely pulling the types of girls that I wanted... because
despite - or maybe even because of - the girls’ high level of sexual excitement,
they were too nervous, self-conscious and defensive to go home with me.

On the other hand, even though simply being a little dork who talks about boring
stuff while physically staying with the girl over a period of time, may make you
look - to an outside observer - like the girl's "gay best friend"... who is she more
likely to end up in a bed with at the end of the night?

The charismatic, intimidating alpha guy who she feels defensive around and
wants to impress? Or the non-threatening "gay best friend" who she feels at
ease with and has spent several hours talking to?

In most cases, it will actually probably be the latter. Argue with me all you like:
try out both styles and see.

She'll end up being in an intimate situation with a guy she doesn't feel
threatened by. And you can then turn this very easily into sex, because most
girls are a lot more open to sexual pleasure in private, when “no one will know”...

I'm not saying you have to literally come across as gay (although I actually see
no reason why that couldn’t work), but think about it...

Try both styles for a long period of time and tell me which gets you the best
results not in terms of "initial attraction" and “good reactions”, but in terms of
cold, hard results - i.e. actual one night stands.

You may be surprised how easy it is to get sex when you finally unchain yourself
from the giant boulder of the "need to be, and come across as, alpha"...


■ When you come from the "I am enough" paradigm, your

interactions with women will generally look less like you're gaming
them, and more like the two of you have already slept together.

That is to say, it will simply look - to an outsider - very casual, like the two of you
could simply be friends... possibly more, but not necessarily.

It's a relaxed, low energy vibe.

You're not expending your energy to try to attract her and (usually) the girl won't
be giving you obvious IOIs... though she will be quiet and attentive (the only IOI
that counts).

You wouldn't feel the need to be "charismatic", "alpha" or "attractive" around a

girl you'd already fucked a dozen times...

And if you were in a bar with a girl who was already your girlfriend or FWB, you
wouldn't walk away from her and talk to other people. It would be assumed that
you’re there together.

Likewise, in "I am enough" game, you simply physically stay with the girl you
like, and talk to her normally, as if the two of you were already sleeping together.

Staying with her is not a big deal.

Intimacy is simply assumed in this frame.

Now, if you accidentally behave in a way that is charismatic and arousing (which
will happen automatically when you come from this frame) then so be it.

But it's not the aim to be impressive or seem cool, because making it the aim
would be to act in disharmony with the reality that there is no reason why you’re
not enough; that women are attracted to men, not game; and that time is your

Q. Doesn't this kind of game discourage "taking massive action"?

A. In a sense, it does. This paradigm (“women are attracted to me already,

without me having to do anything”) can make you kind of lazy.

The way to combat this laziness is to go out a lot. Expose yourself to lots of
feminine energy. This will increase your desire, and your killer instinct.

That being said, the "low energy" paradigm will actually often tend to
increase the amount of action you take (in terms of approaching and
staying in set) because it takes the pressure off and removes expectations.

When you realise that nothing you can say or do in the first one, five, ten, sixty
minutes can make a girl attracted... then the approach becomes less of a big
deal. So you end up approaching more.

When you anticipate the fact that the girl won't be attracted immediately, it
automatically removes the pressure of having to "make her attracted" through
your words or behaviour.

And so you end up approaching more girls, staying in set, and allowing
relationships to develop - because doing so isn’t perceived as a chore, but a

Subjectively - that is, to the people who are observing this - you appear to be
almost delusionally confident, especially compared to most other men in the
environment, in whom cowardice penetrates to the marrow of the bones.

But in reality, it's not that you're more confident.

It's just that you have a different model of how attraction works from that
of other guys - a more relaxed, patient model.

Rather than seeing some cute chick at the bar and internally agonizing over
what to open with, when you internalise that there is no reason why you are
not enough + time = attraction, there's zero pressure to be impressive in the
beginning or throughout.

You simply open with "hi".

Things become more and more simple. Everything just works.

Cold approach pickup becomes less about scrambling your "thinking machine"
in an attempt to come up with the most “alpha” thing you could possibly say on
the spot, and more about connecting in a normal, predictable way with
another vulnerable, self-conscious human being...

Simply asking the girl normal questions and having a regular boring
conversation does not require “wit” or “charisma”.

Of course, if you follow the Cumulative Charisma drill to warm up, you will find
that you have more things to say, that you’re more creative and that
conversation flows easier. But this isn't necessary for the girl's attraction, it's
just more fun for you.

Charisma is great. Gaming the girl is a lot of fun – for both of you.

But it isn't necessary for having sex with a very attractive girl. And as we said,
very often it will actually make you seem too high value - resulting in the girl
trying to be impressive and "too cool for school" in response.

Instead, become a Zen master of dumbing yourself down.



When you dumb yourself down, such as by acting silly, this gives the girl
tacit permission to be herself around you - a goofy little dork.


■ Dumb yourself down. Be playful. Learn to be like a child again.

■ Be less James Bond; more Silvio Berlusconi.

Being silly and playful elicits a more human response, whereas trying to be
"alpha" elicits the girl's preprogrammed model of how she thinks cool people
behave - which is usually to be "rude", "hostile", "bitchy", and so on.

You can resent her all you like for this "bitch persona", but remember:

(1) she's probably just mirroring the energy you're giving her (that of trying
to be cool).

(2) she's basically trying to impress you by behaving in this way... so it's
actually kind of cute, if a little bit moronic and socially naive.

If you want the girl to be vulnerable and normal around you, on the other
hand, you've got to make yourself vulnerable first.

Be playful. Show her that you don't take yourself seriously, and even that you
don't really take her seriously... in a fun way, though, not in an abrasive,
confrontational way.

When you make yourself look like a bit of an idiot while also staying in set and
enduring, she will feel more comfortable around you, and will be able to drop her
mask (the "club persona").

Dumbing yourself down for the girl can mean simply saying random nonsense -
talking to her like you would with a child... no logic, whimsical, random.

Alexander lets drink spill down his chin and shirt like a simpleton while talking to
turbo stunners. Or he says utterly dismal jokes like “If this beer was an
aeroplane then my head would be JFK airport.”

Just truly atrocious stuff. The point is that it couldn’t be a more stark contrast
with the try-hard “impressive” behaviour of the guys who normally approach
girls like this.

Poke a little fun at yourself.

For example, if you feel nervous or fearful, verbalise it. When you put it in words,
it usually comes across as extremely funny.

For instance, if I walk up to a girl and I feel an urge to seem cool because she
intimidates me, I'll literally say as an opener something like: "I'm trying to be
cool. Is it working?"

See, it's not intended to be funny. It's literally just me doing an internal scan of
my real (idiotic) human feelings and then verbalising them. But it paradoxically
ends up coming across as super charming, attractive and funny, because it
shows that I have enough trust in my own value as a man to make myself

This in turn gives the girl permission to be vulnerable herself... which is, on a
deeper level, what she actually wants out of a relationship with a man - to
feel free and alive and to have no responsibility to seem cool.

(Statements of vulnerability will backfire, by the way, if you try to "can" these

It only comes across as funny and fresh if you're literally expressing what you
actually feel in that moment, no matter how embarrassing.

It actually takes a little bit of practice to accurately scan your own emotions
sincerely and then articulate them in words. Most people have become so adept
at lying to themselves and others that they have lost the skill of accurately
reading their own emotions.)

The fact that you took initiative and approached a cute girl shows her that you're
a man of personal power - i.e. that you're a man who gets things done and is a
"force in his own context".

But in your actual relations with the girl you want to make yourself a little bit
vulnerable and silly so that she feels she can connect with you as a high status

This allows her to act like a nervous little dork around you and show you her
goofy, embarrassing sense of humour without being self-conscious or feeling
the need to play a role in front of you.

Part of the problem is that our culture has an upside down view of what a
"womanizer" is. We think of characters like James Bond - cool, suave, serious.

In reality, this is never how real-life womanizers actually behave.

In real life, it's men like Silvio Berlusconi or Jack Nicholson who are most
notorious for the incalculably vast number of beautiful young women they have
love affairs with.

And what are the attributes of Berlusconi or Jack Nicholson?

They're men of power and influence in their own context, sure. But in their actual
demeanor, they're playful, child-like, free.

They don't take themselves, anything or anyone seriously. (In Berlusconi’s case
this characteristic is obviously to his profound discredit as a statesman, but we
talk about him here merely in the context of his personal life.)

They know how to show a young, beautiful girl a good time and put her at ease,
and this inspires the loyalty and devotion of the staggering number of
devastatingly gorgeous girls they connect with.

Even someone like John F. Kennedy, while serious and hardworking in his career,
was able to be relaxed and playful in his dealings with the attractive young
women he had affairs with.

Being a man of value implies that you embody power, confidence and the force
of personality to get things done.

But when it comes to relating with the soft feminine nature, it's about being able
to shift gears, slow down, be playful, be silly, and to communicate with girls in a
fun, childish, illogical way that puts them at ease around a man who otherwise
embodies the hard and intimidating masculine nature of cold, self-sufficient

Q. And when the girl tries to act like you don't exist?

A. Imagine that you’re talking to a child, a niece or nephew.

The child is nervous and shy around you. You ask the child questions but it
doesn't answer. It avoids eye contact. It's shy.

You're a big scary man. Remember how a completely unfamiliar adult man made
you feel as a child? Usually they made you feel intimidated and nervous -
embarrassed of your own presence.

It's the same for women to a certain extent. Any unfamiliar male is a possible

In the the environment in which we evolved, it is believed that the average

human being had relations with a core tribe of, at most, about 100-150 people
over the course of their entire life.

Now I don’t know if that’s true, because I didn’t do the research. But if it is true,
it would account for a lot.

When a child, or a woman, encounters an unfamiliar adult male, it makes them

reflexively very nervous.

Why? Well, evolutionary psychologists will tell you that in the wild, if a woman or
child encountered a man they didn't know, it usually meant they were about to
be killed or taken as a slave.

Despite the thin veneer of civilization, women and children still have the same
hardwired (and evolutionarily, rational) reflexive fear of unfamiliar adult men.

Men are scary. You, as a man, are scary.

Think of the horror that men inflict. We do not have a good track record. It is
rational to be afraid of us by default.

Walking down the street past dark is a very different experience for a woman or
child than it is for you or me. Women and children may as well inhabit a different

So to return to our analogy, you talk to your sister's kid. The kid doesn't
respond. It's shy. You're scary to the kid. Does this make you offended? No. Are
you being "rejected"? Of course not.

You’re patient with the child. You smile a lot. You make little jokes. Gradually the
child is less shy and talks back, begins to engage with you more.

And over time you become friends and the child enjoys being in your presence
and looks forward to it, rather than the opposite.

It’s the exact same basic process when out talking to some chick in a bar
or club.

Initially she will be tense around you. This will make her come across as "blasé",
"sceptical" or otherwise defensive. She may try to pretend to ignore you - mostly
because she feels nervous and doesn't know what else to do.

It is very rare that I approach a girl who likes me immediately - or even

treats me like a human being immediately.

Most often, when I approach a girl, her response is a face of disgust or horror, as
if I’m some kind of leper.

That doesn’t affect me internally, because I know that she is simply nervous.
That face is a defence mechanism.

And I know this because I myself used to be incredibly uncomfortable

around strangers, and when somebody I didn’t know tried to talk to me I
would react in a way that undoubtedly came across as rude and hostile,
such as by trying to seem "aloof".

I acted in this way because I was scared.

Scared of them, scared of conversation, scared of being put on the spot.

It had nothing to do with them, and everything to do with me.

I was afraid. I wanted to seem cool.

I was hostile to them even if I liked the person...

In fact I acted most "aloof" when I perceived that person as being higher status
than me... such as when an older guy who I respected talked to me, or a girl
who I had a crush on.

The more hostile the girl’s reaction, the more nervous she is around you...
This does not mean you’re not potentially attractive to her: very often it
signifies the exact opposite.

As a general rule, I say again, dumb yourself down a little. Try not to come
across as "high status". Otherwise she won't feel at ease around you.

Nowadays, I approach a girl. Her reaction is one of horror, disgust, and so on.
That’s okay. I continue talking to her, like a normal person. I dumb myself down,
I make little jokes, I'm playful, I touch her lightly as I talk. I might throw her over
my shoulder and pretend I'm kidnapping her for fun, then I put her down. It's

As we interact more, she unwinds. She smiles more. She laughs more. She
opens up. She and her group become more loyal and affectionate toward me,
and look to me for leadership and protection from the various annoying pests
who approach them in the club.

The same girl who treated me like I was scum five or ten minutes ago is now
making out with me, hugging me, staring into my eyes, laughing with me,
punching me on the shoulder, and so on. Why?

Because I have internalised a single belief, which I now base my entire





And when you realise that women are magnetically attracted not to any
specific type of man, but to masculine energy in general, then you realise the
importance of spending time with the girl so that she can absorb your masculine
energy and become aroused by you.

When you get this right, it is lethally effective.

This paradigm of game takes a little bit of discipline and practice to master -
especially if you have to deprogram yourself from the old "approach machine"
mentality of game as I did.

It may actually be easier for someone who's never approached a girl to learn this
style, because they don't have to uproot their own "pickup conditioning" as in
my case.

On the other hand, a man who is experienced with the old paradigm of game
may have to reprogram himself with a couple of new "behavioural scripts", while
deprogramming a few old scripts... but any experience he has had will come
back to him tenfold once he's mastered this style.

Trust me, it's worth the effort.

After a certain point of competence at the core principles has been

attained, this paradigm is basically equivalent to a factory for turning girls
who "rejected" you into willing sex objects...

And it all happens completely under the radar.

As you begin to accept and come into congruence with the idea that there's no
reason you are not enough, and that attraction happens automatically over

time, this new mental software will begin to completely rewire your perceptions,
your mood and your behaviour in a way that is unconsciously attractive to girls
by default.

Women can't not be aroused by you when you internalise this paradigm shift...

As you come into internal alignment with the "I am enough” frame, you'll find
that you feel more confident, less uptight, and less emotionally reactive to how
people view you in general.

By staying in set and enduring tests, you'll unconsciously and congruently signal
authority, high value and extreme self-confidence without actively trying to.

And most importantly, you'll be able to turn even the most "cold", "aloof",
"bitchy" turbo-stunners into needy, playful, emotionally reactive little sex
kittens, without even being fully conscious of how you're doing it…


What happens when you approach, stay in set, and endure tests
(“awkwardness” and "bitchiness") - working always under the assumption that
there is no reason you are not enough and that time is your ally - is that even
though the girl didn't start out being attracted to you, she finds herself becoming
more and more aroused by you over time, largely because you appear to have
total self-trust in your own value.

This kind of “airtight” self-belief is magnetic to women.

By coming from the frame that the girl will become attracted to you the more
that her feminine energy mixes with your masculine energy over the course of
the interaction, you appear to people to be delusionally confident and
charismatic - even at the times that you don't feel that way.

However, there's more to this than simply "self-brainwashing".

This "time is your ally" frame of is not only useful, encouraging and practical: it
also happens to be true on a biological level.

Regardless of whether or not the girl is initially attracted to your "type", you're a
man and she's a woman.

Chemically, what’s happening in a girl’s body when you spend time with her and
socialise in a playful way, is that oxytocin is gradually being released in her
brain.5 Oxytocin is responsible for feelings of trust, comfort, emotional warmth
and - in women - for sexual arousal.

As a result, she feels good around you. As oxytocin is gradually released into her
synapses, you will find that with time spent together in the minutes and hours
after your initial approach her emotions open up gradually like a blossoming
flower... as does her sexual nature.

But you need to give her the opportunity to absorb your masculine energy. That

i. Approaching

ii. Staying in set (up to four objections: after four, leave)

iii. Re-approaching (up to four objections/“rejections”)

This is a slow-release game. The oxytocin that makes her attracted to you is
released in her brain slowly, over time. Not all at once, immediately upon
meeting you.

This is different to male sexual attraction which is more or less


If you approach her, talk for several minutes, and then leave, you’re not giving
her internal biological processes the time they need to even begin to make her
horny for you.

Likewise, if you approach and she gives you a rude reaction, and you leave,
you’re depriving her of the opportunity to become attracted to you over time,
and to be opened up by your masculine presence and energy.

5 “Oxytocin, a mediator of anti-stress, well-being, social interaction, growth and healing”, Uvnas-
Moberg K, Petersson M, “Oxytocin may mediate
the benefits of positive social interaction and emotions”, Uvnäs-Moberg K, http:// “The Role of Oxytocin in Relation to Female Sexual
Arousal”, Blaicher W, Gruber D, Bieglmayer C, Blaicher A, Knogler W, Huber J, http://

When you initially approach, the girl may be initially skeptical, hostile and
defensive for the first several minutes. That's alright: its just means she doesn't
yet have the emotional strength to react calmly to the approach of a high value

This gives you the opportunity to show that you are a man by remaining calm,
and calming her.

You can calm her simply by staying with her and enduring tests in the form of
rudeness and defensiveness.

Empathise or joke around or tease her. You can run some “game” on her, by
doing push/pull and so on - as long as you're doing this to amuse yourself, not
to try to make her attracted. Or you can simply talk to her normally, ask her
regular questions, vibe off regular topics.

The important thing is not what you do, but that you stay with her.

The content – the words, the actions – are not important. What’s important is the
masculine and human energy she’s absorbing while in your physical presence.

And what do you have to do to emanate masculine and human energy?

Nothing. It’s emanating from your body right now whether you like it or not
(assuming that you're a male, and a human).

If you follow the protocols of Animal Magnetism, you will increase your baseline
of masculine energy – that is, your magnetism.

But simply by being a man, you are already emanating enough masculine energy
to be attractive to any woman, as she gets to know you with time spent

Likewise the girl will become attracted to you, comfortable around you, dorky
and vulnerable around you, almost involuntarily, the more time that you spend
with her.

It is a biological law.

When a virile man and a fertile woman spend enough time in each other’s space,
sexual tension (i.e. attraction) is the lawful and inevitable result. It cannot be any
other way.


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